Like Minded Lushes - November



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    OMG, the lushes are motivated already with all the posts!!!

    I will catch up later after work...

    Sunday, 0 drinks....whoo hoo
  • alain1976
    OK, so I like to binge drink now and then and I'm well aware of the calorie intake in doing so. The worst part is probably the feast that usually follows, but the 12+beers don't help either.
    I've been trying the low calorie beers such as Sleeman Clear which I love and is only 90 cals and 2.5g's carbs. It's pretty good compared to regular beers. This one is 4%alc. which is fine for me...I like to drink a lot of them but don't need the strong stuff.
    There is also the Molson Canadian 67, which has only 67 cals and 4g's of carb, but this one is very light at 3.5%alc., 4 g. It still does the job, but I think I tend to drink more and it defeats the purpose.
    It's a huge self-control issue in the end. It's important to reduce the quantity taken, regardless of what you're taking and that's easier said than done, but it's the only way. I'm going to avoid it as much as possible because I really need to lose weight, but I know I'll drink again and I hope to be able to have that self-control. In my case, it would be limiting my intake to 3 to 6 beers. That's a normal amount. Not 12 to 20 like I usually end up taking.

    There's also a general misconception that liquor and wine have less calories than beer...that's not true :)
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    RJ sorry you aren't feeling well :(

    I had budgeted for 2 glasses of wine last night but my plans feel through. Since starting this on September 1 I can count on 1 hand how many drinks I have had. For me success lies in not drinking. I was a HEAVY vodka drinker prior to Sept. 1

    Good luck everyone :) one day at a time and everything in moderation that is KEY!
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    Aaahhh...I don't think I'll ever learn! I always tell myself I won't drink too much when I go out but end up drinking too much which always leads to eating more. No wonder I was up almost 1.5 lbs this morning. I am running a 10K this weekend, so I hopefully I won't drink too much this weekend.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    no alcohol for me tonight. My stomach is still cramping like crazy. (and all the other fun stuff that comes with digestive failure) I am really hoping that I am better tomorrow. good night and good luck my fellow lushes
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    This past summer, a close family friend passed away suddenly. A long story...short version is that she didn't take care of herself. Ate poorly, smoked, never exercised and never went to the doctor. When she got sick, her body couldn't cope. My Spousal Unit took it pretty hard; I got the steely wifely glare and "that voice"...said, "That's not going to happen to you, Sparky."

    Good for the wise wife, thanks goodness she's a nag

    Sunday, 0 drinks
    Monday, 0 drinks

    it's a start...
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Sunday=0 drinks
    Monday=0 drinks
    should be ok on the no drinking tomorrow, might have a couple of drinks on Wednesday.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    DH is Scotish and Irish so now I know where he gets it. :laugh: I'm part Native American so that;'s my excuse. We did actually take the night off last night so that's a start.

    Robin, hope you are feeling better today.
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    Celebrating my youngest boys 18th B-day tonight,if that doesn't scream drinks I don't know what does,damn I'm gettin old!:drinker: :sad:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Celebrating my youngest boys 18th B-day tonight,if that doesn't scream drinks I don't know what does,damn I'm gettin old!:drinker: :sad:

    I remember that feeling all too well but it was a long time ago. the best thing about the kids getting older is that they get to go drinking with me when I visit them or they visit me:tongue:
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    Celebrating my youngest boys 18th B-day tonight,if that doesn't scream drinks I don't know what does,damn I'm gettin old!:drinker: :sad:

    I remember that feeling all too well but it was a long time ago. the best thing about the kids getting older is that they get to go drinking with me when I visit them or they visit me:tongue:

    Yeah ,I have a 26 and 22 year old,just sucks when your baby turns 18,the wife is really taking it hard.
  • mamacita99
    mamacita99 Posts: 66 Member
    This is a funny thread - who knew there would be someone for just about everyone here. :)
    I love my wine too, hey, who am I kidding - I love my beer too, and while I'm at it my mixed drinks :)
    BUT, I love the idea of a healthier, thinner me more.
    So, that said - I am going to limit myself to one free day a week. Not to drink myself into a stupor :) but to enjoy a glass of wine or two or 4 with my girlfriends.
    It's when we say no to all the good things we enjoy that we have problems....I say moderation is key!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Sunday, 0 drinks
    Monday, 0 drinks
    Tuesday, 0 drinks...early work day tomorrow and 12 hours at that so I definitely should not drink

    Good luck lushes

    Tex43, have fun with your son tonight
    Debbie, good job on the first night...I think Day 3 is my breakdown day where I really start to "jones"
    Robin, glad your feeling better
    Mama, good goal, mine is similar with one crazy no limit and one conservative night

    Long live the lush!!!
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Celebrating my youngest boys 18th B-day tonight,if that doesn't scream drinks I don't know what does,damn I'm gettin old!:drinker: :sad:

    Tex - my 'baby boy's' 40 and he has two older sisters, so how do you think that makes me feel!! However, the good side is that they take me out eating and drinking (and they pay!).

    Robin, hope you feel a lot better soon.

    Mama; I like your goal. I allow myself two treat nights at the weekend when I can have either a gin and diet tonic or a small glass of red wine with my dinner. Like most of the people on this thread I don't necessarily over indulge but abstaining on most week nights does seem to have helped with the weight loss. Not just because of the calories in the booze itself but that when drinking I am more likely to snack on high cal foods.

    Two nights now no booze; eating within the calorie allowance and some good exercise today - 55 mins on the WiiFit first thing this morning; 25 minutes very brisk walking and one hour Pilates class tonight. So, I am feeling very good and very happy.

    Best wishes to all my fellow lushes :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , tomorrow is Wednesday and we're half way through another week and, for those of you across the pond, a bit closer to Thanksgiving and a bit of relaxation.

    Happy days :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    2 days of no alcohol achieved :) Tonight as I was cooking Moroccan style lamb and cous cous I caught myself thinking that a glass of red would go very nicely! I'm soo tired tonight too, had to go back into work this evening for a meeting so I cycled the journey twice (fortunately it's not far). Been a bit naughty today by eating both a chocolate brownie and finishing a bar of chocolate but I figured I'd kind of earned it. Just hope I'm not going to replace the alcohol with eating chocolate. :devil:

    Robin hope you are feeling better today.
    Hope everyone else meets their goals whether today is an alcohol free day, moderation or just go for it :happy:
    Whilst a glass of wine with dinner would have been nice I'm feeling really positive about doing my challenge, bring it on :happy:
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Good for you, Yvonne - you're a winner. :wink:

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Good for you, Yvonne - you're a winner. :wink:


    Ditto, good move,'s the moments like that make or break us...I find day 3 is always a craving for alcohol and I have to work thru it
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good for you, Yvonne - you're a winner. :wink:


    Ditto, good move,'s the moments like that make or break us...I find day 3 is always a craving for alcohol and I have to work thru it
    Yvonne you did great on your calories today even with the chocolate. You are doing so well.

    I am starting to feel a little more like the living. Still not great. i walked for an hour today but at a slower pace than usual. No problem avoiding the alcohol again today. Stomach is still just a little too shaky.
  • laurenbausch
    Especially is it's been one of those days. . .
  • laurenbausch
    I didn't drink last night!!!! And I went to the Mexican restaurant and had soup. . .