TexasSunny Member


  • I know what you mean. I was in the same place.... til yesterday! I measured myself, and altho I really really wanted to see inches lost on the hips and thighs.... nope. BUT... turns out I lost 3 inches on my waist!! Woooo hoooo!!!! I'm pretty happy about that. It also explains why my pants don't fit differently, since I…
  • Or yourself.... or a someone on a motorcycle....
  • Crock pot soups.... do a search for low-cal recipes. They are easy and cheap and will feed you for a few days! Frozen veggies.... cheap and good filler for soups and stews and salads! Oatmeal Popcorn Beans (dried or canned) cheap AND protein! (You can cut down on meat if you find other sources of protein!) Eggs (using two…
  • <<<<<<Make yourself an inspiration/motivation board. Make it on the computer and save it as your desktop. I put things I love, things that motivate me, future rewards, and inspirational words. Something that you make, that is personal to you, might help!
  • 100 calorie soups! Not sure of the website..... but you can google it. They are tasty, filling, low cal, and cheap!!! Plus, you put it all in the crock pot and leave it alone for hours! Plus, there's a few days worth of dinners!! *Edited to add: I checked, it's fatsecret.com
  • pintrest.com has alot of stuff if you do a search for fitness
  • Hello Ladies! I'm happy to find y'all!! This is the kind of group I need! I do have awesome friends on my list tho, lots of encouragement. My husband is on MFP too, so good support there... but you KNOW men lose differently, and work out differently. Goals for August: Lose 10 pounds (joined a challenge here... not sure if…
  • I've lost 19 lbs since June..... my wedding ring seems a bit looser.... but that's it. So I am pushing harder when I workout, and drinking more freakin water... Keep on going.... you'll get there!
  • Captain and diet coke Michelob Ultra Just saw a recipe for a 75 calorie margarita.... gotta try it! :)
  • I did Atkins for awhile, which got me off of sugars, breads, and all junk foods. So now it's easier mentally to figure out something healthy. For me... POPCORN!!! A big ol' bowl has very few calories. Also, for a sweet tooth..... sugar-free jello, tea, ice coffee (homemade!), and learn to make desserts low-cal and…
  • ring finger.... LOL! 19 lbs. down and my ring is the only thing that seems a bit big on me now.....
  • Awesome ideas!!! :) You can have plenty of drinks.... as long as you LOG THEM!!!!
  • One helpful tip on another post is.... Eat normally for one week and log every bite honestly. That way you will see where your fats are coming in, or what foods you typically eat that are pretty high in calories... After that.... you should be able to figure out what to cut back on, and what to add in (veggies and…
  • No, you don't look morbidly obese..... That being said..... I'm about your size. You KNOW what you weigh and what your goals are.... Focus on being healthy, or healthier!
  • I used to have a photo of myself in a bikini that I would put on the fridge for motivation. Then I hung a new bikini in the kitchen as motivation..... I think I'll do that again! And creeping out the kids (all grown) is a nice added BONUS!!!!!
  • I do this once in awhile... usually at a thrift shop tho, so I only pay 2 or 3 dollars. I'll buy pants that I like that I can ALMOST zip up, or that I can zip up but that are too tight to wear until they fit better! But then, I do have a good size hoard of "skinny clothes" just calling my name!
  • I don't think it's rude. We have Sunday dinner here every week. My DIL is always working on her fitness... she often brings some healthy side dish. It doesn't always appeal to me (she likes veggies WAY more than I do!) so I send the left overs home with her. Keep bringing the salad, and maybe add a side dish. She MAY think…
  • Carrot sticks Popcorn on a stick (from my Cub Scout leader days....): Use about six inch length of foil, lay a stick thru the length of it. Pour a single row of popcorn kernels and whatever kind of oil you want. Close the foil loosely, so that it hangs on the stick. Hold over the fire! Google "foil dinners" where you wrap…
  • Try smoothies.... you can make them how you want! I have a hard time eating 1200 calories because I am avoiding bread, pasta and junk. Not a big fruit fan, but I'm working at it! Good Luck!
  • Awesome! Went for an early walk, finished grocery shopping, and have 15 bean soup simmering now.... making the house smell great! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
    in Hello Comment by TexasSunny July 2012
  • Yep...oatmeal is fast and easy. I don't measure, pour it right out of the carton (or whatever you call a round box!) add some tap water and nuke for one minute. I add lots of cinnamon to mine. Another pintrest idea: Use muffin tins to create little sausage and egg things; you can have a dozen at a time that way. Peanut…
  • I think it just takes one slob or slutty dresser to ruin it for everyone....so companies have to keep that in mind and steer toward a more conservative look. I'm a teacher in a very casual school. I was very surpized at the lax dress code when I started there. Capris, flip flops, sneakers, one blue jean day each week (if…
  • Nope, mine doesn't know. He's a big guy.... and he calls me "little" and "tiny".... I loooooooooooooooooooooove him for that! :) We're both here, working on this together.
  • Maybe we have to call is something else to be able to count it as cardio?
  • Good Luck Kevin!
  • The Atkins plan starts with 30 carbs per day... but when I do it, I shoot for zero. You CAN lose weight this way, of course it's not balanced and some people hate it or think its life-threatening. It's just another diet plan. The good part of going no/low carb is that you don't have to COUNT. I hate all the counting and…
  • Wow.... that's awesome!
  • Hi! I'm also 47, a teacher..... 5 kids, 7 grandbabies...I need to lose 50 lbs! Recently remarried, enjoying the romance....wanting to get in better shape partly FOR the "romance"! Partly so it doesn't get WORSE! We enjoy an active life, and I want to look good and feel good doing it!!! Not ready for a "middle age…