

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    jipsyjudy- I just wanted to say hi and welcome to the post. After reading your post, I get the feeling that you maybe having a hard time accepting that you have a "new life style" and being at peace with it. I think that once you have total acceptance in a positive healthy way ,then the desire to be rebellious will subside. You will be coming from a different place and start to look at foods differently. You will know that you are making the healthy choices for your body and that you will be feeding your body nutritiously. :smile:

    You will say that I don't eat those foods because they are not healthy, nor nutritious for my body.You will come from a place of love towards your body and keeping it healthy.:bigsmile:

    I maybe way off from how you are feeling.I can relate to your feelings,as not being able to have the life style that I used to have,but I have come to accept it and try to do the best I can make of each day. I used to be so active and exercise all the time,but after a work injury, I can barely walk, and I have chronic pain. Who can this be??? Certainly ,not me !! After I got over the anger of being like this, acceptance took over and I am so happy that I can walk ! :drinker:

    White flour and processed food are not good for anyone, and the data that is coming about sugar is not good either. There is one doctor that sugar is what feeds tumor cells. So, no one should eat sugar,white flour, white rice etc! So, try to look at it as coming from a place of love, to yourself, to your body!! Keep coming back to these posts and you will find a great group of ladies, who are so supportive and kind! Hugs, Linda SundanceB :smile:
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Just checking in. My daughter cut her thumb at 0100 this am while washing the dishes. Yes they wait until the last minute during the summer to do their chores.

    So , was up a few times during the night checking her wound, it could not be sutured ,as she just sliced off the skin with a broken glass. So by the time I finally got to sleep. the dog then came and woke me up to go outside. I remember it being light outside at one point... At 11:00 am my other daughter came in and woke me up, and said ,Mom we have to go to school for the sports physicals, we have to be there before noon.... :sad: :sad: :grumble: :grumble: :explode: :explode:

    So, needless to say. I didn't weigh in, nor take my measurements...So tomorrow will be the big day! :drinker: :drinker:
    Welcome to all the new ladies. I want to says a few things, but my daughter is whining for the computer.

    Michele, are brownies good with prune puree? And for all the substitutions, like yogurt how do you know how much to substitute?

    I hope everyone's fur people are getting better. Our one dog has been throwing up, so I am feeding her chicken and rice. I think she are a peach pit. Our peach tree has been dropping the peaches in the grass, and I think this has been making her sick. Now I am am making sure she doesn't have a obstruction.:cry::cry:
    I hope tonight I can get a good nights sleep, Until tomorrow, hugs Linda SundanceB:heart::heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    I don't think I have the time to respond inidvidually today, but I'm reading all your posts and offering support and love to you all.

    A grey day here in London. The tube was also packed and unpleasant - but it got us here, so mustn't complain.

    I was extremely proud of myself yesterday, I walked a total of about four hours and also ran for about ten minutes (not long, but I have to protect my knee). My aim is to try to build the strength in my knees so that when I do have an arthritis flare up, I will hopefully be in a stronger position to handle it.

    I definitely feel that I ate too much yoghurt yesterday. My tummy is suffering, so I'm trying to be kind to it in the hope that my IBS isn't too troublesome.

    Must get on with some work now, but will drop in later if I get the chance.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • bigpal
    bigpal Posts: 19 Member
    GOOD MORING LADIES today is a new day for us all to change anything that might be wrong with our food choices it is a day for us to be strong for ourselfs and our familys and pets we may not be spring chickens but we are strong weman we can all do this together if it takes baby steps then so be it little by little the changes we make in our life will help us reach our goals we will look back in 6 months and say wow look what a few changes did for me YES and you will have such joy knowing that your eating healthier exercising more and it gives you a good feeling about your self and has a postive out look on life too so until we meet again healthy is the way to happiness lol carol
  • stangma
    stangma Posts: 211 Member
    Well Ladies - we are certainly a diverse group - - with a common goal. It is amazing to me how quickly the pounds jump onto us. Why oh Why cant they leave as quickly??

