Nothing prepares you for this....



  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    In regards to the above post, a friend of mine who had lost weight (before I met her)....she went through the same thing with constant comments, said it took about a year for it stop. I know part of it has to do with folks getting used to this new me, but what gets under my skin is the negative comments, especially when BFF said I was looking anorexic. She often brings up the topic if my weight loss, too the point that it's making me uncomfortable. Next time she brings it up, I am going to let her know how uncomfortable it makes me and hopefully puts an end it to it.
  • fallenangelloves
    fallenangelloves Posts: 601 Member
    I want to thank everyone for all your support! Unfortunately I had another bad experience at church yesterday... A man asked me if I was planning on losing anymore weight and I responded, just a little... He told me I shouldn't because I was looking sick.... I wanted to cry! (I did in the car)

    I eat almost 2000 calories a day and can hold my body weight up with my arms.... I am not sick!

    I understand these people have never seen me thin before... But 5'7" 156 pounds is not the numbers of a sick person! I am just so thankful for everyone on MFP! But unfortunately I have to deal with the rest of the world and their ignorance of health and beauty... I guess that is why my Mantra is "Be The Example!" I am making it my goal to show people strong and lean is beautiful! Eating healthy is what everyone should be doing! Regardless of what a scale says!

    God bless you all on your journey thru life!
  • ShantiDey
    ShantiDey Posts: 16 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS to you on your success! You are not alone, as the comments have shown. You might find it helpful to remember the words a wise friend once told me - one of the original Greek words in the NT translated as "blessed" means "to be envied." When the haters have to run their mouths, remember - they envy you. Keep doing what you're doing, hold your head high, and give yourself a pat on the back for how far you have come. You are truly blessed when you're doing so well that the haters have to make remarks.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Where's the d*mn LIKE button?!?!?!
  • BackwoodsMom
    BackwoodsMom Posts: 227 Member
    From reading most of these comments, I am encouraged that so many of us on MFP have the right attitude toward weight loss and being fit. This is a great support and motivator. :happy:

    Keep up the good work!