

  • Are you tracking your food intake, cuz if you are you will see how little of the good stuff you can have, and how much more of the healthy GOOD stuff you can have. The key to this is calories in versus calories out, plain and simple. You have to stick to the plan for at least a couple of weeks, and you will then see that…
  • Hello,your going to love this site,and it truly works,I've been using it since April,and while I lost my way a little during the holidays,I'm back in the saddle.As long as you use it faithfully it WILL WORK,if you slack off you may delay your progress. Sometimes life gets in the way,the beauty of it is you just pick right…
  • I know you can do it,do you think you can do it?
  • Happy Friday fellow lushes, Trivia question: who use to sing that song that goes "Well I'm gonna get drunk and I sure do dread it cuz I know just what I'm gonna do,I'm gonna spend my money callin everybody honey and wind up singing the blues" just sayin!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :cry:
  • Eat just a few bites of anything you can get your hands on to keep your body from shutting down your metabolism thinking you're going into starvation mode. I do this all the time as I have a really hectic schedule,and I believe the best thing to do is to take a few bites of just about anything.kind of like in the mornings…
  • In through the nose out through the mouth.
    in Breathing Comment by tex43 November 2010
  • Best of luck Phylis! :smile:
  • That's awesome,and I like the way you tell the story,good for you sister!
  • Glad your back!:happy:
  • Have you tried going in the morning,makes your entire day better,it will become a habit,and great knowing you have it done. morning routine is the only way I could go.
  • this is correct,your ok going over on your protein,watch that sodium though!
  • I got that way awhile back,been stuck around 32/34 for the last few months,I actually took some time off and came back strong,just be carefull,my wife took the time off with me and she still has not returned. I've been trying to motivate her lately,but as you can imagine it is a very shaky/dangerous subject:wink: stay…
    in *sigh* Comment by tex43 November 2010
  • Hi Katrina,I'm Ike from Galveston!!!!!:laugh: just kidding,couldn't resist,welcome aboard!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • That's what I think would be my worst challenge,drinking and not smoking.I want to quit as well.Good info on this post
  • Good luck and thanks for your service,my daughter is in Airborn training at Campbell,soon to deploy to Iraq,thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
  • Take it slow,ease into this lifestyle change,remember this has to be something you can stick to the rest of your life,so make it doable. watch your portions ,drink lots and lots of water ,burn lots of calories so you can have more,when I miss the gym,I damn near starve to death. Hang in there!
  • I have been going to the gym for so long now that I literally feel like a slug when I don't,not to mention I starve to death on so few calories.I try to burn between 600 and 700 every morning.It makes my day so much better when I go as opposed to when I don't,and on the weekends when I'm out and about I try really hard to…
    in Hey Comment by tex43 November 2010
  • Big help,thanks to you all!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Cool thanks a bunch!
  • that's awesome,I remember that feeling to,keep going and see just how much you can get,I went on to other exercises and hadn't been on the treadmill for awhile and tried it again the other day,3 minutes liked to of killed me.My daughter and I last winter were running together to get her ready for boot camp,we got up to…
  • Check out a post named like minded lushes,it's for folks like us that are still living life while making these life style changes. See you there!:drinker:
    in beer? Comment by tex43 November 2010
  • when I know Im havin beers,I try to burn 6 or 7 hundred at the gym that morning,then eat descently ,and that evening I can usually have at least 9 which is plenty and not too many where I won't get up and go to the gym the next morning,but never ever ever eat after drinking.I drink miller light,watch the calories on those…
    in beer? Comment by tex43 November 2010
  • I agree with all,but I would add that I like to change it up a little,the elyptical is my favorite as I have a bad knee,but I will sometimes do 15 minutes elyptical ,15 minutes treadmill and 15 minutes stairclimber.I usually can burn upwards of 650 cals in 45 minutes with any combination.
  • subway if there is one,but if you have to eat Mickey D's or BK,get the grilled chicken sandwich and ask for wheat bread and lite mayo or mustard if that's your thing.no fries and diet coke.
  • We had a very memorable evening,I still can't believe little man is 18 ,such is life I guess.Thanks for the well wishes yesterday. I did have a few drinky drinks,but I made it to work,guess that makes me a functioning alcoholic. No drinks till FRIDAY!!:noway:
  • They are checking you out!!!!!! Do you really think the fact that you are sweating is somehow a deterant,come on!
  • Yeah ,I have a 26 and 22 year old,just sucks when your baby turns 18,the wife is really taking it hard.
  • Celebrating my youngest boys 18th B-day tonight,if that doesn't scream drinks I don't know what does,damn I'm gettin old!:drinker: :sad:
  • Yes that is funny as hell,you actually had me laughing in my office. Here's one,the ones that think it's their responsibility to ask you or point out that you weren't at the gym yesterday,how the $%&* do you know I wasn't at the gym yesterday,was you up here all day,are you stalking me,WTF!!!!!! These are funny as hell,by…
  • Good deal on the protein,also make sure you are getting your carbs in for fueling your work out. Here is some good info for building/bulking. The 10 Commandments of Muscle Building Nutrition! Author: Damien Mase Muscle building nutrition is not rocket science; it just requires some basic knowledge, discipline and…