MacLowCarbing Member


  • Hit my Oct goal today for weight loss and walking, so it is a good day. Happy Halloween everyone!!!ABOUT ME: Basic: Mac, Female, age 54 Start weight Oct 1: 291 Last weigh-in weight: 285 Struggles: diabetes, hip/shoulder arthritis, joint pain (auto-immune), back & shoulder injuries Current exercise: slow walking (2-3 MPH…
  • :Good Morning! Got a lot of work to catch up on but feeling better, the flu is down to a runny nose & I have my appetite back these last couple of days. The flu diet works for weight loss but I wouldn't recommend it lol. Happy Halloween!!! Details about me: Mac, Female, 54 y.o. High fat/low carb diet Fitness: slow walking…
  • So not a good week. First hurting my arm. Then falling (and hurting it again lol). Then I got sick and the warden (a/k/a my daughter) came over and wouldn't let me out for a couple days. Today it's raining so it's a wash, if I'm lucky maybe there will be a break tonight and I can take the dog around the block a couple…
  • Some people can do sweets in moderation, and some can't. I tried every which way from Sunday to figure out a way to do my food addictions in some kind of moderation because I didn't want to feel deprived. The problem is, the minute I have even a small amount of treats with added sugar, forget it. The craving switch in my…
  • Yeah; being a food addict, artificial sweeteners just kept that switch on in my mind that triggered cravings and stuff. I cut down on artificial sweeteners to something I just have on rare occasion, like a holiday or birthday. I had been hesitant to do so for years and years, to my detriment. One of my greatest simple…
  • Hello and welcome. The tools here are very helpful. I have struggled too with nighttime eating and binge eating. Finding a sustainable way of eating that works for you really helps. I found a way of eating I found satiating so I didn't get the munchies much anymore, and started intermittent fasting because half my battle…
  • Hello and welcome. I'm 54 & have arthritis too, in my hips & shouder, I suspect my lower back area but haven't gotten it confirmed yet I just recognize the aches lol; I used to be in a wheelchair (for lung reasons, due to auto-immune disease), thankfully I was able to get out on it but I still have mobility issues I'm…
  • Sorry but I'm in the need to do a little bithing: I hurt my bad arm again last week; then I fell on it and the warden (my daughter) made me stay put for 2 days so I couldn't go on my walks. Then I started feeling like I got a cold, which tonight feels like a mild flu. My head is aching and I feel slouchy. I have been…
  • After hurting my arm I went and fell on it. Laid up for a couple of days (sigh). But what can you do? At least nothing is broken, right? lol ABOUT ME: Basic: Mac, Female, age 54 Start weight Oct 1: 291 Last weigh-in weight: 287 Struggles: diabetes, hip/shoulder arthritis, joint pain (auto-immune), back & shoulder injuries…
  • first meal: - fat bomb coffee (boiling coffee poured into 2 raw eggs & 1 tbsp butter and whisked till frothy & delicious) - canned chicken breast pureed in the food processor w/some onion, apple, pepper jack cheese, avocado, and seasonings - a few pork rinds (not a huge fan of them but when I'm in the mood for a crunch…
  • @acpgee I'm very much enjoying all these lovely looking dishes; sorry some didn't taste as good as they look, but I'm gonna imagine them as all delicious lol. @cathikelly that combo of shrimp & veggies looks yummy. @widgit808 one of my faves, breakfast for dinner. @mtaratoot that sounds like a great stir-fry dish, great…
  • Hello & welcome. Ugh menopause is insane, isn't it? LOL. I was actually surprised, I started low-carb at 54 and well into menopause (down to a 'shmeariod' every few months) but the weight is still coming off pretty steadily at a good pace.
