Happy New Year 🥳 😘🍻
Fluffy 🐶
Ooh yeah! Smack on the lips 💋
Hi ya Kay, I've been an absolute yo-yo and with Christmas on thenhorizon, things aren't gonna be easy Please feel free to add me x
Hey Amber, I use Intermittent fasting and have seen some pretty good results.
I'm currently on 18:6 and I'm having great results!!
Do frogs know when they'll croak (with old age)?
Hiyaa!! I've recently lost 7kg through Intermittent fasting. I hope to lose another 6-7kg to reach my goal
Hiya, I'm usually in Wiltshire for work. I lost loads of weight during xovid, but putbitball back on returning to work. I'd love to get back to where I was.
Hiya 🐝 I'm Neil, comin' at ya from Yorkshire!
Hiyaaa YORKSHIRE 'ere
Sorry for my last message, it read wrong. Hey, don't bother!! As long as you can keep that bum and have a smile on your face, you're winning x
Hey, don't bother!! As long as you can keep and bum and have a smile on your face, you're winning x
Remember, you don't look how you feel. You look great! You just don't feel great about it. It'd a constant mental struggle x
Hiyaaa Wiltshire , UK that tiny island that gets all the weather!
Welcome Helen!! I'm Neil, I've been on a yo yo diet for a while. Hoping to drop a bra size 🤣 😂
I love a flirt
I'd wake up, take 2 paracetamol, so I wouldn't get a headache 🤣😂 Put on a rubber dick and hit the nearest lesbian bar 😂🤣
Definitely!! I'd even howl 🐕 😂🤣
Hey Max! Welcome!! You'll find loads of support on here. It's a great site full of very helpful and Inspiring people.
Hi I'm Neil from U.K. feel free to add x
Hiya Berry, like the name.... fruity 🤣😂 Feel free to add, I'm always trying to eat myself slim
Hiya Paige welcome, please add me.