Heaven By Bryan Adams is on Pandora right now
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In 32 years of PL and BB, Most of there are just trendy routines. You have to find what works for you. While it isnt rocket science, most those workouts do nothing for average lifters. My own workout that I've designed is what works for me.
6-7. Sometimes 2 a-days, depends on what I am lacking. Abs and Calves usually on second workout.
Depends on the goal. If you are Bodybuilding or Powerlifting, then not the best. Volume is hard to meet, specially on upper body, since they categorize either Push or pull. Cant get the volume like other BB workouts. If your goal is to just stay active, then its fine. Ive just yet to see anyone get great results. What I…
JEFIT Workout Log Chest and Tri's Barbell Bench Press 320.83 Set 1 : 135x15 Set 2 : 225x12 Set 3 : 235x12 Set 4 : 250x10 Set 5 : 275x8 Set 6 : 315x5 Set 7 : 185x8 slow pause reps med and bottom Barbell Incline Bench Press 273.33 Set 1 : 185x10 Set 2 : 185x10 Set 3 : 205x10 Set 4 : 215x8 Set 5 : 185x10 Dumbbell Incline…
No offense, for something like this, I would not ask a single person on an APP.. Go to a doctor. You are going to get far too many "expert opinions here that could lead to injury or possibly death. See your health care professional and they will lead you to the correct answers.....
I se so many people doing "push pull" and honestly Its not enough volume for me. As a competitive BB, this type of routine doesn't allow me to isolate body parts to the degree as I am on my current routine. Its an Ok routine for those trying to "stay in shape" or general fitness In case your wondering, my routing is as…
My routine rotates 4 days on, 1 off, some weeks 7 days a week, some 6.
Yep. BB here also. I dont use the App as much as Id like but it is a very useful tool. Sometimes you will find out just how little you are eating compared to what you need to be,
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What yall talking bout. Im 39 and still a teenager...............
Not really... I do at work alot.. I work in a hospital around nurses, very few men... Honestly youll never hear a guy say this, but it does get kinda old... I take my job serious.. And the Gym... LMAO... Only thing I notice, is me and the bench... Thats MY time!
Don't stress. Just let it count as your "cheat day". You are allowed. I understand the feeling, I miss one day in the gym and I feel like I took 10 steps backwards. It takes more than 1 day or 1 slip up. Don't beat yourself up and just move forward twice as hard. Look at your result up to this point, the good out weigh…
Its accurate but it's only a tool that allows you to visibly see your diet habits. If you follow the recommended micronutrients and caloric recommendations, then you will see positive results. The diet is only half of it, follow a good exercise and fitness regimen and you will definitely see drastic changes. Good luck and…
Welcome! If you need anything, feel free!
Yes the more you eat, the hungrier you get! I am hungry mentioning it... And I just ate an hour ago...
I am 5'7" 155lbs 6.69% bodyfat. I maintain anywhere from 2800 to 3400 cal a day at 40/30/30. At first it is very hard to maintain that day in and day out but eventually my appetite caught up. Personally I start early 530 Prework out shake, post work out shake, then ahour later breakfast. Before lunch I have about 1200 cal.…
HI yall! Feel free to add me if you need someone to help keep you accountable or just want a friend with similar interest. Thanks!
Interesting... Most people are the opposite when starting a new Diet or Plan. Your body begins to think that you're starving. Alot happens when this happens physiological and hormonal. Your system gets flooded with the hunger hormone called "ghrelin", making it hard to resist eating and feeling hungry when you really are…
For me, workouts give me, not necessarily "energy" but a natural feel good. In the beginning you may feel worn out and tired but give it time and your body should adjust. Good luck! Happy Training!
Are you asking or telling? lol Eggs are a great source of protein!
I believe its called Calorie banking. Most I know save the for the weekends or that one day you feel like crap. Its not so much "weekly" you have to look out for but long range plans in general. Weekly is a better way to keep track of it. Just be careful with it. I wouldn't recommend it in the beginning but wait awhile to…
Im not sure if the premium does it or not. I believe you have to manually add it up.
4.17 month billed at 49.99 yearly or 9.99 a month paid each month
Hey Kayla Dont beat yourself up. You are not alone in this battle. Its not about what others think of you but what you think of yourself. You have to do what makes you happy! I'm going to add you. If you ever have questions or need help, please let me know. I can give you advise if you want.
Added! Need a good laugh at something else other than myself..
Good Luck! Nothing better than feeling good about yourself!
Ive been 21 for 18 years now.... At least I feel the exact same...