

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Tuesday All!

    I just caught up on all the posts and after taking notes....well I just don't have time to post all the comments as there are about 20 of you that I'd have:noway: so I will say

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all you newbies, this is the BEST place for total encouragement:flowerforyou: Keep coming back and let us get to know you.

    Polly:laugh: I think your "sweating is fat crying" is a great way to look at it:laugh:

    For those of you that did well over the weekend GREAT job:drinker: Me not as well as I'd like, but this is a new day and off to a good start.

    :drinker: :drinker: Linda- you said you read about drinking water before you eat. Years ago (1992) when I went on Jenny Craig one of the things they have you do is drink a glass of water before EVERY meal...it does work to make you feel fuller:drinker:

    Sorry for those that are experiencing health issues, take it one day at a time and give your body time to heal.:flowerforyou:

    Rebel- love your new picture:love:

    Congrats to those of you that have awesome hubbys:flowerforyou:

    We had another false alarm for Grandson #3's arrival last night. I brough my camera to work with me today so I'm totally ready for when the call comes:wink: I know that DIL is over this part and so ready for the little one to arrrive.

    Because we were on the "this could be it time" we didn't leave the house last night so no bike ride. Will have to see how it goes for today.

    Today is the inspection on my parents house, am hoping that nothing turns up as I'd really like to feel that this one thing is behind me:huh: My cousin went over there last night for me to make sure all was as it should be and said it looked good. Last week I got an insurance check for my parents from a policy that they used to have, and that's the reason you don't remove your parents name from their checking account because here it is years later ( Dad passed in 8/09 and Mom in 10/10) and I'm still getting money in their name. I know that I haven't heard the last from the hospital on when Mom passed as I know that it was over a year for the last bill/notice on Dad...insurance companies really do take a long time to complete their paper work:grumble:

    Everyone have a good day, drink plenty of water, move your body and get in some form of exercise and always remember to log your food:drinker:

    Laura8011:smile: :
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Gym time all done. I go daily with my neighbor which helps a lot. I'm planning meals I can make ahead for lunches at school when I head back in 2 weeks. I also need to work out snack for school. I can't have a fridge in my room but there is one on my hall in the teacher's lounge.

    Going to do some major cleaning today and get this house sorted out again. Messes everywhere! Since I'm dodging raindrops all day the garden will have to wait til tomorrow. Great core workout being on hands and knee pulling weeds and grass from a new bed I'm creating. LOL
  • madivp
    madivp Posts: 112 Member
    I joined mfp a long time ago, but left and gained 30 pounds. So now I have even more to loose. I am 59 live in Nebraska. My goal for august will be.
    :cry: let my fat cells cry every day during the week with doing over an hours exercise at the YMCA.
    :glasses: Stay on my healthy way of eating.
    :flowerforyou: Check into MFP everyday.
    :blushing: And last but not least ....not beat myself up if I eat something I shouldn't.
    Hope everyone here has a wonderful August and meets the goals they have set.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Tuesday,

    Finally caught up on all the posts! Glad to see so many of us sharing life's journeys and struggles.:smile:

    Junekaatz-Congrats on your weight loss! And also to everyone else who has lost!

    Finally off the pain meds and sleeping in bed a little - an improvement from the couch! Just sitting around with my leg elevated is getting very old and it's only been 4 days since my foot surgery! It's going to be a long month! The good news is that I'm trying to be very good about what I'm eating so I don't gain back the 12 lbs I've lost! Off to do my seated chair exercises now, hopefully that'll relax me.

    Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be.”

    - Grandma Moses
  • Snapdraggon
    Hi Ladies, I am new to myfitnesspal. I am 5'5", 170 pounds and 54 years old. I have been working with a personal trainer for four months, 2x week. This is a throughly drenching 60 minute workout. I workout an additional one to two days. I am now eating more protein and drinking way more water. Have been tracking food and am eating between 1200-1300 calories per day. I have only lost one pound :( I just went to the doctor today and had my thyroid tested and the results were fine. She doesn't know why I can't lose weight either. I have read everything I can find. I am trying to a bit lower carbs by not eating bread. Goal is 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat. This is per my personal trainer. Although I don't really know how the percentages work out each day. The personal training is breaking me and I will be done in Sept. I am about to give up. Any ideas ladies? :flowerforyou:
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    I know that eating healthy and incorporating exercise is the right way to lose weight. Lifestyle changes. I am frustrated because I know what to do I just ignore the signals and before I know it the clothes are tight, again and the pounds creep on. I had done well and lost 10 pounds but days turned into weeks and three months later the weight is back. Today is rainy and dreary. I made the choice to walk the treadmill for 30 minutes and had a healthy salad and fruit for lunch. My main obstacle is when I do not plan. I will try to plan meals and schedule the exercise until it once again becomes routine. Here's to the sunshine!! Thanks for listening....

