ladysnickerdoo Member


  • I've used that tag on several sites. The original one was supposed to be Ladysnickerdoodle but the site had a limit on the number of characters and it cut me off and wouldn't let me do the whole name but I thought it was cute that way so I kept it. It makes me think of cookies too.
  • I've been MIA for awhile. Last Thursday I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled. I underestimated how much it would effect my energy levels. I can push through pain but not when all I want to do is sleep. I'm sure the meds had something to do with it but all I know is I was like, "Wow! Eating breakfast was exhausting. Let's…
  • I've been MIA for awhile. Last Thursday I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled. I underestimated how much it would effect my energy levels. I can push through pain but not when all I want to do is sleep. I'm sure the meds had something to do with it but all I know is I was like, "Wow! Eating breakfast was exhausting. Let's…
  • Wasn't feeling it this morning. I haven't been sleeping well and it is wearing on me. Decided I would do my walk this afternoon instead. I ended up taking a nap this afternoon which I haven't done in a long time. Then walked with my daughter to the library. Des Moines does a challenge each summer where you visit all 31…
  • No official run/walk Wednesday but we went to our local living history museum for the fourth and did a lot of walking. It was a rest day anyway and I managed to get my strength routine in that morning. Yesterday I went out for my run. Day 3 week 4 of my C25K. It was beautiful weather for running but for some reason my body…
  • I haven't answered some of the questions yet to here goes.. I am in Des Moines, Iowa. Lived here most of my life, except for three years in Las Vegas. My story is nothing special. I have never been a runner, never thought I would ever be one. I have too many places that jiggle, if ya know what I mean, and running seemed…
  • I'm back for July. Decided my goal for this month would be 60 miles combined walking/running. I'm off to a decent start. I missed the last few days in June because we were busy car shopping but we finally found what we wanted and bought it yesterday. Yay! Through the process I also discovered that my previously horrible…
  • I joined a running thread group last month but it was too intense for me. This is more my pace. I'm in the middle of week 4 of an 8 week Couch to 5K app. I've been trying to run (following the app's plan) 3 days a week and then walk on the off days. So far I have done a pretty good job, although July is off to a bit of a…
  • Rest day yesterday spent at the local amusement park. My legs were sore this morning from all the walking (especially in the not so lazy river) but hubby kicked me out of bed with a, "It's your running day. No excuses. Get going!" So out I went and I'm glad I did. Once I got going things loosened up a bit and it actually…
  • @RunsOnEspresso I do track my sleep with the garmin but it only tells me light/deep/awake. I usually average about 30/70 deep/light but I have never been a good sleeper. I also notice that some of my awake registers as light sleep. No run today as it is a rest day. I am going to a local theme park with some family today so…
  • @Elise4270 yes they do have goslings. I am sure that's why they are being so territorial. I do enjoy boxing... ;)
  • I really enjoyed reading all the race reports. They were inspiring. Told hubby I want to sign up for a 5k this October and he was all about it! I think we are going to do it together!!! My original plan was to work for my daughter's 5k with Girls on the Run and I still plan in doing that but it would be nice to have…
  • Yesterday I did the first day of week 3 of my C25K app. Never thought I could run for 3 minutes straight and I did it twice! Today was my rest day for the C25K so I went for a walk this morning instead. Did strength training and the bike at the gym. When we got home my daughter asked to walk to the library. How could I say…
  • My daughter decided she wanted to walk to the library. So much for that rest today... Added 1.69 miles in 36 minutes.
  • No running today but I did get a good walk in this morning before going to the dentist. Then off to the gym for strength training and 20 minutes on the bike. Gotta mow before it rains this afternoon then maybe I can take a break and relax for a few minutes... 1.76 miles in 34 minutes.