  • Hi, Welcome. We got some things in common. I'm 54. I used to teach at-risk students in middle school (over 20 yrs ago, in my brief 2-yr stint as a public school teacher). Loved the kids, hated the system lol. I used to do yoga (before health issues-- long story), and love walking the dog too. I don't specifically follow…
  • Hello. I do low carb/high fat. I'm a night owl, I work from home and usually prefer to do my work at night when all is quite (it's 5am now and I'll be going to bed soon lol). I usually wake up 1-2 pm, eat or have a fat bomb coffee at 3-4 pm, eat my main meal at around 7 pm; finish up w/coffee @10 pm, and if I only had the…
  • Advice above is a good start. I played around w/my macros over time, raising/lowering protein, lowering carbs/raising fat, etc. till I found my sweet spot. As my body changes, I expect I'll have to do it again every now and then.
  • Canned chicken is good for quick protein boost. I usually don't bother doing anything fancy with it-- I throw it in a little food processor w/things like avocado or mayo, some spices, maybe a slice of onion & a pepper or a bit of cheese or something. I might spread it on my low-carb breads I make, or eat as a dip w/pork…
  • I read some types of statins cause weight loss resistance. IDK from personal experience, I had already stopped taking them because thru my research I was unconvinced that they were actually helpful. I am losing weight more steadily now than I was when I was taking the statin but then I've changed my way of eating and have…
  • Sounds a bit like the whole Weight Watchers point system. Personally I'm not a fan of programs like that but hey, whatever works for you. Sounds like you and your husband are doing well.
  • Menu tonight was a large stack of tilapia fillets (seasoned w/lemon pepper, salt, & porq panko low carb crumbs). Also had some salad from the fridge drizzled w/a bit of olive oil & red wine vinegar, and cauliflower pureed w/cream cheese & parmesan on the side.
  • I'm on high fat/low carb; I don't eat grains, added sugars, or starchy fruits & veggies. I do try to get around 100 g. of protein per day. My main meal is usually a large portion of meat (beef, poultry, pork, or fish, I eat a variety), with a couple servings of veggie on the side. Eggs help me, I eat a lot of eggs 3-6 per…
  • I take a frozen steak out of the freezer, sprinkle on a seasoning blend I made (salt, pepper, garlic powder, cumin), and throw it in my air fryer for about 20 minutes. I'll also throw in some frozen veggies, or grab some salad (I go to the store a couple times per week for fresh produce & come home and make a big garden…
  • I have been craving protein and very hungry these last 3 days. Tonight I made a rack of ribs & steamed broccoli crowns, alongside a garden salad. I also had a few plain scrambled eggs, I didn't bother to take a pic. But they were good :)
  • I wish you luck, but you don't need it-- you got this. You've done it before and you know what it takes.
  • OMG so true, very frustrating.
  • I had an interesting experience this week. I injured my shoulder (again... old injury keeps acting up, I've torn the rotator cuff twice, I've sprained lord knows how many times, it was frozen for almost 2 yrs till this past spring it finally loosened up but now it has arthritis-- anyway, I moved wrong and it's acting up…
  • Hi; sorry about your son, and the flood. That kind of upheaval/disruption can drive you crazy, I know how it can lead to putting things like taking care of yourself on the back burner. When you get a rest, you don't want to exercise. When you gotta eat, you want the fastest/easiest thing you can grab that is satisfying.…
  • Hello; I'm 54. I've struggled with weight a long time. Low carb/high fat is working for me really well. It makes sense because I'm diabetic, high carb foods give me blood sugar spikes; I'm a food addict and carbs spark an insatiable appetite in me; and I have an auto-immune disease & arthritis, low-carb diets seem to…
  • Hello; T2 diabetic here (for now-- close to reversing it). Has your dr. set you up with a nutritionist or dietitian or anything yet? That's generally a good place to start. Diabetics tend to do well watching their carbs, whether it be controlled carb (eating moderate carbs in the same serving size at every meal), low carb…
  • Like others have said, it's easy to work around when you make things separate. When I'm serving family I have stopped making many of those all in one meals like casseroles or stews where everything is mixed together. No matter what the entre is, I make sure there is protein, veg, & a salad. I have settled more on…
  • Yeah, I was a big ketchup lover lol. No wonder, it's got such bad stuff and I'm a food addict. Every now & then when I feel the urge, like if I'm in the mood for really good burgers and I'm going all out making flourless buns and all, I'll make ketchup with some plain tomato sauce & artificial sugar and some spices.