  • bclin
    bclin Posts: 10
    The best way for me to loose weight and be able to eat in the quanitities that satisfy me is by not eating refined sugar or flour and limiting my whole grain consumption to 1/2 cup one or two times a day. My diet is very high in vegetables and even though I'm not naturally inclined to like them, I now crave them when I don't get enough! By biggest struggle has always been binging. Binging is not triggered by the restrictions of my diet (since I binged before I started eating this way), but by emotional reasons. I will always have to work through my binges, but I'm glad that I finally found the combination of foods that allow me to loose the weight that I need to.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member

    this is from a earlier post that I did.

    Ladies the coach that I worked with before said that if you eat too little of calories, your body senses that it is starving and therefore will hold on to calories, as your body doesn't know when it will get nourished again, so it is going to save its "fuel"/weight.

    Now if you up your calories, and eat a small amount every 3 hours, your body is burning calories all this time. It's Like putting logs on the fire, you have to add more logs/fuel to keep the fire burning, therefore your metabolism is always burning. and you will have better weight loss. I hope that makes sense.
    If you are working out that hard you need to eat more calories, to have to eat to burn. A few of the ladies that I was in a weight loss challenge ,had they same problem. Once they upped their calories , they began to lose weight! Hugs-Linda SundanceB
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Another beautiful day kayaking with good friends! We spent about 3.5 hours paddling a river. I am pleasantly relaxed and a bit tired, but my legs are yelling for their chance to work out also. I guess I still need to go for my evening walk.

    Tomorrow I need to clean out the den and move my office up there. It looks like one of my daughters will be moving back home for a bit with her dog.

    I also need to face reality and start preparing for the new school year that starts in September. I'm going into school Monday and Tuesday to work with the other math teachers and our tech person to come up with ways to use the i-pads with our students. I'm sure it will get easier once we get started, but am feeling a little out of my element at the moment.

    Anyone have any low-cal, low-carb, high protein ideas? I need to increase the amount of protein I eat and lower the carbs. I am not big on meat, but will eat chicken and ground turkey- occasionally will have lean beef. I don't eat any fish or seafood.

    Welcome to all of the new people. My thoughts are with all who are facing challenges.

    Deb A
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi everyone!!! How is everyone doing? I spent another day in the ICU getting oriented. It was much quieter than yesterday, but I can’t believe how tired I got just by doing so much standing. I forgot…nurses never sit down! Even when they were charting or entering orders, no one sits! :explode: I’m as ready as I can be…I know I will still need help when I get there with students but it will be fine.

    I forgot how much fun (and how exciting) it was to take care of critically ill patients. To all the non-nurses, that probably sounds awful, but it is such a challenge but is really so rewarding. I really did enjoy both my days there. :happy:

    It is so inspiring to see how many people are here, especially that we keep growing! I hope I don't miss too many of you in my individual responses; if I did, I'm sorry.

    RaysFan: here’s my advice: Zoloft!!!!!!!!!!!! I am peri-menopausal and was such a WITCH. OMG. It was horrible. My doctor listened to me and said “You sound so frustrated and angry. I think you need some Zoloft!” I didn’t really want to try it, but I am glad I did and it is now my DH’s favorite drug! :laugh: It really does wonders; just smoothes out the crankiness.

    Sandhillsmom: Welcome! where do you live? I’m in Papillion which is a suburb of omaha. I Love the NE sandhills.

    Jaqueling: that is an awful lot of stress for you. Is there respite care in your area for elders? I sure hope your boyfriend is doing better!

    Liz: my DH is the same about meds. He says “I am NOT old” every time he pulls them out! I hope your headaches are better on them though.

    Jen: I love Graham Kerr. I used to watch his show years ago and haven’t heard his name in forever. So you are a recumbent biker too? My DH and I want to check them out. I can’t sit on a regular bike because of my back.

