amkita Member


  • I haven't been around lately--the spring semester stated and I've not been keeping up with reading the boards here, but! today I'm wearing some brown corduroy pants that are size 16! down from 22/24. I'm actually starting to feel comfortable wearing pants again. I'll keep up the dresses+leggings, but it's nice to have more…
  • SW: 263 1/1 208.1 1/15: 206.6 (-1.5) January goals: - 204 would be lovely working on it! - strength 2x/week haven't managed this - use up the 4 spin classes I purchased 2 down, 2 to go! I'm going to have to buy more classes :) - bike when the weather/roads allow it, walk otherwise so far, so good! - work on meal planning…
  • since the high today is 20F, and it was about -6F with wind chill when I left the house this morning, I decided to skip the bike commute and hopped on a bus. my winter goal is to walk at least part if the way home when I don't bike in or all the way home--2.5 miles! for today: -stick to 11:30a-7:30p for eating -stick to…
  • definitely feeling good about getting back into a regular pattern. I've got a few weeks until the spring semester starts, so work isn't so stressful at the moment. I'm going to take this opportunity to try some weekend meal prepping. I think it'll make life easier, and better to start the habit now. it's been unusually…
  • SW: 263 CW: 208.1 (54.9 lbs) I went easy in December, which seemed like a good time for a bit of a break. excited for the new year and more progress, while also feeling more comfortable with keeping a slower pace. January goals: - 204 would be lovely - strength 2x/week - use up the 4 spin classes I purchased (I had to wait…
  • SW: 263 (5'7.5") GW: 163 11/30: 211.2 12/17: 209.9 (-1.3) a bit of a stall this month, but I'm using it to adjust to my current weight (down 53 lbs!), and enjoy the holidays. I'm totally in the same boat as you, @Terytha. my current weight/body size is what my mental image of myself has been for years, even though I…
  • super silly, but down below 210 today! 209.9 to be exact, ha. I've been somewhat stalled this month, likely due to a combination of less activity and being less than precise with counting. I'm ok with it though, especially with holiday get togethers and time off work coming up. the overall trend is down, so I'm content to…
  • election officiate-ing is hard work, especially in terms of brain-power! I work at a local ward and man... November elections are busy! way to contribute, @astidog99
  • I have years of research* that fails to support this hypothesis, sadly. *I watch a lotof movies. currently at around 120 for the year. :)
  • nice! I usually only hit 20k on vacation--so much extra walking.
  • ugh! scale has been uncooperative for another 1.5 weeks, then last night I stayed up late watching a movie with friends, did some snacking and drinking, so *of course* I get a new low this morning. what's up with that!
  • I do hope it's not sympathetic soreness! day 2 post spinning, still slightly sore. dang. I signed up for another class this weekend, but hopefully the soreness won't be as bad the second time around. muscles are really good at letting us know they haven't been used in a while. :/
  • downside: my thighs have been sore all day. apparently outdoor cycling and indoor cycling use different leg muscles.
  • I think this counts... I went to my first spin class today! I've never done a gym, or a group fitness class, and definitely not spin.class, so this was a first! and I survived. 😃 it was definitely a challenge, but the nice thing is you get to choose your own resistance settings (and can sit if you need/want to). I pushed…
  • lots of great comments here! I started at 263, and am currently at 211 (52 lbs down) with another 50+ to go. I only wanted to add that it's important to be patient, both with yourself and with the process. I've been at this 6 months, and I imagine it'll take at least that long--if not longer--to get to my goal. and that's…
  • I suppose I could update these... new! -another 20, maybe by year's end? ended up with an additional 30! previous -lose 20 lbs (NY resolution) -get back into biking -do the small lake loop (13.2 miles) -learn some basic bike maintenance -25 mile ride in progress/future -work towards real pushups, rather than wall pushups…
  • woohoo, let's go December! SW: 263 (5'7.5") GW: 163 11/30: 211.2 my goal this month is 205 (though 203 would be a nice round 60 lbs for the year...). honestly, I'm just excited to have come so far this year, and I'm getting excited to keep this going in the new year.
