Low rise noooooo! Whale tail flashbacks and I never had the body for that 😔
Getting the covid test
Meh. Idk what I want at this point in time. I actually brought up this open relationship subject in my own relationship days before it was brought up here. We’ve talked about it a few times actually. She’s not into it. I didn’t like being a third back in the day either and why would I do that to someone else? In theory…
I’m for it. The older I get the more I don’t believe in monogamy (for myself). I haven’t seen monogamy or non-monogamy work out very well for anybody. It’s a person by person issue. Years ago I was a third in a open marriage and ya it was a disaster. 😂 I personally think they should have divorced but maybe they loved the…
Amaizing 👌🏻 Love 🖤
Loving this vibe 🤩
Naked but my cheeks are the thunder clapping
Unsweetened. I actually like to mix almond milk and oat milk for the most real milk flavor.
Style 1 Ophelia, Viera, Pierre, Logan 😸😸😸😸
Burrito bowls technically but yesterday we got chocolate and strawberry pocky, Neapolitan coffee and of course real strawberries and chocolate. Apparently that was the only flavor profile I could think of for V-day
😍 minus the beer 🤢 gimme a moscato or Vodka cranberry
Just watched Fried Green Tomatoes and what a heartwarming lesbian romantic film! Ya, ya I guess they were just ‘good friends’ but 😏
I think I’d do ok. I’m usually pretty observant.
Goofy Evil mastermind Eater of carbs so you don’t eat them😘
I didn’t see this last night and 🥰. Ya I know it’s a ‘me and my own mind’ thing. Hey maybe they’ll let me crash their yacht when I try to drive it into a portal to the underworld and that could be a fun time? Whoopsie daisy! 🤪
There’s also a business feature. I didn’t know about it until recently either. Well, I’ll try to remember that people are just people and nobody is better than anyone else.... in theory
I downloaded bumble for the bff feature and idk man. Why is everyone so FINE and successful? I mean, I guess those things shouldn’t matter but idk what I’m going to be doing trying to hang out with people who make so much more money than I do AND I get to be the fat one at the same time? Once again, shouldn’t matter.…
Stephen Colbert 😍😩
Doesn’t judge me when I decide that I’m going to invent ‘soggy fries’ which granted, sounds disgusting but I find funny. It’s the soft fries soaked in pulled pork grease and goodbye now as I die of clogged arteries but it’s so goooood.
1) understanding 2) passionate 3) romantic (thoughtful?)
I think it’s fine provided we agreed upon it and they didn’t track me down.
I sleep in the sound mac n cheese makes
Found this on the internet
Thank you for all that you do in these trying times. 🤖
I haven’t been getting the bots and now I feel left out. 😢
Idk if I’ve been blocked. If I was it’s probably for lame memes and generally being annoying. If it was an ex it was probably just something they needed to do because I very rarely ever contact someone again first. If I ever found that I was blocked? 🤔 Idk I guess I’d be a little offended but like 🤷🏻♀️ I don’t do a lot of…
I miss passion and true connection and someone who actually finds me interesting.