    Barbie: you are awesome. Your goals are so amazing. I love the dancing kitty cat :love:

    Kate: what a great job you did at the family reunion. I would have loved to see the greased pig t shirt contest! :smokin:

    JipsyJudy: I agree with Sundance 100%! You can do this with a positive attitude. I also had a crappy time after my back injury, which is when I gained the most of my weight. Once you find peace, the rest will come.

    Sundance: What is your injury from? My dissertation was on nurses who had chronic back pain and their quality of life. What you said to Judy was so right on. So many of them had anger and frustration after their injuries. I know you didn’t ask me, but I cook with prune puree also at times. It’s especially good when you are making something with chocolate, it makes it richer. For the yogurt, use half the oil, then substitute half of what is left with the plain yogurt. So if your recipe calls for 1 cup of oil, use ½ cup oil and ¼ cup yogurt. Aren’t peach pits poisonous? I hope your little baby is better soon too.

    Amanda: great job on all your exercise and London should be back to normal soon! :flowerforyou:

    Carol: so nice to see your positive thoughts! You have been doing a great job with your activity level too! :flowerforyou:

    June: great job with your weight!!!

    Jeannie: we are all here to support you when you feel like talking. Hopefully this month will be tons better for you! :flowerforyou:

    Polly: sweating is fat crying! That’s fabulous :drinker:

    Laura8011: still on the grandbaby watch! I bet you are getting so excited!

    Madivp: where in NE are you? I am in Papillion which is just south of Omaha

    Deb: every time I read about you kayaking I get so jealous! I love to kayak and that’s something else my DH and I want to get into “when we have time”. OMG when will we have time??? Having my summers off makes me wonder how I have time to work! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Newbies: welcome to all of you. I look forward to getting to know you.

    Well tomorrow is DHs foot surgery, so we have to get up at 4 and be there by 6. BLEH. :noway: Hopefully we will be home by noon-ish. He’s a 7:30 case, so that is at least reasonable. Tonight is more olympic mania! I imagine there will be napping tomorrow. Take care everyone. Meg :flowerforyou:
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Snapdragon,
    Congratulations on sticking with those 60 minute drenching workouts with your trainer! I know how discouraging it can be when you are working so hard and you don't see any change when you step on the scale. Have you seen any change in your shape and your overall fitness? I'm sure you are getting plenty of good health benefits from all your hard work. It just might not be showing on the scale yet.

    You said you were tracking your food. Are you using the food diary here on MFP? It should help you see if you are at your percent target ranges for fat, carbs and protein when you look at the totals at the bottom. Those are the same guidelines my trainer gave me, and that's what I've been eating for the past month without a lot of weight coming off. This week I cut back a little bit on the protein (3 oz of fish or meat at dinner instead of 4, or not mixing yogurt into my fruit), and that seemed to shift things just enough for me. You might also need to eat a little more. I know it sounds opposite of what you think you should do, but it's what seems to work.

    I'm off for a special birthday dinner. I turn 55 today!

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Meg- I know what you mean about not having time to work. I feel the same way. Work cuts into my fun time.lol.

    We just started kayaking last summer. I had injured a tendon in my foot and wanted some form of exercise that wouldn't aggravate it. Since we both love being on the water, we decided to try kayaking. Hopefully you will get a chance real soon. Nothing is as good at re-setting my emotions, energy, outlook on life, etc. as spending time on water in a peaceful area like those we kayak on.

    Hope you DH's surgery goes well.

    Deb A
  • brendajs
    brendajs Posts: 110 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Hope you're all having a great day! It's been pretty good for me so far today....hopefully I will end it on a high note!

    I mentioned in my first post that I had been reading several weight loss/healthy eating FB pages this weekend. I found a quote that hit me hard and I think we ALL need to remember it!

    "Don't wait until you've reached your goal to be proud of yourself! Be proud of every step you take in reaching that goal!!"

    Well...it got me to thinking and I totally agree!!

    I am proud that I drank 40 oz of water yesterday...even tho my goal was 60.
    I am proud that I got up early and did a WAP Really Fast Mile before work yesterday...altho I'd hoped to do another that evening.
    I am proud that I walked by the "dangerous stuff" while grocery shopping last night...and bought things for healthy meals instead!
    I am proud that I drove right by the drive through and made my own healthy version of what I might have eaten before MFP!!

    :flowerforyou: There's ALWAYS something to be proud of every day on your way to reaching your goal!! We have to look for the UPSIDE of things each day and that will make our journey to good health a SUCCESS!!! :flowerforyou:

    What are YOU proud of today??!?

    Have a great evening!!!

