Been eating crap lately. Help!

I can't seem to find the discipline to eat right and everyday I'm looking for excuses to not workout. I've lost 10lbs so for with mfp and have gained noticeable muscle mass. I want to continue to lose at least 20lbs more but every time I go grocery shopping, all I want is junk and can't even think of anything healthy I would want to eat.
I have noticed a huge difference in my mood and overall health. I'm tired and that makes me want even more bad food. I feel as if I'm just spiraling out of control at this point. How can I stop this and get back on track? I've always heard the last 10/15 pounds are the hardest to lose but damn this is rough.


  • tpalit2001
    tpalit2001 Posts: 24 Member
    Are you going grocery shopping while hungry? I find that I make much better choices when I go after a full meal. Weird, huh?

    Could it be that you're actually under your calorie requirement and the hunger signals are actually real?
  • burntoutphilosopher
    burntoutphilosopher Posts: 74 Member
    How are you defining junk foods ?

    Good whole fats are really filling...and stay with you for a nice long time.
    ... what specifically do you crave I'll try to brainstorm alternatives.
  • white0rabbit0
    white0rabbit0 Posts: 21 Member
    Well I usually am full when going to the grocery store. I think it has been me just being in an emotional funk I can't shake. And mostly I crave salty chips and pizza. Cheese anything and breads. I've tried eating salads and I can't do it. I usually LOVE salads.
  • white0rabbit0
    white0rabbit0 Posts: 21 Member
    Also I am eating my required calories according to mfp. I haven't gained weight but I've stopped losing it
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Is it PMS? Make air popped popcorn at home with kernels in a brown paper bag. Make some kind of cheesy pizza alternative. Also, just be good in the grocery store :)
  • white0rabbit0
    white0rabbit0 Posts: 21 Member
    edited May 2017
    It's not but pms definitely messes with my diet. I usually go through at least one bottle of rosé around that time.
  • LZMiner
    LZMiner Posts: 300 Member
    I feel your pain! Peanuts in the shell are addicting and I have waaay too many open bags of chips lying around! It's a slippery slope...once you cave, it's easy to cave again. Grrrrrr!
  • white0rabbit0
    white0rabbit0 Posts: 21 Member
    You are so right! I have a big bag of pistachios and I have to remind myself that just because they are healthy doesn't mean I can eat the whole bag.
  • work_on_it
    work_on_it Posts: 251 Member
    The first time i hit my goal (I'm back at it again) - that last 7 was just brutal. i started skipping rest days of cardio and running sprints. I would sprint for 20 seconds... walk for 5.... sprint for 20... walk for 5. It didn't take long. After about 10 minutes of that i was exhausted, but the heart was racing and the sweat was pouring. I need to do it again soon. Good luck!
  • white0rabbit0
    white0rabbit0 Posts: 21 Member
    That sound rough but like an awesome workout!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    do you use a food scale to weigh all your portions?
    are you logging everything?
    using correct MFP database entries?
    are you eating back 100% of your exercise burned calories?
  • rolenthegreat
    rolenthegreat Posts: 78 Member
    Does your local grocery have a shopping service? I can place an order online with our local Kroger's and then just pick it up without having to actually 'shop'.
    I don't use it every time but if grocery shopping is giving you anxieties/where you go wrong it could help remove some temptation.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Are you logging things before you eat them? Sometimes if I want something yummy I will log it first to see what it does to the rest of my day (how many calories are left) and that will change my mind! Create a healthy meal plan and list for the week before you go grocery shopping.
  • monicaamy902
    monicaamy902 Posts: 55 Member
    Does your local grocery have a shopping service? I can place an order online with our local Kroger's and then just pick it up without having to actually 'shop'.
    I don't use it every time but if grocery shopping is giving you anxieties/where you go wrong it could help remove some temptation.

    I love this idea!! I do really good with my food service, but the second I walk into a grocery store, there is 2-3 times the amount of food I came in to buy!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Try veggies with a salty dip? I make my own. Cottage cheese and artichokes/spinach, spices, blended well. Great protein boost and relatively low-calorie.
  • white0rabbit0
    white0rabbit0 Posts: 21 Member
    I do log everything I eat however I don't have a good scale. And I usually only eat half the calories I've burned from exercise.
    I do have a local grocery store that has a program like that.
  • white0rabbit0
    white0rabbit0 Posts: 21 Member
    Maybe I should do a small fast to help kickstart my healthy eating habit again.
  • NoIdea103
    NoIdea103 Posts: 15 Member
    This may be something absolutely not relevant, but i'm going to chuck it in their anyway as an example of how it can really help to 'know' your body; it sounds like you are craving salty, carby foods and I ALWAYS get that the day after drinking, or if I am overly tired. Are you drinking in the evenings, or are you getting enough sleep (sometimes even just getting an hour less than i'm used to over three or four consecutive nights can have the 'tired' effect even if i'm not physically falling asleep at my desk)? If I go grocery shopping with a lack of sleep I always reach for the junk-y, comforting food. Maybe there is something out of whack with your routine having an effect you are consciously unaware of? Just something to maybe consider. Anyway, good luck :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I do log everything I eat however I don't have a good scale. And I usually only eat half the calories I've burned from exercise.
    I do have a local grocery store that has a program like that.

    Get a food scale and weigh everything....eyeballing portions results in 25-35% error rate in logging...
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I can't seem to find the discipline to eat right and everyday I'm looking for excuses to not workout. I've lost 10lbs so for with mfp and have gained noticeable muscle mass. I want to continue to lose at least 20lbs more but every time I go grocery shopping, all I want is junk and can't even think of anything healthy I would want to eat.
    I have noticed a huge difference in my mood and overall health. I'm tired and that makes me want even more bad food. I feel as if I'm just spiraling out of control at this point. How can I stop this and get back on track? I've always heard the last 10/15 pounds are the hardest to lose but damn this is rough.

    You're human! We all go through something similar to this from time to time. I have children in the home so I still buy snacks and things that they enjoy occasionally so it's easy to want those things. Hang in there. You're doing great! You've come a long way.