  • Got my run/walk in this morning. I was worried about the 3 min run/3 min walk because it was quite a jump from the 90 sec run/90 sec walk I was doing before but I did it! Turns out it was 2 sets of each so the jump wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. C25K day 1 week 3 is in the books! Rest day tomorrow so I will probably…
  • Did my InBody scan at the gym today. Super depressing. I gained 1.8 pounds in the last 2 weeks. Only .3 of that was muscle. My BFP did drop a bit so I'm not sure if it was just a lot of extra water or if the little bit of muscle gained was able to offset any fat gain. I'm sure it's the fact that my nutrition has been…
  • I'm not usually skipping them, except for today. I usually try to get a walk in on my rest days.
  • Today was supposed to be a rest day but I really felt like running so out I the rain. Well ok, more of a mist but it actually felt good. Kept me cool! I have been driving to a paved walking path near my house but today I decided to use my warmup to get there. Almost made it. Needed to run the first set on the…
  • Took a rest day yesterday...and indulged in pizza. So I'm feeling guilty today. I haven't done well with my nutrition this June even if my minutes of exercise are good. I've been tracking everything...just can't seem to stay away from all the junk when I'm home and not busy at work all day. :/ So anyway I pushed it a bit…
  • Weather was a little better this morning. Dew point and humidity still high but the temperature was a bit lower. Ran/walked 2.23 miles in 32 minutes then off to the gym for strength training and 30 minutes on the bike. I'm feeling good today about my effort. I also decided to modify my ticker since I'm almost to the 40…
  • The last few days have been busy so here's an update... 6/16 rest day...but I spent over 2 hours in the yard/garden so I guess it wasn't really a rest day 6/17 accidentally walked to church and back. 1.3 miles. Hubby and I walked out and locked the door without the car/house keys. Oops! He had to use a ladder to climb in a…
  • The last few days have been busy so here's an update... 6/14 pouring rain so had to run on the elliptical. Managed 5.02 miles in 1 hour. 6/15 made up for missing yesterday's run. 2.5 mile run/walk 6/16 rest day 6/17 accidentally walked to church and back. 1.3 miles. Hubby and I walked out and locked the door without the…
  • Got my run in this morning before it gets too hot. It's supposed to be a scorcher today. Ran/walked 2.5 miles in 38 minutes. A bit faster than last time and my couch to 5k app added an extra minute's worth of running today. Total for the month 26.09/40
  • Got my run in this morning before it gets too hot. yay! It's supposed to be stupid hot today :/ I don't expect to get much more in the way of exercise due to the heat and 500 errands I have to run today. At least I should meet my step goal. :) Totals so far... 6/3 gardening 2 hours 15 minutes 6/4 strength training 35…
  • So with the rain I didn't get to run outside but I made up for it with an hour on the elliptical. I ran 5.2 miles. I also had a strength training session at the gym so that helped. @PastorVincent thanks for the motivation. Running is not my thing...yet but I'm getting there. Definitely doing better then the guy on the…
  • Planned to go for a run this morning but it was pouring rain so I settled for the elliptical. Also had my strength training session tonight so I think I did pretty good today. Totals so far... 6/3 gardening 2 hours 15 minutes 6/4 strength training 35 minutes 6/4 recumbent cycling 32 minutes 6/4 gardening/yardwork 2 hours…
  • It's raining again. Not just raining but pouring with thunder and lightning. I was really looking forward to a morning run. (Never thought I'd say that!) Guess I'll head downstairs to the elliptical...
  • Not doing bad with getting my exercise in but food has been a struggle this week. It's hard when I'm home all day to resist my cravings. I need to do more to keep myself busy during the day. On track to reach 24 hours by the end of June! Totals so far... 6/3 gardening 2 hours 15 minutes 6/4 strength training 35 minutes 6/4…
  • Haven't updated in a few days. My daughter had surgery on Monday to remove an extra tooth. I thought she was going to have a hard time recovering but by that afternoon she didnt want to do anything but eat. Haha. 6/9 added a walk in the evening 30 minutes 1.63 miles 6/10 rest day 6/11 nothing (obviously) 6/12 run/walk 39…