staring to "diet" - coping with hunger and cravings

Hello all.
I always find that I'm so hungry the first couple of weeks when I start watching what I eat ... and find it difficult manage the cravings for sweets - sometimes it's unbearable.

I would love to hear what foods (snacks or meals) you eat; and how you cope with this struggle while getting started on a weight loss program.

Thank you for your help and comments.


  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I try to eat a lot of protein to keep me full. Nuts, hard boiled eggs, and high fiber cereal (Kashi) will fill you up fast.
  • specialkyc
    specialkyc Posts: 384 Member
    For your sweet tooth, try some of those dessert flavored gums. They're only about 10 calories per stick.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    If you are hungry, then eat.

    Log what you eat to see how it plays with in your calories and then you an adjust from there.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    If you are hungry, then eat.

    Log what you eat to see how it plays with in your calories and then you an adjust from there.

    Exactly. It's possible you are not netting enough calories.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I went off the sweets for 30 days to get rid of the cravings. It worked. Now sweets are an occasional treat that I work into my program. :)
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    If you are hungry, then eat.

    Log what you eat to see how it plays with in your calories and then you an adjust from there.

    Exactly. It's possible you are not netting enough calories.

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Try buying protein bars (I use Think Thin because they are gluten free, but there are many others) to satisfy the sweet tooth. Most of them taste like candy bars. They are especially good to replace calories burned during a workout.

    Other great snacks include vegetables and hummus, almonds and raisins, hard boiled eggs and avocado.
  • workoutgirl23
    i know how you feel. those cravings can be so hard to fight. especially when first starting to diet. once your body gets used to dieting, it will start to get easier to fight the cravings. try foods and snacks that are more filling. such as foods with a lot of protein in them. protein makes you feel more full, and when your more full your less likely to snack. when i diet, i eat a lot of stuff like yogurt. greek yogurt is very high in protein. and granola and fiber bars. and since i crave chips bad, i tend to eat a lot of those special k cracker chips with sea salt. they are really good, but low in calories. you can do it. just look around for lower calorie options to satisfy the cravings you have.
  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member
    Sugar free gum, and dessert flavored yogurt or fresh fruit keep me from grabbing an ice cream or cupcake :)
  • warpedlogic
    Cravings is the body telling you that it needs something that it's missing. When you get a craving, figure out what an equivalent is in nature. Craving anything sweet? Try some strawberries or another sweet fruit. Craving something salty? Try some raw spinach or other leafy green. Once your body figures out what nutrients it gets from these cravings, your craving will morph to be more health conscious naturally.

    For hunger between meals, have more protein in your meal or eat some peanuts as a snack between meals.

    Remember that diets fail and that successfully losing weight is a lifestyle change of what we eat daily.
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Eat all the veggies you want.

    Don;t think of it as a diet, think of it as a lifestyle change,
  • lindsiswatchingyou
    lindsiswatchingyou Posts: 114 Member
    It helps to keep healthy snacks with you. Carry a baggie of healthy cereal (I like shredded wheat) or a banana/fruit to eat when you get hungry. If you eat small things it will help control your hunger when you sit down for a big meal. I'm always more likely to make bad choices when I'm hungry.

    Also, don't forget two things: One, that some days you'll be hungrier than others; just track it and move on. Two, if you're going to over-indulge or go over your calories, try to do it with healthy foods.
  • mama78loosinWeight
    mama78loosinWeight Posts: 130 Member
    If you are hungry eat bigger meals. Vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber which = full. Add fruit in there. Cut out the processed sugars that leave you feeling empty and you shouldn't have a problem. 3 cups of veg a day and you won't be hungry. Try it.:smile:
  • ah13488
    ah13488 Posts: 2
    Diets don't work. A commitment to a lifestyle changing is what works. You need to track your food accurately and not deprive your self of a "treat". Diets say a cookie or a piece of cake are bad. But a lifestyle change you learn that as long as it is a "treat" here and there it is fine. If you are craving sugar try fresh fruit. Your body craves sugar because it is so use to having it, just like caffeine.

    If you want a accountability/support person let me know I will be that for you.. I know that has helped me with this journey of losing weight, getting healthy and finding my energy again.

  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    I've lost 20 pounds... by not "dieting" but actually eating... I eat between 1700-2200 calories every day. There's a HUGE group of us on here that believe if fueling your machine and lifting heavy to gain lean muscle mass and change your body... by depriving your body, you're just going to become "skinny fat" ... and I don't know about you, but that's not something I'm interested in at all!

    If you're fueling your body properly, you won't be hungry :)
    Hello all.
    I always find that I'm so hungry the first couple of weeks when I start watching what I eat ... and find it difficult manage the cravings for sweets - sometimes it's unbearable.

    I would love to hear what foods (snacks or meals) you eat; and how you cope with this struggle while getting started on a weight loss program.

    Thank you for your help and comments.
  • Asha0714
    Asha0714 Posts: 88
    I try to eat a lot of protein to keep me full. Nuts, hard boiled eggs, and high fiber cereal (Kashi) will fill you up fast.

    She beat me to it! Protein will keep you full. Also, plan your meals and snacks so you have something when you get hungry or cravings. In my daily meal plan, I sometimes plan to have a "skinny milkshake."
  • tubaman58
    tubaman58 Posts: 151
    Fresh fruit is low in calories and will (sometimes) take care of the cravings
  • TexasSunny
    TexasSunny Posts: 87 Member
    I did Atkins for awhile, which got me off of sugars, breads, and all junk foods. So now it's easier mentally to figure out something healthy.

    For me... POPCORN!!! A big ol' bowl has very few calories. Also, for a sweet tooth..... sugar-free jello, tea, ice coffee (homemade!), and learn to make desserts low-cal and fat-free. I should say fruits and WATER..... they are my struggle...I'm working on that.
  • susjan
    susjan Posts: 105
    Hello all.
    I always find that I'm so hungry the first couple of weeks when I start watching what I eat ... and find it difficult manage the cravings for sweets - sometimes it's unbearable.

    I would love to hear what foods (snacks or meals) you eat; and how you cope with this struggle while getting started on a weight loss program.

    Thank you for your help and comments.

    If you treat this as a diet, then it becomes restrictive. If it becomes restrictive, you will feel like you are depriving yourself and it won't last. It really is a lifestyle change. Whole foods vs processed foods (I'm still learning this) and you will feel fuller longer... but if you are truly 'hungry'... eat.
  • marthathebear
    I eat the mini boxes of raisins. Satisfies my sweet tooth. Good Luck!