BullDozier Member


  • Newsflash.
  • I'm out! [slams money on table]
  • Just to play devils advocate, why doesn't that go both ways? I think guys are doing the same interview process. If a girl we're on a date on assumes we're paying for the first date, why wouldn't they be under the assumption the girl is just looking for a provider and they're going to be shelling out money for dates all the…
  • Anything above high school that charges admission is free reign to boo; coaches, players, officials. The spectators are the paying public and have the right to voice their opinion (within reason) and booing is well within reason to voice your displeasure. Some may think that college atheletes are borderline to be booing.…
  • I dated a girl through college, after not having much luck with the ladies in high school. I had low self esteem which lead to jealousy, combined with a slight temper control problem. I was a real catch. Needless to say, that combo lead to plenty of "what the heck was I thinking" moments. Here's one of my best: Her sister…
  • I would have to second this. Also, I would think this would really only be necessary in the early stages. Eventually the working out becomes just part of the daily routine, and the weight loss is its own reward. But, to help with the motiviation to get the ball rolling, I can't think of better motivation.
  • A websites and developers have pretty much stopped making or updating their blackberry apps. Obviously, a lot more will be known in december on how well the Z10 has done in the marketplace, but early reviews seem to be that it is an ok phone, but nothing earth shattering. They really needed to hit it out of the park to…
  • A quit claim deed does not get him off the mortgage. A quit claim deed transfers his interest in the property, but does not release him from the obligations of the mortgage.
  • Just about any AC/DC song, but Big Balls, and Giving the Dog a Bone are the first two that come to mind.
  • The conclusion of this article states that the best exercises for kids are body weight exercises. I'd agree with that. The following is NOT a medical expert opinion, but I did have this conversation with a friend of mine. He is a high school football coach and is the strength coach for the other high school programs. His…
  • Throwing to receivers you aren't familiar with, without a defense and not in a game situation really isn't a good way to measure elite talent anyway. We're talking about potentially millions of dollars lost by sliding in the draft, so it isn't a simple "man up and do what everyone else does" decision. This is a business…
  • My wife and I are both bad with money. If we ran everything through a joint account, we'd be in a mess, and constantly fighting. I am marginally better than she is, so I handle all the bills, but we discuss big purchases and long term planning. We have a weird situation because she has multiple jobs, so she gets paid from…
  • I didn't read the whole thread but wanted to offer my two cents. I had the exact same conversation with my wife when we first got together. I don't know how it came up (it was a LONG time ago), but she said essentially the same thing, that her daughter would always be number one (she was 2 when we got married, I am not her…
  • Makes me feel like Daddy Warbucks. I didn't get my wife a diamond either as we were dirt poor. We did get matching gold bands that were probably around $100 each. We had less than 20 people present for our wedding and had it at a restaraunt with a private room. The whole thing was less than $2000. We'll have been married…
  • Didn't read the whole thread but this is a good point. I don't know how old the OP's husband is, but when I hit 30, the drive started sliding down hill. My testosterone is on the way down, could be the same for him.
  • Born and raise in St. Paul and Maplewood. I've lived in St. Paul or Maplewood for about 35 of my 39 years. The other four years I spent in Roseville and Little Canada.
  • We worked at the same drug store. I was 18 and she was 16. It was love at first site for me. For her, not so much, but I eventually won her over.
  • <Definition of skinny fat. I was always skin and bones growing up. I weighed in my senior year for football at 6', 135 lbs. I could obviously eat whatever I wanted. Once I hit my 20s, got married, and got a lot less active, the pounds started creeping on. I'm currently at 180 or so, which at the high end of the healthy BMI…
  • I believe. I can still remember the moment I first laid eyes on my now wife. I was 18, she was 16. It was her first day of work in a store I had worked in for a year. She knew the manager, so she walked through the front door, saw the manager, and with a big smile gives her a hello. The smiled knocked me out...BUT she had…
  • I have to disagree. I've never been a big fan of a thigh gap. Though, I don't disagree about the underwear part.
  • Usually, I go golfing with my dad, brother and brother in law. My brother and brother in law are both doing something else this year, so it sounds like I might go with my dad and my two boys (10 and 8). Though my dad and I are now feuding so it might just be me and the boys. :grumble:
  • Being from MN, just about every wedding I've been to has had a dollar dance. I view them as tradition, and I don't see them as being all that objectionable. If you want to participate, you do, and if you don't, you don't. It would be one thing if there was a traditional to go guilt everyone into joining in, but that…
  • You might want to re-think the way you response to legitimate criticism of your writing. If you are actually going to be published in a peer reviewed publication as you claim, you're going to be challenged on your ideas. People in the scientific community, as I am sure you know, don't just read articles and immediately…
  • This is definitely not a characteristic limited to gender. We have a very small kitchen with a bay window at the end of it. The bay window does help it feel a little more spacious...that is until my wife and her daughter proceed to put everything either of them owns that they might ever possibly leave the house with at any…
  • *steps in carefully* I'm trying to get my wife to read these books as I've heard the husbands tend to reap the benefits. No luck yet.
  • Well, if sweeping generalizations are what qualify as "truth" in your world, there really isn't a point in continuing this line of discussion.
  • It's class warfare to making sweeping claims that the "rich" not only don't create jobs, but ship them overseas while small businesses create all the jobs. That's a patently false claim that shows a bias, jealousy, class warfare sentiment, call it whatever you want. I agree with you that everyone should pay their fair…
  • Sweep generalizations generally aren't useful in a productive debate. Of course consumption creates jobs. There are plenty of products manufactured in the United States, and even products manufactured in other countries need to be shipped and sold in the US. Someone has to do that, right?
  • All things being equal, when you earn more money and are moved to a higher income bracket, it does not result in lower take home pay. That's not how marginal tax rates work.
  • Your comments show your class warfare bias. I'd assume explaining how the wealthy create jobs through consumption and investment would fall on deaf ears unfortunately.