    Have a wonderful Tuesday & keep melting :)
  • Lainnee
    Lainnee Posts: 61 Member
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Just joined MFP and found this thread. Iturned 56 last week, and I am a diabetic. I want to reduce my meds, and not get that look from my Doctor. I have decided to give up wheat and see what that does for me. I was on weight watchers for a over year and lost only 11 lbs, so I think the breads and pastas have to go. I am limiting all but veggie and fruit carbs. The most of any other carb, as in rice or beans is 1/3 a cup, per meal.

    My august goals are:
    Walk at least 2 miles everyday.
    Lose 5 lbs for the month.
    Don't eat any wheat, but up the number of veggies.
    Drink more water.

  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    I couldn't stand the suspense, how badly had the family reunion thrown me off course.... omg, I lost a little this week even with the fabulous cooking of all the family ladies! 4 pounds! Yippee! Its a start!
  • gumper50

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the place for support and encouragement on your weight loss and fitness journey.

    :flowerforyou: The title says Women ages 50+ but all women are welcome.

    :flowerforyou: You can be part of this supportive family just by posting and returning regularly to join the discussions, ask your questions, and share what’s on your mind.

    :flowerforyou: How have you done with the goals and resolutions you set for July?

    :flowerforyou: What goals and resolutions have you chosen for August?

    :flowerforyou: It’s never too late to make positive changes in your life……never, never, never give up.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    August Resolutions:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
    *100 Warrior III poses or squats a day
    *17,000 steps a day
    * finish the rock project in the yard
    *Act the way I want to feel
    *Come from a place of love
    *Don’t take things personally
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Hello all -

    Wow, lots to read since yesterday morning. I am awed by the diversity of what you accomplish! You all are great ladies!!

    Yesterday a friend and I did some shopping/walking in a historic area of town. Lots of shops were not open on Mondays but that didn't really matter, we found lots of places to browse and we walked for a couple of hours. We each ended up with a colorful (although not matching) tie dyed T-shirt. Somedays you just have to relive your youth. :happy:

    We went into one store that gives out food samples and my friend tried the dips with pretzels, chips, salsa, etc. The only thing she passed up was the fudge. I guess luckily for me since I have celiac and so many other food issues, I just watched so the entire afternoon was a calorie burn for me (and I need that for certain).

    I thought the weather was quite lovely, sunny and not a cloud in the sky but I didn't feel like I was in an oven. Found out later it was about 90 degrees but the humidity was low. When my friend told me she thought it was hot---she was right! While I enjoyed myself I found out my seasonal allergies are returning so my planned trip to the State Fair later this week is now cancelled. Seems every year the fair and my allergies arrive at the same time. :flowerforyou: Achoo.

    Again, it is wonderful to visit with you here. All the best to you. :drinker: :drinker:

  • gumper50
    I am new here and am trying to naviagate the site. I am 55 years old and I am just wanting to get through one day....I always start with good intentions but some where along the way someone has some cookies or a piece of cake...someone's birthday...something to make it hard to say no and there go the calories and all my good intentions and the diet is gone....Excuses I know but I need help.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I hope to be back this month. To say that July was the worse month of my life is probably an understatement. I really can't even talk about it yet.

    My weight says it all. I am back up to 155 pounds from 137 two years ago. Today I have a healthy lunch and hope I can get the comfort eating at night back in line soon.

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Good morning Ladies! OMG I have 1 lb to go! yay! It was my TOM for last few days and today (!) whoosh (!) I'm almost there!
    It's actually 1.5 lbs but who's counting.

    I mentioned my "rental daughter" in the past.. we have had girl who was BF with one of my twins in HS living with us for the last year and a half. She'd finished her freshman year at BYU and then came back and decided she didn't want to be Mormon anymore. Parents threw her out, said she was a bad influence on her 3 younger brothers :-((( They were unhappy with me for giving her an "out" but heck, she was already 19-- at some point you need to figure out your path. I just choose to not let her sleep in a car. She's such a good girl too, a daughter to be proud of. They moved back to Utah about 6 months ago so we're now her family. She's gotten herself back into State University here and making a Meredith-shaped impression on my (very nice) couch in (what was) my husband's basement man-cave :-) How can people do that to their kids? People, kiss your kids and cherish them while you can-- this one's a keeper and maybe she'll take care of me when I'm an old lady (that mean's hit the Young and 60 Board at MFP??):wink:

    Only 1 lb. to go? Congratulations!!!

