ShantiDey Member


  • Hot tea helps me. And protein! Grilled chicken, some tuna, or boiled eggs.
  • I like muesli: the night before, put 1/2 cup Bob's Red Mill thick rolled oats in a bowl. Cover with 1 cup yogurt or 1 cup Greek yogurt + 2 tablespoons milk or water. Toss a handful of nuts or berries on top. Keep it in the fridge overnight. Stir before eating. I also enjoy breakfast hash: saute a mix of vegetables in…
  • Not sure what the cost is in Australia for plain, unprocessed whole grains such as quinoa and millet - both are good protein sources and quick & easy to prepare. Use for breakfast (nice alternative to oatmeal), as a substitute for rice (again, protein!) in rice & beans, to thicken soups & stews, etc. One cheap trick I like…
  • WOW!!! Congrats, lady!! Please send some of your mojo my way! :wink: You are an inspiration! Congrats again on your awe-inspiring success - this is such powerful motivation. Hope you and your hubby have a beautiful time together very soon! Please thank him on behalf of all of us for his service....but I think when he sees…
  • I was 17, and a guy I'd had a crush on came by our house. After a few minutes of awkward conversation, he pulled me around the corner of the house and shoved me against a brick wall. My head hit the brick wall so hard I thought I almost blacked out. My mouth popped open in surprise, and the next thing I knew his tongue was…
  • There's a beautiful scene in the movie "Defending Your Life" where Rip Torn's character tells Albert Brooks' (recently deceased) character that he was a pretty good guy while he was alive, but there was one person on Earth he could have been a whole lot nicer to - himself. My suggestion is to keep in mind that you cannot…
  • The fact that he creeps you out is reason enough to take a firm line with him. He's either a) clueless that you are totally not okay with his coming on to you / touching you without an invitation, or worse, b) he's a predator and he's reading your downcast eyes, shying away and refusal to stand up for what you want as…
  • I am so proud of you!!! You set a great example of how to handle this kind of cretin. Kudos! Definitely report his ignorant self to management ASAP - as a previous poster noted, they probably have it on video so they can pick out the nutjob. However, depending on the technology used, the video may be "erased" or copied…
  • Personally, I would never consider allowing my child to stay overnight in the home of someone I DON'T know. If I'm entrusting you with the health and safety of my family member, I'm going to know your name and as much about you as possible. Call the other mother and check her out first.
  • CONGRATULATIONS to you on your success! You are not alone, as the comments have shown. You might find it helpful to remember the words a wise friend once told me - one of the original Greek words in the NT translated as "blessed" means "to be envied." When the haters have to run their mouths, remember - they envy you. Keep…
  • Thank you so much! What an inspiring story! Congrats on your victory - keep going, you will achieve your goal!!
  • Congratulations on your progress so far and your commitment to becoming strong & healthy! Lots of great suggestions here - log what you eat, drink 64 oz or more of water every day, and workout regularly. These are items I would also consider: * Oxygen magazine has been a big help for me. One of their fitness models posted…
  • Congratulations! That is excellent work! Keep going - you can do it!
  • 1. Pack your bag (and your post-workout snack and lunch!) the night before. Some people even sleep in their gym clothes. 2. It's all in your attitude. On the worst mornings, I would tell myself that I was doing this because I love myself and I know that after work I will be too tired, ergo, I am giving myself a workout…
  • YES! Thank you for sharing - I know now I am not crazy. You have also just hit on a key reason why I am logging / tracking my food intake so carefully on I can have a written log to shove in my dr's face.
  • I've got the same question!! Anybody know the answer on this one?