Rubysue17 Member


  • Hi Anna. Just remember: veggies, veggies, veggies, fresh fruits, especially berries, lean meats, fish and chicken. Make sure you get "good" fats. Make sure you drink a lot. Protein keeps you satieted. I have to limit carbs, but don't cut them out completely. Research on the internet to start to understand about eating…
  • Hi Judy My name is Sue and you can friend me if you want. Welcome to the journey! It won't be easy and it will be frustrating at times, but it's all worth it!
  • you certainly do want to cut out refined sugars, fruit on the other hand has natural sugars, complex. I try to eat only fresh fruits. You should "eat the rainbow" in fruits and veggies. Again fresh veggies and lots of them without a big blob of butter! As far as protein goes, I don't think our body needs a whole lot of…
  • when I started this January I had over 100 pounds to lose. I am down 55. I will add you all.
  • I have lost 18.5 pounds in the last 3 months.
  • How on earth did you do that since November of 2016? Seriously, let me in on your secrets! I've been doing this since January and have barely lost 50! Great job, sure hope you keep it all off. Kudos!
  • Pennsylvania!
  • None of you have mentioned your age, but by your pics, you all look fairly young. You think it's hard now? HA! wait till you hit 50 or 60! I hate to be "Debbie Downer" but its right around the corner! Even from the age of 60 to 68, which I am now, what a difference! I was in much better shape at 60, but over those eight…
  • How long have you been at it? I found the cravings stopped after a couple of weeks. Drinking water before meals help and filling up on veggies helped to keep me from getting hungry. Of course every now and then I just have to have that desert!
  • Kat said: I am new to Fitness Pal. How can I add you? click on her name, then click on it again. You will see from there. Feel free to add me too. I am 68 and started this journey in January weighing 280. I am now 233. A ways to go yet, but feel confident I will get there! You will too. Just gotta figure out what works for…
  • I totally agree with grayrider61. First decide your "why". That's your first motivation! I could not stand the way I felt. Forget about the way I looked! I could not stand feeling like a blimp anymore, and some things were getting hard for me to do. Then take baby steps and change one thing at a time. You can add me if you…
  • try to eat food closest to their natural state, not a lot of processed junk! Stay away from fried foods, sweets and watch the fat content. Also weigh and measure everything! Oh and only weigh yourself once a week. I used to weigh myself every single day and became so obsessed. Now I weigh on Friday or Saturday morning and…
  • Hi Kendra & rdonnini I am a mom of 1 grown child and am older than both of you! I am 67. I agree it is quite the struggle. I've been doing really well since the beginning of the year, but yesterday I broke down and had some chips AND cookies! Today is a new day so hopefully no chips and cookies for me! Please friend me if…
  • Are there no older people on here that want new friends?...I am "older" and would love some new "old" friends.Older women seem to have more trouble loosing weight it seems. Please friend me if you like. I am in my 60's!
  • could you give us an example of what you eat in a days time?
  • I have high BP, so I have to be mindful of my sodium intake. A woman I work with has low BP and she was told by her doctor to eat more salt. She eats salt like crazy! There is so much "hidden" sodium in foods, I do not usually add salt to my food anymore, once in a while I do. I figure if I have a "taste" for it, I must be…
  • did you figure out how many calories per day you need to consume for weight loss? You should eat a healthy "snack" between meals of about 100 calories as well. What about water? Try to drink 6-8 8 ounce cups daily. Eat plenty of veggies and have about one to one and a half cups of fresh fruit a day. You should not be…
  • Nothing tastes as good as being thin will feel!
  • Name: Sue Age: 67 Height: 5'6" SW 280 GW 150 so I started this journey at the beginning of the year on my own. I Lost 13 pounds the first month :) and nothing in February :( . Made a call to a local weight loss center. I had an informational appointment at the center in March. I weighed in at 266. Started tracking my food…
  • soda is so bad for you! :s If you can't go cold turkey, try drinking less every day and replace that with lemon water or other fresh fruit water. Unfortunately, diet soda is just as bad, except you don't get those empty calories you do with the regular. Artificial sweetener is bad for you too, so don't use that in any…
  • I was born in Oklahoma. Live in PA!
  • I drink water when I think I am hungry. Lots of times we aren't really hungry, we are dehydrated. it helps from going over your calorie limit. I try to drink 48 ounces a day, but it doesn't always happen! I am supposed to be getting 1400 calories a day, but I freaked out when my dietician told me that so she settled for…
    in Help Comment by Rubysue17 June 2017
  • It's all very daunting, isn't it? Don't let it overwhelm you! My advise is not to think about loosing over 100 pounds. It sounds insurmountable! Set small goals, like 20 or 25 pounds. I started at the beginning of the year, lost 13 pounds in January, but .....0 in February. So I called a local weight loss clinic. (They…