    I don't understand when parents put themselves ahead of their children. I have some major disagreements with my kids, but I would never disown them for their beliefs being different than mine. They are people and are entitled to their opinions, whether I agree or not. It could never be worth losing them over. Your "rental daughter" is blessed to have you in her life!
  • TexasSunny
    TexasSunny Posts: 87 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I'm happy to find y'all!! This is the kind of group I need! I do have awesome friends on my list tho, lots of encouragement. My husband is on MFP too, so good support there... but you KNOW men lose differently, and work out differently.

    Goals for August:
    Lose 10 pounds (joined a challenge here... not sure if I can get there, but it is motivating me to work harder!)
    Fit into next size down (lost 19 lbs so far, but not a pants size!!)
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member

    I was extremely proud of myself yesterday, I walked a total of about four hours and also ran for about ten minutes (not long, but I have to protect my knee). My aim is to try to build the strength in my knees so that when I do have an arthritis flare up, I will hopefully be in a stronger position to handle it.

    You walked for four hours and also ran??? I can't tell you how impressed (and jealous) I am..... you're amazing!
  • 62karen
    62karen Posts: 32 Member
    Hello Everyone.... My goal for the month of August is keep tracking my calories and hopin to lose 10 lbs and stay motivated. I am 5 ft. tall and need to lose 30lbs. Its tough being in menopause, the weight doesn't fall off like it use too. :sad:
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I've been among the missing for a while. We had a vacation at the beach for two weeks and I couldn't log very conveniently from there. I did watch what I ate to some degree and didn't gain. I prefer to look at the good news, not the obvious bad of NOT losing.

    The second week I did get into a small amount of what I know I should avoid – salty snack food cr@p. I know when I do this I suffer from thirst and food cravings, but I had a bit of it anyway. Good news is it was a small amount and didn't effect my weight. I threw away all the rest of it that our friends didn't take with them on their road trip home. Small steps...

    I haven't read all the pages since I have been gone, I skipped around and read a bit from people I “know” and called it good. Wow! We are growing by leaps and bounds. It's great we have so many people here giving a healthier lifestyle a go.

    I don't talk as much as I used to but I'm here and chime in from time to time. I don't think I will ever quit MFP, it helps keep me focused.

    As to August goals, I am working on increasing my fitness. I have upped the weights at the gym and am doing hills and upping the resistance on the elliptical and treadmill. DH and I are going out west in Sept to play in Yellowstone and then hunt elk. I am going to try out our black powder rifle, if an elk is close enough to use it; if it's not DH can have the shot. I will need strong knees for those hills!

    Michele – Nice to hear your pool is coming along. It will be great to be able to swim whenever you want. I wish I was a swimmer but I never got any good at it. My main goal is to flail away and now drown! :ohwell:

    Jeannie (jam0525) – So sorry to hear you have had a horrible month. You made it through and hopefully can have a better August. We're rooting for you.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda – I know you will be glad when the olympics are over. It looks exciting and fun from far away. I'm sure it's not so much fun when you have to live with the crush of people and traffic. Hope the IBS gets better.:smile:

  • PS2CR
    PS2CR Posts: 98 Member
    Good morning, all. I'm amazed at how many are on this thread, and how many are serious about working out. The over-50 crowd isn't what it used to be. ;)

    Amanda, a 4-hour walk is indeed inspirational. Your before/after photo is even more so. You've definitely motivated me to get moving this morning.

    (PS. Your grandchildren are adorable--love the picture with the hats!)

    Good luck with the goals today, all.
  • supermoo2
    Hi. I've just turned 53. Since the end of January I have lost 42 pounds and feel fabulous. Nearly at my goal weight and it is staying off. I am going to start training for a duathlon to be held in 12 months. I already cycle to work and aim to start a running programme soon.
  • lou3753
    lou3753 Posts: 1
    Good Morning Ladies, my first post.
    I would like to lose 25 lbs in the next year or so...
    I walked the dog last night and this morning for about 30 minutes each and started using the food tracker.
    The rut i find with dieting is the food becomes the same thing and gets quite boring. Hoping to find some new recipes and ideas.
    Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you and have a good day!