Nothing prepares you for this....



  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Congrats on your accomplishments! You earned it, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    I am nearly 40 pounds lighter now than I was when I started working here in my job. When the loss really became noticable, people started asking how I did it. I answer, eat right and work out. The response is nearly always amazement that I didn't use shakes or pills or shots or something else. As one person mean that really works? The eat healthy stuff and exercise thing? I smiled and answered, yes. Yes, it does.
  • Bysshe
    Bysshe Posts: 428 Member
    Also, I stole your graphic as my pc background!
    BRANDYLYNETTE Posts: 192 Member
    Your story is MY story....I am 5 '6 and am 163 pounds. My top weight was 214.....I have had people tell me the EXACT same things. I got self conscious and started eating more....for fear of what others would say. I do NOT like the negative comments....I wear size 10's and 12's. Far from skinny....but, in my world....everyone is I guess they think I need to be too. Amazing how others make you feel....Im sure...without even realizing it. Keep being healthy....Im learning..... :)
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I can't wait until somebody says that to me XD

    I used to get "Eat something already!" all the time.... and I wasn't unhealthy skinny, just normal. That has since stopped. :P

    Haha... to each their own!
  • jimmyz19
    jimmyz19 Posts: 14 Member
    I know how you feel. I am within about 8 pounds of my current goal and I am also asked about once a week how much more are you going to lose? I always tell them about 10 more then I will see how much more, I will be the judge of when enough is enough.

    I never realy thought about it until reading your post and all the reply's but I never once remember anyone saying "how much more are you going to gain?" when I was doing all that harm to my body and taking years offf of it with each bite of crap that I would put into my body. But now that I have taken control of my life and my body I am feeling GREAT and I am sure you and the others on here are too.

    Congrats on your new life style and I wish you and everyone else continued success!
  • shanaenichole
    shanaenichole Posts: 22 Member
    The worst thing I have ever heard from people "I wish I had your troubles..." I have to hold my tounge everytime. YOU (they) don't have my troubles. You don't know what its like to work out until you can't anymore. You don't feel the stain that my muscles feel after a long hard day. YOU do'nt know what its like to look at that cupcake and give it your all to just say no. No you don't have my troubles. You don't have them because your not stong enough to get there.

    You are strong and brave and determined. Everything every one of those people could be. Don't stop. You look amazing and they can just eat it all up!
  • amyofftherecord
    amyofftherecord Posts: 64 Member
    When I was at my lowest weight (5'6", 150 lbs) everyone was saying I was too skinny and looking at me like I was sick. The unfortunate thing is I *did* have an eating disorder, but I wasn't "too skinny". That's still a healthy weight for my height. If anything, it's at the high end. The truly annoying part was when my mother made a comment about how good Jennifer Hudson looked in the same conversation where she said I was too thin. Jennifer Hudson's a size 6. I was a size 14 when she said it. I don't think it necessarily comes from a place of jealousy, I think it's just shock at the change. I mean, nobody had ever seen me as anything smaller than "obese", so for me to be at a healthy weight was really jarring. They weren't seeing my size, they were seeing my size compared to the mental picture of me they'd gotten used to. Your friends and family might be doing the same thing. It's probably innocent in motivation, so maybe just tell them so. I told my mom about the Jennifer Hudson thing and she was actually speechless at the realization.
  • becca3211
    becca3211 Posts: 98 Member
    Sounds like they are envious of you...iam proud of you.....:flowerforyou:
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    Where's the d*mn LIKE button?!?!?!
    i know right LIKE!!!!!!!!!

    and seems to be an issue with so many people when they lose weight i guess others dont like change lol
  • Claible
    Claible Posts: 106 Member
    I hear you LOUD AND CLEAR! I applaud you on your success and I am cheering you on!
    I have a similar experience at work: My coworker about every 2 weeks has to ask me if I have a healthy goal and says things like "how long has it been since you weighed 125???" with a look that because I haven't weighed 125 since Jr. High school I shouldn't tempt it. I am 55 lbs from my goal. 5'2" and hardly model thin. BTW model thin is not my goal, feeling better not only in a health sense but about my own body image as well is my goal.

    I believe that the naysayers just need to make "us" feel bad because they can't or won't motivate themselves to make themselves feel better in anyway. I use to take her to heart now I wave a hand at her (literally) and say yes, I have done the research and I can reach my goal. Look what I have done so far.

    I believe in myself and I believe in you!

    Please remember that you are a great role model for all the naysayers to stop, stare and maybe change their attitude and be inspired. If not oh well you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    And here's life's dirt little secret.
    People enjoy gloating over our misfortunes.
    Some like us more when we are down.