  • SW: 263 GW: 163 10/30: 217.4 11/8: 216.3 (-1.1) 11/15: 214.5 (-2.9) 11/22: 213 (-4.4) 11/29: 212.5 (-4.9) 11/30: 211.2 (-6.2) well, I ended up with a drop today after all, hooray! surprising with all the delicious food (and wine) over the last few days.
  • SW: 263 GW: 163 10/30: 217.4 11/8: 216.3 (-1.1) 11/15: 214.5 (-2.9) 11/22: 213 (-4.4) 11/29: 212.5 (-4.9) that might be it for November, unless there's a drop over the weekend. feeling pretty good about staying on track, and I enjoyed the heck out of all the delicious food yesterday--and a 16 mile ride. 🚲
  • you biked across Wisconsin?! that's awesome! I'd love to get to that point, and lugging less weight around on rides definitely makes a difference. I've gotten into biking this summer and I'm planning on doing a 50 mile and 100 mile ride next summer, but 240! amazing! (I might have to set another goal :) )
  • you're doing great! and isn't it nice when it becomes "life" rather than a struggle? it's crazy (in a good way). 😊
  • to echo @ceiswyn I was at a BMI of 39, and have dropped 50 lbs so that I'm around 32 for BMI. I have felt better in a lot of ways, but in particular I've noticed that I feel less exhausted all the time. even on about 7 hours of sleep a night (which used to never feel like enough) I wake up feeling refreshed and clear…
  • I hear you on the new clothes. I was around 22/24 and am currently between an 18/16 for pants. so I don't want to buy anything new that might not fit six months from now. I went to a local thrift store and snagged two size 16 dress pants a few weeks ago, which fit pretty snuggly at the time, but I figured would work for…
  • @FitByFifty1970 I should have done that yesterday while I was picking up cat food (5 lb bag, ha!). I definitely feel lighter and... I wanna say peppy-er? I'll be walking somewhere and get this feel like I should just start running, which is weird because I'm super not a fan of running.
  • I'm right behind Connie... 50 lbs lost as of this morning! I'm halfway to my goal of 163, which I picked because: 1) 100 lbs is a nice round number, and 2) 163 is right at the top end of "normal BMI" for my height. I'm anticipating a slowing down heading into the next 50--plus I set my loss to 1.5 lbs/week rather than 2.…
  • SW: 263 GW: 163 10/30: 217.4 11/8: 216.3 (-1.1) 11/15: 214.5 (-2.9) 11/22: 213 (-4.4) I'm probably not going to hit 210 by the end of the month, but... I just hit 50 lbs lost!! 😀 at the start of the year I wrote down a half-hearted "lose 20 lbs maybe?" and didn't actually try to do anything about it till May. now I'm…
  • it may be related to thyroid, which you mentioned you're taking already. I tend to get those sorts of symptoms when I'm not getting enough hormone. however, I've always felt best when I'm at a dose that puts my TSH at the low end of the normal range (<1, normal range is often 0.5-4). that might be something to discuss with…
  • yay, @conniewilkins56 ! 😀
  • SW: 263 GW: 163 10/30: 217.4 11/8: 216.3 (-1.1) 11/15: 214.5 (-2.9) other goals: -get in bike rides when I can biking has been waaaaay down, more due to snow (where'd fall go?!) than cold. I don't trust my balance on icy/slushy patches and I'd rather not fall. I biked in to work today though! and tomorrow I'm doing a bike…
  • @conniewilkins56 I have some ideas, though I haven't had a chance to try them out with the holidays just yet! one if my plans is to use a plate. I have a tendency to keep eating snack things like chips, cheese, olives, dips, and crackers when I'm at a party. I'm thinking that if I put things in a plate rather than…