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hi! I have been away with my BFF at the beach. *sigh* I get to see her twice a year and we always have a ball. The weather was rainy, then hot and sunny, then rainy......typical South Florida weather:laugh:

    It was good though, because I worried about getting migraines from the heat. Turned out I was AOK and felt awesome all weekend.

    Tons of walking in the sand and up and down stairs.
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Polly -- Happy Birthday!

    Faye -- Where do you go when you spend time at the beach? Not gaining during a two week vacation is awesome, and something to be very proud of!

    Snapdraggon -- It sounds like you aren't eating enough if you're doing that much intensive exercise. Try upping the calories and I'm sure you'll start seeing some movement. MFP should be giving you exercise calories, and you should probably be eating most of them.

    Laura80111 -- Here's hoping for your new grandchild's safe and speedy arrival... today!

    I'm glad that everyone is doing well and moving forward in a positive way! I decided to take my measurements for the first time today, along with weigh-in. That is always an unpleasant surprise, but now I'll have another way to mark progress. Somehow I always remember them saying the Scarlett had a 17" waist in Gone With The Wind.....
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member

    You are eating way too little for you height/weight and your body will hold on to as much of you as it can until you start to eat a bit more. here is a very good link that will help you work out what your calorie targets should be.


    works better if I add the link! ;}
  • dawnal1028
    dawnal1028 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello! It's nice to see this thread! :happy:
    I'm 56 and will turn 57 in October. Post-menopausal and it's feeling like that is really affecting my progress.
    That said, I was on vacation for a few weeks and got off track a bit...so now it's time to stick to the plan!
    August Goals:
    1. Faithfully log in all food, every day
    2. Hit the gym 5 times a week (doing treadmill, fast walking)
    3. Stick to my eating lifestyle (vegan since November of last year)
    I'm looking forward to reading all your posts! :bigsmile:
  • petalsandpaws
    Welcome to all the new comers, everyone has some good tips and quotes to get one thinking. Today was weigh in and I'm proud to say 4 pds down in two weeks. I have been packing my breakfast and lunch for our journeys back and forth to radiation. Has helped immensley. Had some struggles with Hospice/Insurance issues, but will deal with it all as it comes. For today my DH is happy and feels good, tired but good. Sun is out and the cats are happy we are home.
    Michelle anxious for the pool to get christened, thank you for your gesture. Meg, what a god send you are to those people going through their crisis. I was in the 9-1-1 business for 28 yrs., so know what you talk about when you enjoy what you are doing.
    Great advice Sundance, to few calories do stop you weight loss progress.
    WOW do I envy the people who are excercising and staying up with it.
    Again, thanks for all the supportive words, they made a difference. Hugs, Dixie:heart:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hello Everyone.... My goal for the month of August is keep tracking my calories and hopin to lose 10 lbs and stay motivated. I am 5 ft. tall and need to lose 30lbs. Its tough being in menopause, the weight doesn't fall off like it use too. :sad:

    I agree, but think it is also because we are not moving like we did. I dont know about you, but I was chasing 3 kids and cleaning up after a husband. I remember days I got up at 6 am and went to bed at 1 am, just so I could finish the dishes and be ready for work.

    Now I come home, do straighten up and am sitting by 6 pm.

    I am 5'2" and hope to lose another 20 pounds. Even if it takes me a year!:laugh:
  • Ravin714
    Ravin714 Posts: 38 Member
    I started this on July 24th and I started Full Out...I changed the way I eat and started back on my Biggest Loser Workouts ( ALL of them ugg LOL) I do 2 Workouts a day, a 25 min one and then a 10 min one also. They are both Cardio Blasts...so everyone is different in what feels right for them...Then we see on the scale if our choice is working for us..As for me, oh yes, mine is working in spades! My ticker says 15lbs but, as soon as I log it in, it will be 18lbs gone since July 24th...I have a foot injury but, I refuse to let it get in my way. I see the Specialist tomorrow 8/8/2012 and hope he doesn't stop me from doing anything I have started..So whatever you choose that is right for you, you will know it...Much luck and willpower, We Can! :):happy:

    My Goals For August:
    To keep up with my daily exercise
    To keep in touch with Bob Harper ( Trainer on The Biggest Loser ) through Twitter and Facebook
    To continue what I have already begun with my diet
    Log everything in as soon as I eat/drink it
    To just keep on keeping on
    To keep my Faith in Me, no one else will for me :)