    Something like this ^. People are great when you are pitiful and you need them. Once you succeed they get a little nervous. The spotlight isn't on them supporting you as your mentor. That makes them look grand, helping the pitiful. They have to actually look at themself and wonder if you are more successful than them when it's turned around. Does that make them look bad if you have done this, and they havent? An overweight out of shape person that puts eating and relaxing above taking care of themselves can't congratulate you too much. Or, it's making them feel like a slob.

    But #1 reason is people don't really know what being fit looks like. There is normal (overweight and innactive; enjoying junk food too often), then there is extreme. They don't know what healthy really looks like. It's a little threatening. They are speechless. I have tried to stop mentioning it in public. Thats why i'm still on MFP months after hitting my goal.

    When I was 10-15 lbs from my goal someone taking blood from me at the doctors said "stop dieting and eat!!!" She was overweight and used to sell some weight loss shakes for a living. That was my oddest experience. I was actually going for the top of my BMI range, not the low end for my height, and she was alarmed?
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I hear jealously under all those words. Why else would someone not want someone to lose weight? I could understand their sentiment if you were going to the extreme. You are not and your goal weight is not unhealthy.
  • citygirl754u
    Great post! Just like with anything in just have to do what makes you happy and ignore the nay sayers. Sadly, most of the time it is out of jealousy that say things or act like that.
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  • SkylarkGem
    SkylarkGem Posts: 2 Member
    I am here, logging in and making progress. After having my kids and an inactive lifestyle, I have some work ahead of me. But I never really needed to lose weight before or tried to tone up as a teenager so I never was in that position of people telling me to stop trying. I didn't talk or worry much about what I ate before about a year ago and didn't pay too much attention to how much anyone else weighed or how fit they were and just figured they were "lucky" if they were fit. About a year ago I joined a neighborhood weight loss competition out of desperation to at least stop gaining! (I actually lost weight and took third place to my great surprise!) Paying attention to portion sizes and really attempting to get my body more active opened up my eyes and my conversation with friends and family about eating healthy and exercising. Looking back I realize that while I never told someone more fit than I was that they needed to stop being healthy or trying, I usually said something like, "Like you need to." Which is demoralizing for them.... I never thought about it before. Just because they were 50 pounds lighter than me didn't mean that their bodes were where they should be or where they wanted them to be... I'll have to adjust my attitude a little bit as I go on and I look forward to one day saying, "Why should I stop trying to be healthy?" with a smile. :)
  • Lrt4uk
    Lrt4uk Posts: 174
    And here's life's dirt little secret.
    People enjoy gloating over our misfortunes.
    Some like us more when we are down.

    Unfortunately, I agree with this.

    I think you've done a fabulous job, YOU GO!
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    As you already know we are in the same boat. I am 5'2" and currently 127 lbs, 7 pounds from my goal. Hardly an anorexic weight, but I've been told that I am. I too get those questions, "Are you really still trying to lose weight?", but my new reply will be "No, I am living a healthier lifestyle". I've also be asked "When are you going to stop?" My new reply will be, " Why should I stop being healthier?". I've been close to responding with "When are you going to start?" or simply "None of your damn business." But thanks to you, Fallenangelloves, I am striving to "be the example" and will practice using my two new replies! ;)

    "when are you going to start?" LOVE IT.

    I have put some weight back on and stalled out my metabo from years of restriction, so I am now 15 lbs from my ultimate goal, rather than 5-6. But back when I was that close, I got all the same comments. It made me feel isolated and ostracised. Everyone's gotta cash in. How about live and let live?
  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 794 Member
    Continue until you reach your goals! You are doing FANTASTIC! Let them continue to talk and make negative remarks because they are going to make their remarks if you gain or lose weight. You may as well lose weight and be healthy to make YOURSELF happy!
  • mohawk1971
    mohawk1971 Posts: 40 Member
    I got the same responses... " you are too skinny" and so on. Basically they can get use to the new you or move on...
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Only the cover of the book got upgraded, the words inside are the same.

    :love: :heart: :love: LOVE THIS!!! :love: :heart: :love:
  • ViSabbi
    ViSabbi Posts: 120 Member
    You have done a wonderful work during your journey and nobody and nothing can take your accomplishments away. Be proud of yourself! Just do what you have to do to tone up, the rest of the 7 pounds will go away in the process most probably. I'm sure you look wonderful the way you are, but if you feel you still need to lose that 7 pounds to feel good about yourself, why not? It's not like you weight 100 pounds and trying to go even lower.

    Personally I just wouldn't focus on the pounds to lose but how I want to tone up and get to it. Who cares what everybody else says! :)