LowKee84 Member


  • I tend to eat a whole serving so like, a tin of tuna or a premade chicken meal so I just scan the barcodes for them. For porridge and fruit salads I've been weighing them though.
  • Thank you.
    in Day 5 Comment by LowKee84 June 2017
  • I was looking at that, 5 meals a day @ 300-400 calories each would be easier to keep track off. All those suggestions are very helpful but currently I'm really at the basics still, like where is the oven, how do I turn it on lol. I was my parents last child before they separated so I was mum's baby for the longest, as a…
    in Day 5 Comment by LowKee84 June 2017
  • Depends what it is you're wanting to do exercise wise. Cv, resistance, both?
  • Thank you. :)
    in Day 2 Comment by LowKee84 June 2017
  • http://tabatatraining.org It's pretty intense Hiit training which will get your heart and lungs going and iirc it's supposed to boost your metabolism a lot for 48 hours. Read into it first though in case I'm wrong.
  • My maintenance intake is 2400, I'm eating around 1900 purely because I was eating so little for so long I can't eat anymore than that.
    in Day 2 Comment by LowKee84 June 2017
  • Damn that's a lot of food.
    in Day 2 Comment by LowKee84 June 2017
  • Hertfordshire, UK.
  • Well I'm 586 calories away from my goal and frankly, I don't care! I feel like I'm about to give birth at any minute.
    in Day 2 Comment by LowKee84 June 2017
  • I'm new here and looking for motivational friends.
  • I'm very new so definitely would like new friends.
  • I'm very new, but in too!
    in ADD TRAIN Comment by LowKee84 June 2017
  • Ah, that sounds spot on. I've been training consistently for about 4months now, I dropped 6kgs very quickly but I've just hit a wall now. My weight fluctuates between 80.5 and 81.5kgs now but I'm still making gains in reps per set and weight increase.
    in Hey all. Comment by LowKee84 June 2017
  • I kinda knew I was eating less calories than required, that was intended for weight loss... I just had no idea how little I really was getting. I do wonder though, as I've been eating so little and weight training, how comes I've not lost any weight?
    in Hey all. Comment by LowKee84 June 2017
  • Hey. I just joined today myself. I'm already finding it quite useful, it was great walking around Morrison's, scanning my dinner then seeing how many calories I had left for pudding :wink:
  • I go to the gym most days so I'm definitely interested in friends who are motivational, inspiring and informed in regards to training and eating right.
    in Hey all. Comment by LowKee84 June 2017