mrs_c_getsfit Member


  • Ha! I was the host of one our Christmas party games and had to play the part. 😂
  • Here’s my 2018 progress. I still have so much to lose, but I have finally hit the place I don’t automatically hit delete when I see a picture of myself!
  • Name: Jessica SW: 285 CW: 253 GW: 247 LTGW: 135 Weigh ins: Thursday 1/03/19 = 1/10/19 = 1/17/19 = 1/24/19 = 1/31/19 = Total WL/G for the month= My goal this month is of course weight loss, but also reducing my sugar intake. After the holidays, my sweet tooth is out of control! I haven’t participated in a challenge or even…
  • 5’3” SW:285 CW:259.2 GW:250 LTGW:135 Weigh in Thursdays-ish 10/4/18: 259.2 (-0) 10/11/18: 256.2 (-3) 10/24/18: 254.2 (-2) 10/31/18: You guys! This month has been killing me. Mentally I just hit the hugest roadblock. A lot of outside stressors that put me in such a craptastic frame of mind. GOTTA PUSH THROUGH. I was so glad…
  • 5’3” SW:285 CW:259.2 GW:250 LTGW:135 Weigh in Thursdays-ish 10/4/18: 259.2 (-0) 10/11/18: 256.2 (-3) 10/18/18: 10/25/18: I was feeling last week like I wouldn’t reach my goal this month, but I’m feeling like it might be possible again.
  • 5’3” SW:285 CW:259.2 GW:250 LTGW:135 Weigh in Thursdays-ish 10/4/18: 259.2 (-0) 10/11/18: 10/18/18: 10/25/18: I’m just glad for a zero loss and not a gain. I allergic to several foods and have an inflammatory response if I accidentally eat certain things. Ate a new salad dressing this week and blew up like a balloon by…
  • Great job! Loss is loss! You are looking great!
  • Happy October! Let’s smash our goals this month!!!!
  • You look great! Your photos inspire me!
  • Name: Jessica I am so thankful for this challenge. It gives me some accountability and keeps my expectations in check! 5’3” SW:285 CW:259.2 GW:250 LTGW:135 Weigh in Thursdays-ish 10/4/18: 10/11/18: 10/18/18: 10/25/18: Total WL for the month:
  • 5’3” SW:285 CW:265.0 GW:258 LTGW:135 Weigh in Thursdays-ish 9/10/18: 264.4 (Didn’t fast or log for over a week so I am happy that my numbers didn’t go up!) 9/13/18: 262.2 (-2.2) 9/20/18: 260.6 (-1.6) 9/27/18: 259.2 (-1.4) Loss for the month: -5.8 Overall I’m happy with my loss. Would have been nice to see my goal is 258…
  • This has been a really bad month for me with this week being the worst. I am surprised that I lost anything at all. B) [/quote] Loss is loss! You are on here making an effort and it counts!
  • 5’3” SW:285 CW:265.0 GW:258 LTGW:135 Weigh in Thursdays-ish 9/10/18: 264.4 (Didn’t fast or log for over a week so I am happy that my numbers didn’t go up!) 9/13/18: 262.2 (-2.2) 9/20/18: 260.6 (-1.6) 9/27/18: I’m completely happy with my loss this week since I went group camping and had no control over my meals! I’m sure…
  • Thanks for sharing your methods! Melinda- I know what it’s like to hit that WALL. I’m not looking forward to it myself! I’ve never heard of Omnitrition- but I’m glad it’s working for you Dana! Here’s my numbers this week, I’m feeling great about them! Going camping with my kids this weekend and a group of others. I’m not…
  • Question for you all: what are you doing for weight loss? Just counting calories? Exersicing? Specific diet? I am doing the 5:2 fast/way of life. I eat 500-700 (usually closer to 700 bc my TDEE is higher) 2 days a week and can eat up to 2200 the other 5 days. I’m finding it hard to eat that many being more conscious of my…
  • Late weigh in... oh well! 5’3” SW:285 CW:265.0 GW:258 LTGW:135 Weigh in Thursdays 9/10/18: 264.4 (Didn’t fast or log for over a week so I am happy that my numbers didn’t go up!) 9/13/18: 9/20/18: 9/27/18:
  • I’ll play again! Hoping to have a great month! I homeschool my kids and we start next week so my activity level is going to change and I’m hoping it’s for the better! My ultimate goal for the month is a NSV. I bought a pair of jeans that don’t quite button and I’d love to see that happen this month. 5’3” SW:285 CW:265.0…
  • 5’3” SW:285 CW:270.4 (beginning of August) GW:260 LTGW:135 Weigh in Thursday’s 8/2/18: 270.4 8/9/18: 268.2 8/16/18: 266.0 8/23/18: 266.2 8/30/18: 265.0 Total lost in August: 5.4 lbs I don’t understand what my body is doing the last week or so. I’ve been retaining water still. Swollen hands and just feeling sluggish! I had…
  • I picked this watermelon from my garden tonight. It weighs almost exactly the amount of weight I have lost since July 1. CRAZY! So many more watermelons left to go, but wow. That watermelon is heavy and it is something to be proud that that much weight has come off of my body.
  • [/quote] YOU'LL DO BETTER NEXT TIME - PS - it's only 08/22 LOL give yourself the other day to recover [/quote] Hahahahaha! That should tell you how my week has gone. 🤪
  • 5’3” SW:285 CW:270.4 (beginning of August) GW:260 LTGW:135 Weigh in Thursday’s 8/2/18: 270.4 8/9/18: 268.2 8/16/18: 266.0 8/23/18: 266.2 8/30/18: Well I feel like dirt today. I had a really great week food wise until I spent several hours traveling yesterday and ate a lot of salty snacks and didn’t drink much water. My…
  • Thank you, I am feeling great!
  • Updated with today’s weigh in. Down 2.2 lbs this week. I love that intermittent fasting is working so well for me! 5’3” SW:285 CW:270.4 (beginning of August) GW:260 LTGW:135 Weigh in Thursday’s 8/2/18: 270.4 8/9/18: 268.2 8/16/18: 266.0 8/23/18: 8/30/18:
  • I haven’t taken very many pictures, but here’s a face to face comparison. 18 lbs difference since July 1. Ignore the makeup free face- ugh! I feel good and feel like people will start noticing a difference in me soon too.
  • Can I join in? I just started my journey (again) last month, but what I’m doing is working and I have gained a lot of confidence in the “I can do this” category. I started July 1 at my highest weight ever and am currently down almost 20 lbs. just looking for accountability and encouragement. Feel free to add me as a…
  • I use a generic 15 calories per oz juiced. In all the juices I have taken the time to figure out, it has always been right around there. That said, I hate juicing greens and typically juice things like carrots, apples, beets, oranges, etc. Greens would be way less, I'm assuming.