June 2018 Running Challenge



  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    edited June 2018
    @PastorVincent - the house looks so nice! Congrats - assuming it all goes through!
    @ariceroni - wow - that would scare me to death if a bird started attacking me like that! Reminds me of Hitchcock's movie! But it looks so cute! How could a cute little thing like that attack!
    @Teresa502 - good luck tonight! I'm sure it will be very hot and sweaty!

    Day two of the Transform App (weight lifting/strength training). Today was legs - so many squats and other leg/glute exercises. Then I did a 3 mile run. Husband said "Is that it? Aren't you going to ride the bike next?"

    6/1 - strength training - w15-D
    6/2 -3.2 miles treadmill
    6/3 - 4.3 miles Kansas City
    6/4- 5 miles + strength training - in hotel gym so not my usual
    6/5 - 5 miles
    6/6 - 5 miles +strength training - in hotel gym
    6/7 - 5 miles
    6/8 - 5 miles
    6/9 - travel/REST day
    6/10 - 54 miles cycling
    6/11 - strength training W16
    6/12 - 5 miles
    6/13 - strength training and 22 miles cycling
    6/14 - 4.5 miles
    6/15 - strength training - w17A
    6/16 - 3.6 miles
    6/17 - 5 miles
    6/18 - strength training - w17B
    6/19 - 4.5 miles
    6/20 - strength training - arms/abs, day 1 of Transform app + 7 miles cycling - stopped by weather
    6/21 - strength training - Transform legs and glutes + 3 mile run


  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    6/2-1.08 (5 hours aerial yoga)
    6/5-1.08mi with 23 flights of stairs.
    6/9-3.13mi 37:09 official 36:54 garmin
    6/10-1.66mi and 1.08mi speed walk
    6/13-1.08mi (1 hour aerial yoga)
    6/14-1.01mi (1 hour aerial yoga)
    6/15-1.01mi (2 hours aerial hammock and aerial hoop)
    6/16-1.01mi (3 hours of aerial yoga)
    6/20-1.01mi (2 hours aerial yoga)
    6/21-??(1 hour aerial yoga)

    got nothing. long days


  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @PastorVincent It looks like a cute house! Crossing fingers for a good inspection.

    Re: rain
    I've never been one to shy away from rain. I love it. And I miss it and I probably get way to excited for it. I hate driving here when it rains because there's no real gutter/sewer so it floods. And then big trucks fly through and I fear my engine will flood. Oh and 99% of people freak out and either drive way too crazy or way too cautious. There's no in between.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    6/1/2018 rest
    6/2/2018 2.65 miles
    6/3/2018 9.05 miles

    6/4/2018 rest
    6/5/2018 3 miles
    6/6/2018 2.1 miles
    6/7/2018 2.5 miles
    6/8/2018 2 miles
    6/9/2018 2.15 miles
    6/10/2018 2 miles

    6/11/2018 rest
    6/12/2018 poor planning
    6/13/2018 poor planning
    6/14/2018 2.4 miles
    6/15/2018 2.75 miles
    6/16/2018 2.5 miles
    6/17/2018 10 miles

    6/18/2018 rest
    6/19/2018 4 miles
    6/20/2018 2.9 miles
    6/21/2018 2.8 miles

    Total 52.8 miles /80-85

    I thought I was going to be thensame as yesterday or finally really break 14 minutes. Nope. It was worse. Same run but .10 mile less and 14:25. *sigh*
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i don't mind the rain. but my dogs won't go in thunder and lightening. and i sorta feel like i shouldn't either. and i don't run without at least 1 dog for safety

    @PastorVincent totally a pastor type house. a little different landscaping and it could be very welcoming.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    seanevan10 wrote: »
    Hi y'all! I haven't updated in forever. I am not being as consistent as I should. Both with keeping up and doing my work outs. That 3 month break has killed any stamina I had before and the new meds make me want to eat all the foods! Not a good combo.

    At least I have a goal in 4 weeks to try and get to. I have the bike down...the run....meh.

    I was hoping to finish in 2 hours... i looked up the times last year and the last person to finish was 1:47:xx. I'm concerned haha!

    The bike is the largest portion, so that's where I'd want to be ready. You got this! Me? Not so much. Haha!

    I'm eyeing the donuts in the break room. I know its stress related... I'm buying my coworkers tacos today so i keep thinking that is going to be my stress eating indulgence with comradrarie.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 4,977 Member
    edited June 2018
    June goal: 75 miles

    6/3: 6.5 miles
    6/5: 4.3 miles
    6/6: 4.5 miles
    6/7: 5 miles
    6/10: 7.2 miles
    6/12: 4.3 miles
    6/13: 4.5 miles
    6/14: 4.5 miles
    6/15: 3.4 miles
    6/17: 6.5 miles
    6/19: 5.2 miles
    6/20: 5 miles
    6/21: 4.3 miles

    65.2/75 miles

    Another humid run today. It was even worse than the last 2 days. It was 72F when I started out, but the humidity was 94% and the dew point was 70 which is in the "very humid and uncomfortable" "expect pace to suffer greatly" range. It was a really tough run. The air felt so thick and there was not even a breeze to cool things off. I managed 4.3 miles and I was able to keep my average pace under 12 min but just barely. The humidity might not be so bad if we actually got some rain, but the rain just seems to go around us. I've never really had an opportunity to run in the rain. We don't get a lot of rain and when we do it is usually thundering and lightening and often hail and high winds. A nice gentle rain is very unusual.

    @PastorVincent Good luck with the house inspection!

    @theresa502 Good luck on the 10K tonight!

    @sarahthes Good luck on the trail race on Sunday!

    @cburke8909 Good luck on the race Saturday!

    @midwesterner85 Glad there was nothing unusual in the x-rays. I hope your knee is better soon!


    2018 races:
    5/19/18: Run for 57th AHC Half Marathon - 2:43:59.7. - 2nd place AG
    11/10/18: Wags & Whiskers 5K
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member

    @PastorVincent That is a LOVELY looking house. I am also terrible at buying houses--they always have something dreadfully wrong with them that we manage to uncover after it's too late.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    seanevan10 wrote: »
    Hi y'all! I haven't updated in forever. I am not being as consistent as I should. Both with keeping up and doing my work outs. That 3 month break has killed any stamina I had before and the new meds make me want to eat all the foods! Not a good combo.

    At least I have a goal in 4 weeks to try and get to. I have the bike down...the run....meh.

    Just keep swimming?

    It's good to have you back! I've been sorta MIA--Still running, just busy with work and hard to keep up with this thread.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @PastorVincent - That house has great curb appeal, and I trust you found it just as appealing inside.

    On the rain . . . I wouldn't have walked out into it. I would have run to my car. The weather is always nicer when I'm running than when I'm walking.