RustyBFF Member


  • Hi all I am tired today work is tough at the moment for me there seem to have been a spate of very difficult cases one in particular kept me awake last night. Sometimes its harder to compartmentalise things. Heather that is lovely! I literally add basil to every other supermarket order as I can barely keep it alive for a…
  • Happy Monday I had a blast at the hen weekend but am paying for it now, I do not have a single joint that isn't aching. I am far too old to be dancing all night. The dancing was mostly outside on Friday as nature provided the light show and the aurora was visible to the naked eye for a while. It's something I will never…
  • Dorade Lamb and then cheese for me please (usually my husband and I order one cheese and one dessert and share) My sleeping is a bit hit and miss I am struggling to find a comfortable position at the moment. I have a hen night tomorrow which will be an overnight stay and dinner. Saving the calories!
  • Hi all it's been a bank holiday weekend but I have managed to stay on track foodwise. Thanks to all that asked about my son. His resilience is astounding and I am so proud of him. We are looking at decorating his room to make study in there more appealing, and he will get a new laptop. The funds from the planned trip to…
  • It's friday! Woohoo Family visiting and we have a nice lunch planned of baked ham with new potatoes and salad. Plus it's a bank holiday here so a lovely long weekend. Weigh in day and I'm down a kilo so that's7.6kg total Hope you all get to spend time this weekend doing something you love Rusty in Yorkshire
  • Hi all indulge me in a little bit of a mind dump. I am focusing on portion size and eating mindfully. I am trying not to eliminate anything such as fat and carbs but to eat a more balanced diet and to know when to stop. I have to look at it as a lifestyle change rather than anything else. I think what I have failed with…
  • Happy May everyone! I am going to jump on the bandwagon and set myself some challenges for the month They may seem small but we walk our own path and I am definitely starting a journey in a way I can manager * Lose at least 4kg * Exercise twice weekly * Read 2 books * Not let a birthday celebration (my husband's) stretch…
  • Hi all The sun is finally out here even if it isn't that warm. This makes me happy. We had an appointment with a colorectal surgeon today. My son had to have a stoma as his bowel was perforated during surgery. They are looking to reverse it but it will be the end of the year now as it cannot be done via keyhole surgery.…
  • Happy Monday ladies A quiet weekend but we managed to get the garden tidy between the rain and we filled a skip. A friend I am helping dropped off some beautiful flowers which was lovely Rusty in Yorkshire
  • Macha that flooring is lovely. We have herringbone wooden flooring and I love it. The sheen of the wood when the sun hits it just lifts my heart. Weigh in day for me and I have tracked for 19 days now. 1.4 kg (3lb) down today total 6.6 kg (14.5 lb) just over a stone lost! It's a long journey but I'm the way now. Not much…
  • Allie sending every good wish to you and yours. So many people going through so much I wish you all the strength and postive outcomes possible Rusty in Yorkshire
  • Morning all I am officially fed up with the UK weather at the moment. I am tempted to run away to a Greek island I just need to feel some sun on my bones. We usually have a winter sun holiday but have not managed it this year as my youngest cannot fly due to the wound on his stomach and I have really missed it. Usually it…
  • Happy Monday ladies I have had a thoroughly fabulous weekend with my family. Wicked the show was amazing and the staff at the theatre were so lovely. When they saw that we had a wheelchair and we explained about my youngest's recent surgery they upgraded us to a box so that he wouldn't be jostled (we had booked way before…
  • Hi all Friday morning here in Yorkshire and that's my weigh in day and my total loss since 8th April is 5kg (11lb) I am pretty pleased with that but still a long way to go. I was supposed to have groceries delivered this morning but despite the website saying they have been delivered they have not and I am cross. I had…
  • Whidslander I love those I wish I could get away with really short hair. Perhaps if I manage to lose some more weight. Bad day today the social worker told me that they had to raise a safeguarding complaint about my dad's care. The paperwork is not good apparently and they have not tracked his weight properly. There will…
  • Hi all I'm enjoying the little snippets on here. It has the makings of a future film about a bunch of supportive women on the internet who find themselves suddenly having to pull together to solve or plot a murder. Or more upliftingly save one of us when they have to flee from there current home. So if this were to happen…
  • Hello all, I hope you had a lovely weekend. Mine has been mixed. It was lovely meeting my oldest's new girlfriend and he seems happy so that's enough for me. They are both just 19 and work at the same camp, they are both outdoor activity instructors. The camp is in the middle of nowhere so they are company for each other…
  • Happy Saturday all! Reading some of these comments reminds me of a saying that has always rung true. The happiest people do not have the best or everything, they make the best of everything Some people need constant stimulation and are always chasing for something. Some are able to find joy in what they have. Envy really…
  • Good morning from Yorkshire England I am in awe at some of the arts and crafts people are sharing on here. I am not the slightest bit crafty but I do enjoy painting with acrylics from time to time. I have ideas but am sadly lacking in application for anything crafty. My skills are more culinary and may be a contributing…
  • Brilliant well done you! I am just starting but have a lot to lose so it is really positive to see someone achieving such a great loss!
  • Hi I am new too :)
  • Hi all and thanks for the welcome Kim in N. California - my dad has Alzheimer’s and it is terrible to see your parent so confused and helpless your post made me think of how it was in the beginning and how much he hid from us. It's made me hugely proactive around trusts and lasting power of attorney for me and my husband…
  • Happy to be mutual support buddies x
  • Hello all I hope you won't mind me joining you. I am 52 female and living in the UK. I am currently not enjoying night sweats and how small cheese portions are when you actually weigh them rather than guesstimate. I am a serial dieter and have a lot to lose. I work from home and have caring responsibilities so do not go…
  • Hi I'm 52 female and living in the UK happy to be added for mutual support.
  • I'm UK based with rather more to lose but happy to be a pal on here. I am neuro-spicy too but have ADD (no hyperactivity) and a total lack of any impulse control with the inability to form habits and the superpower of hyper-focus on one food to the point of saturation then abandoning it for years. All the powers of anti…