Looking for a few more friends who have at least 50-100 lbs

I am looking for a few more friends who are on a serious journey to become healthy. Must be willing be willing to be a positive and upbeat supporter who is in this for the long haul. If you have time for another friend, read my profile and contact me if you like what you read. God bless and have a happy, healthy Sunday!! Lynne
p.s. Please tell me about you in your reply.


  • RenaeNguyen
    RenaeNguyen Posts: 98 Member
    well my name is Ashley :) I work out every day and eat compleatly healthy :) I have lost 63 lbs and am still losing. I started my jurney at 250lbs and am trying to get into shape so that I may have children. good for you on making the decision to lose weight, a lot of people dont take that first step, so kudos to you!
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I've got a bit off a long haul ahead of me. I really let myself go after getting married and pushing keys on a keyboard. My fitness goals don't end with weight loss goals though. I'm going to keep up the weight lifting and see where that goes.
  • kdchick99
    kdchick99 Posts: 104 Member
    My name is Danielle and I have been slowly gaining weight since meeting my husband in 2005. Now in 2011, I realize having children at this weight will not be health or good for me or my future child. Plus, I deserve to be healthy and happy! I have been slowly losing weight, but the inches are coming off faster, YEAH!!!!!!!!!! Feel free to add me, I love the support and need the encouragement!
  • harleygirlT
    harleygirlT Posts: 223 Member
    I'd love to be friends! We have alot in common, I'm 48 with two grown sons and been married for 33 years. I want to lose about 60 lbs so I'll be around awhile and would love to support each other thru this journey, Add me as friend anytime. Have a great day!
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I've got 53 lbs to go! Feel free to add me! :tongue:
  • CoachNYLA
    I am in....my highest weight was almost 170 lbs. myself. Anyway I could be supportive, I can share some tools share some experiences that have helped me change my life.

    I am also a recovering food addict for over 19 years. I have lots of food ideas and recipes to help get through those cravings and help create a clean and tastey food plan for those who struggle with the food.

    Anyway I can help, I am here.

  • krstal02
    krstal02 Posts: 81 Member
    My name is Kristal I have been with MFP for about 3 months and I love it. I have a few friends who keep me encouraged. I am please with the weightloss so far. I am approaching my short term goal in about 10 more pounds then I will set another goal. I would be happy to be friends with you on MFP send a request. Good Luck and happy weight loss. 9160786.png
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • TexasSunny
    TexasSunny Posts: 87 Member
    Hi! I'm also 47, a teacher..... 5 kids, 7 grandbabies...I need to lose 50 lbs! Recently remarried, enjoying the romance....wanting to get in better shape partly FOR the "romance"! Partly so it doesn't get WORSE! We enjoy an active life, and I want to look good and feel good doing it!!! Not ready for a "middle age spread"!!!

    *LMAO!!! I'm 48.... just looked at my profile! Numbers, schnumbers..... :)
  • mizzthang
    mizzthang Posts: 56 Member
    Hello everyone... I too have alot to loose roughly another 60lbs to go.. I hope I can be an encourager as well as be encouraged by others... All the very best on your weightloss journey..