

  • I weigh myself every day and i have noticed that after working out (whether I eat healthfully or not) the next day I tend to weigh more... dont know why
  • How does it feel to be a "runner"?
  • High SPF sunscreen on my face. Don't leave the house without it
  • I've heard this before somewhere and yes, it makes sense - but so does "skin being it's own organ" & "stretch marks not having the ability to regenerate" position. Often times the elderly lose weight towards the end of thier "stay" and they have excess skin but it is not in the form a large sheet of hanging skin like…
  • It works for me. BUT, it's not the "cure all" - an example is if you have a cold and you eat chicken soup - it helps.
  • WOW... Look at you, hottie!
  • I agree! I've never run a 1/2 or a full marathon but I've run 5k's and even worked my way up to a 10k. My biggest fan was me! it felt so good to put that number on! and it felt so good to cross the finish line! Little old ladies were passing me up like i was crawling - but it was SO worth it!!!! I realized that I was a…
  • I took it REAL slow. I started by walking 4 minutes and running for 1. I gradually (by gradually I mean it took me a year) increased my run time to 30 minutes. Since then I've done 5K's, 10K's and am currently working toward the 1/2 marathon. A couple of things that I have learned is: don't run with your body up and down -…
  • Just another opinion: leave it as it is because Christmas is considered "personal" - even though you have beautiful things the potential buyers are looking for a house for all seasons and one that they can make thier own
  • You got this! Spike day is Saturday. :)
  • Losing the last 10. You can always run the marathon with the 10 lbs. (although if it is that hard to take off maybe it doesn't need to come off) lol
  • there is a guy on here named russell and he is the author of this book called spike diet - i had some questions, so i sent him a message and he answered me back quickly & i loved his attitude - his idea of the weekly cheat day is definately liberating - im loving it!
  • Coconut sugar is healthier for you but it has only slightly less calories than white sugar - 14 per teaspoon compared to white sugar's 16 but it does have a brown sugar kind of taste. But, you can't just get it anywhere - I order it on line.
  • what surprised me (from that same program) was how much we under report what we eat. a lady on there was suppose to video all that she ate and then keep a food log - all the while they were spying on her via urine samples and it turned out that she was significantly under reporting what she ate - and she wasnt doing it on…
  • how bout air popped popcorn sprayed with either very light oil or even slightly dampend with water or milk and then sprinkled with stevia & cinnamon
  • I don't know "why" but I do know that you can put your strength training under the cardio and it gives you the calories.
  • This is a great question! For me the hardest part is realizing that there are small changes happening every time I take another step toward "fitness" and you can't always see those changes BUT a whole bunch of small changes looks like a big change over time. Anyone can do a marathon.... one step at a time.
  • maybe an herbal... www.firmestra.com ? haven't tried it myself YET but looking into it.
  • Yep. I have cheat days. Once every 2 weeks, I go out with the girls and I drink a little and have whatever I want on the menu. I too, intend for this to be a way of life - not a diet - so I don't have unhealthy things just for the sake of having them and I also find that after making intentionally healthy choices that I…
  • I can understand your point - I stopped myself from commenting on another person who mentioned this same thing because I was afraid of how it sounds... but here goes... I would rather that people didn't say anything because that means that I always looked like I weighed what I weigh now. Like I've never had that terrible…
  • i like the mio - no chest strap
  • I find that having just one person to work out with doesn't work out as well as a group of friends. I get together with some friends every Sunday before church to run plus I work out on my own during the week also. The group just holds me accountable - to show up at all and to keep up with my individual workouts - because…
  • I have been considering entering a marathon KNOWING that i will not be able to run the whole thing - but it's okay because I can walk what I can't run to finish - and isn't finishing the goal anyway? I would keep training because those numbers do mean something and they will give you something to compare with when you do…
  • I hold all my weight in my tummy too and I didn't see much difference until around day 45
  • You look amazing! Great job!!:happy:
  • Different training programs are designed to help you in different ways... the one with speed work is designed to help you get your best time - the ones with the building distances are designed to help you build up the stamina to go the distance of your race. Then, there are many different styles... rest days, staggering…
  • iced tea
  • chocolate milk! http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/recipes/healthy-eating/superfoods/chocolate-milk-after-workout/
  • I am 41 - 3 kids. I don't have a bikini body but I can see significant improvement. :)
  • So you have a brand new baby and your a few pounds over?... shocking! <sarcasm> It's always hard when a new baby enters the picture. i know you are probably overwhelmed with extra things to do but when the same thing happened to me I threw marriage counselling into the mix and it helped - this is the short answer - of…