Nothing prepares you for this....



  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Where's the d*mn LIKE button?!?!?!

    On Facebook. Go there if you want a damn like button.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    And here's life's dirt little secret.
    People enjoy gloating over our misfortunes.
    Some like us more when we are down.
  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    Do what makes you happy..
    You know yourself and as long as you are following healthy guidelines keep pushing.

    dont the let the negative things that come from jealous/envy people stop you!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    You have done really well, and those comments you are getting are very familiar to me. But honestly, I think they probably mean well, and it is just the contrast to how you looked before that it prmopting them. If they met you for the first time today, i'm sure they wouldn't think 'she's too skinny'. I decided a while ago that this was the place for me to get understanding and support, and not from the workplace (or even the family?). We are here for you, and we think you are doing great!
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Hello! You said it right, people do want the quick fix. And they are afraid of failing. I had the same thing happen to me, I was about 10lbs from my goal weight and I kept hearing oh you are getting way to skinny and beilieve me I WAS NOT even close to being to skinny. But what I am about to tell you really sucks, here I am 10lbs away from my goal weight and everyone in my ear saying I look way to small, so I listened to them and started eating a little bit more and I kept off the weight then it was like overnight BAM gained 20lbs back:(
    So my advice DO NOT LISTEN TO ANYONE about how you look. You are doing it the right way and you should be proud of yourself. To me it seems like people get SO jealous when they see others doing well. My friends and family seemed depressed around me when I was doing Great then they seemed Happy when I was doing bad.... I don't think it is intentional I think it is being human.... So keep up your hard work and NEVER stop working out...
    Good luck,
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    I walk all the time at work and am trying very hard to lose the weight I have gained over the years....everyone thinks I must have a love interest,that is why I am doing it in their minds...they are right..a new found love of myself
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    I agree, where is that darn Like Button????

    I have watched my mom go through this when she lost 110lbs a few years ago. Everyone told her to stop losing because she was starting to look guant and sick. It was also the same people in my family that were very overweight. One thing it did do was because those people were jealous of how awesome my mother looked, they have all lost some weight and are leading healthier lifestyles. So hopefully you will inspire these haters by all the hard work and dedication that you have shown. In the meantime, relish that you kick butt and are an inspiration to those of us here.
  • JediMaster_intraining
    I needed this thank you!
  • jetlbomb
    jetlbomb Posts: 43 Member
    Good on you! Congrats on the weight loss. I think people comment because they don't believe it can be done easily. If someone has successfully lost a lot of weight and is in the normal range for their height then they must've done something drastic to get there!

    You look good but, for some, the difference in your larger self compared to you being skinny can be quite shocking. Just let them know you're healthier than you've ever been!

    My boyfriend's mum lost a lot of weight. She's 5'10" and got down to 135ish. A lot of it was down to stress but she worked hard and went to the gym. She's fitter than most people I know, even at 50!

    But she didn't look good for it. She's now around 150lbs and she looks so much better. Her skin looks great and she has some serious muscle.

    I'm just making the point that even if you are in the healthy BMI range, that might not be you looking at your best.

    But, haters gonna hate!

    Go you!!
  • sweetaddict123
    sweetaddict123 Posts: 116 Member
    like like like like!!
    Congrats on your success!!
  • fallenangelloves
    fallenangelloves Posts: 601 Member
    Thank you EVERYONE! ThIs is why I have turned to MFP.... Because I know y'all get it and are beautiful people!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You can't control others' words or actions, but you can control your reactions. Laugh it off and forget it.

    It really isn't worth getting upset about. Honestly, I think 90% of dieters get those comments. I don't even think it's resentment. It's just people who are used to seeing you heavier and need to get used to how you look now.
  • revren10
    revren10 Posts: 116
    there jealous of your accomplishments
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Where's the d*mn LIKE button?!?!?!
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    First off, this is NOT a selfish thing to complain about. You have clearly worked (quite literally) your @$$ off. And you deserve the praise for it! You did an awesome job and you look amazing. I have a friend who lost 60 pounds and she is pretty tiny now, but nothing i would call unhealthy. She saw one of her friends for the first time in months and her friend went on and on about how she was too skinny and needed to put some weight back on. I think sometimes it really just takes people close to you awhile to get used to seeing you that way. If they have seen you overweight for a long time it will probably just take a little bit of adjustment to get used to the new you. I am sure a tinsy bit from some people can be jealous. I am sure they really don't want to be though. Who doesn't want to be fit? Not everyone can do it though. Try to tune them out and keep at it! Congrats :)
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I think my husband is this way. He's having a hard time switching from "I'm fat and need to lose weight" to "I'm toning up". I don't get it. Maybe I will when the time comes, but at this point I have a goal weight in mind on the "high" end, and if I hit that weight (or pants size....) I don't forsee worrying about body fat and toning a lot. Does that make me weird?

    Then again, I'm not terrified of being "skinny fat" as so many put it. I just want ME back.

    Maybe that doesn't make sense. I don't know. I confuse myself!

    But I can understand how you feel since I see it with my husband. Just continue, stay focused, and know that it's a slower road you're on - you'll be fine!
  • jilers
    jilers Posts: 94 Member
    Congratulations on your success!!!:wink:
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    Good for you for getting this far! People aren't happy to see others succeed when they're failing and depriving themselves of a healthier, happier life. That's unfortunate that even your pastor is critiquing your weight loss. Who is he to judge? Who is ANYONE to judge?

    Anyway, keep reaching for the stars, you're inspiring to us all!
  • danicamper
    Great job on getting this far! I weigh 138 at 5'4 and my goal is to loose 15-20lbs. My friends, family, and boyfriend all think I'm "crazy" for wanting to slim down. What's crazy is always feeling tired and sluggish from eating junk food and being lazy all the time. My boyfriend and closest friends now understand that a healthier lifestyle does mean I will lose some weight, but it mostly means I will be able to live a longer more active life.
  • rcaton3
    rcaton3 Posts: 16 Member