Does anyone else feel this restricted?

Red13 Posts: 287 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Does anyone else feel like they can gain a pound from going over a little on calories or even eating one bad thing once in a while? I feel like I'm so restricted that even enjoying one treat once a week will set me back for everything I have lost. I work out 6 days a week. Follow a healthy diet and I'm to the point where I can't lose weight. Once I lose a few pounds they find their way back. I've been able to maintain my weight for a while now but my goal of losing 7-10 pounds seems hopeless. Anyone else feel this way?


  • yes would be my answer, that post is just me to a tee but i cant help you cos i dont know how to change it!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I had ice cream yesterday and am lighter than I was yesterday. I weigh myself every morning but record my weight once a week. I still eat chips, ice cream, had cake for my birthday on Wednesday and think I will weigh less on Monday for my weekly weigh in.

    I think your body is used to what you have been doing. Shock it up a little bit: zig zag your calories where you eat low one day and then higher the next (within reason, of course). Try a new type of exercise they haven't done in awhile or haven't done at all: running, swimming, a new exercise machine, a new workout DVD, etc.

    Go over what you are eating.. are you eating enough vegetables and fruit, getting enough protein and fiber, drinking enough water? Weight loss can be tricky and is different for everyone. You just need to find what works for you and your body. Good luck!
  • there is a guy on here named russell and he is the author of this book called spike diet - i had some questions, so i sent him a message and he answered me back quickly & i loved his attitude - his idea of the weekly cheat day is definately liberating - im loving it!
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    My advice to you would be to get off the scale. I know it's hard, but try to only weigh yourself once per week (I like Friday mornings because if you overindulge on the weekend, you have all week to work it off) - or - better yet, every two weeks.
  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    100 days ago I first logged into MFP and I have been working out 6 days a week, cardio and strength training sometimes up to an hour of cardio plus exercising my dogs 45-60 min every day. Following a good diet without many processed food, etd. Basically doing everything right. The first ten came off very quickly - like in under two weeks - but the rest has been a struggle. I hadn't broken 189 since the age of 18 (I am 47 now) and just knew that this strict regime was the key to unlocking that weight. I allow myself some treats and generally give into cravings in a minor way (2 cookies instead of 6 or 8). But it took awhile to get to the 189 and then it was a month before I broke that, now - about 12 days later I am 185.5. I think that your body just gets to set points and it gets comfortable and stubborn. Mix it up a bit - change your workout, add some different foods, take out ones that you eat a lot and most importantly don''t stress about it and stick with it. This is a permanent lifestyle that we are all trying to achieve - I know that if I can't stick with it to achieve the weight loss I won't be able to stick with it for the rest of my life.
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    Another thing that my be "sabotaging" you is not eating enough of your calories. with you working out as often as you do, do you eat the calories you earned from working out?

    If you are not eating all of your recommended calories including ones earned from working out, your body goes into survival mode. It tries to hold onto to all of your body fat and incoming calories to keep it functioning properly when you are not eating enough calories. Just don't go over your daily recommended calories or you will gain weight too.

    Good Luck to you.
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    My advice to you would be to get off the scale. I know it's hard, but try to only weigh yourself once per week (I like Friday mornings because if you overindulge on the weekend, you have all week to work it off) - or - better yet, every two weeks.
    I agree. I weigh myself once a week, on Friday, and find it's coming off. If I weighed myself more often, I'd get frustrated with the fluctuations!
  • :smile: All or nothing thinking is what lead to weight gain in the first place. I allow treats within my calorie limits and find that if I am not loosing it is because I am under my calorie count: It seems like the body hangs onto calories if a "starvation mode" is kicked in. Its easy to say, "I'm not loosing so the heck with it". Its a journey, and I learn along the way.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    by working out so often, you're probably building muscle. take your measurements and use the scale less frequently. the body fluctuates a lot in weight due to a number of different things.
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    I think there is a natural bio-rhythm at work that teeters up and down throughout the course of the day and week. I only weigh myself occasionally and only log it once a week. And I never second guess myself. I know which way the wind is blowing. In fact I'm taking all my mental focus and directing it in this direction so that ever cell in my body is well aware of where we're going. In fact, they have no choice in the matter.
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    by working out so often, you're probably building muscle. take your measurements and use the scale less frequently. the body fluctuates a lot in weight due to a number of different things.

    Another great point!!
  • Wouldn't it be so much easier if you could 'talk' with your body and know why you are/aren't losing/gaining weight?

    Stupid non-talking body :grumble:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Another thing that my be "sabotaging" you is not eating enough of your calories. with you working out as often as you do, do you eat the calories you earned from working out?

    If you are not eating all of your recommended calories including ones earned from working out, your body goes into survival mode. It tries to hold onto to all of your body fat and incoming calories to keep it functioning properly when you are not eating enough calories. Just don't go over your daily recommended calories or you will gain weight too.

    Good Luck to you.

    Likewise - be sure that the calories you are eating back are accurate to you. Not just based on what the machine or website tell you or you might be overeating. Also, when you exercise your dogs, if your heart rate does not get up - ie it's a liesurly walk or you are playing fetch - you might only burn 250 (ie) calories that hour - but, if you sat on your couch, maybe you would have burned 100 - so you can only eat back 150 EXTRA burned.

    this might cause you to lose slower and gain back. it's likely not one cheat day or item a week - unless the rest of the week is burning less than you thought it was. Also, if your cheat item is something like chips... you might just be retaining water.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    If you are feeling that restricted you probably are! With working out so often you may not be feeding your body enough. Up your calories 100-200 for a couple weeks (gasp) and see what happens. Make smart choices. Your body will thank you.

    Another thing to try is to not obsess over a few calories over! No matter what you think, going under every day does more harm than good. Try to AVERAGE your intake over a weeks time.... so what if on Tues you had some ice cream and went 200 over?? You have all week to gradually work that off! Big deal. You CAN have what your body is craving, you just have to plan and adjust accordingly. Stay off the scale until your weekly weigh in. The daily fluctuations will just drive you batty.

    Good Luck!
  • Mookz0r
    Mookz0r Posts: 143
    This is going to sound gross, but if you think about it... if you have a big 3 course meal out, you might eat 1 or 2lbs of food, right? That weight of food is going to be sitting inside you until you poo it out. Fact.

    Weighing yourself the morning after a big meal or night out is almost never going to give great results...

    The thing to bear in mind is that (hopefully) you're losing weight by burning fat. This fat doesn't pop back into being overnight, so you're still doing well.

    Don't feel naughty or restricted... enjoy life - that's what it's there for. MFP helps teach us moderation, not sacrifice.
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