I have taken creatine on and off for almost 20 years and I've only had positive results. More strength and muscle bulk. Just be sure to drink plenty of water.
I have used it off and on for about 20 years and I've only seen benefits in strength and size.
Nice! Bear those arms girl!
It helped with portion control and was user friendly and that's about it. I got so tired of the food. It just left a nasty taste! One major reason I did it was because someone wanted to do program with me. I'd never do it again.
I have used nutrisystem before. I lost the weight but gained it back a few months later.
Hit the strength training!
I have worked with athletes coming back from ACL tears and also injury prevention exercises. I would invest in some minibands and do shuffles, squat pauses, and agility ladders. ISO holds on one leg as well. The key is strengthening the hips to help stabilize the knee. Hope this helps.
Perhaps an adjustment on macros if you feel like you have leveled out. Lifting weights would help but like the above post says, you can't target one area.
I have been trying to do 100 push-ups in 1:30. Average just one in less than a second. First time I did it in 2:15 and next time went up to 2:45. This morning I cranked out a 100 in 1:56.
Starbucks is a nice treat but spending that much money on a consistent basis for that much sugar is not something I want. I like good coffee for sure but I just add a little milk or cream.
Have you looked into stronglifts 5x5?
Genetics plays a huge roll in having a body like that. I think we get to caught up in trying to look like someone else instead of just being a fit version of ourselves. Some could look like her with proper discipline and doing it healthy while others not so much.
You have been polite and everyone should appreciate that.
Not offended at all. It's a great question. For me it's simply being appreciative and disciplined with what God has given me. Our bodies aren't perfect and to try to make them that isn't healthy. I think we should take care of it since it is the temple of God. I find when I try to do things in my own strength I fail. When…
Very pretty pic! I hope you are prepared for all the friend requests. Lol!
That was a cheat meal for me in college. I usually ate snack Ramon
Get some minibands and strengthen your hips.
I'm into powerlifting and oly lifting.
Get some minibands! So many glute and hip activation exercises you can do.
Oh! No way!
What are your goals?
Terrible diet! My aunt lost 80 lbs then gained 90 one year later. Her metabolism is messed up and has no more muscle tone.
Good advice here. Don't underestimate the minibands for building the booty. I would also suggest doing short sprints. 50-100 meter sprints. Do them in repeats. You'll feel burn through glutes and hammies and quads. Look at the booties of sprinters! Need I say more?
I've said it on other threads and I'll say it again. Goodbye to the flat butt era of the 80s and 90s! Why couldn't this movement starterted earlier?
Today is a new day. Don't guilt yourself. It only makes it harder to stay on track.
Nice smile :)
Repeat 200 meter sprints burn fat like crazy. Sprint at about 75-80% then rest 30 sec and go again. Try to add an extra one every week.
Muscles popping out those jeans
Yes! Mind, body, and soul