Funny Stories About Ex's

GuitarJerry Posts: 6,102 Member
Do you ever think back at past relationships and think, "WTF was I thinking"? Not so much in terms of being with them in general, but more in terms of how you behaved or things you did?

One time, I was at a bar, and 3 of my wifes HOT friends walked in. I was there with other guy friends. As the night progressed, I started hitting on them hard. As if my wife at the time would never find out. Duh! Fail.

I was dating this woman that used to do baby talk to me. One time, I just completely unloaded on her. Like completely psycho. Thinking about it, it's funny now. But, at the time, it was a pretty weird response considering I let it slide for over a year and a half. LOL.

I don't know. There are all kinds of monsterous things I've done. But, I'd like to read others stories. Mine are funny to me, but I'm sure some of you have hilarious situations.


  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    I dated a girl through college, after not having much luck with the ladies in high school. I had low self esteem which lead to jealousy, combined with a slight temper control problem. I was a real catch. Needless to say, that combo lead to plenty of "what the heck was I thinking" moments.

    Here's one of my best:

    Her sister got married, and she was the maid of honor. The head table alternated boy-girl-boy-girl, so she sat next to the groom. At the dinner, people are clanging their glasses to get the bride and groom to kiss. Everntually, the start mixing it up, and at one point the bride kisses the best man and the groom kisses the maid of honor (my gf). I got pissed and went off on her during the dance (jealousy is an awesome thing). I really have no idea at this point why that would make me jealous all things considered.

    I'm not really sure why she put up with half the stuff I did.
  • nskerr
    nskerr Posts: 91
    One time, I was dating this girl, but I didn't know her real well. We went to a party together. I got bored and I just left without saying goodbye or anything. LOL.

    Fun times.

    The good ole "Irish Exit." Nice
  • BeinAwesome247
    BeinAwesome247 Posts: 257 Member
    DJ, I had a guy leave me at the bar b/c he saw me talking to another guy....what he failed to notice was that I was talking to the guy yea, AND his fiancee :huh:

    I cut him loose

    I once dated a guy within my circle of friends - bad idea - after we broke up, actually he's the only guy to formally dump me, we still had to see one another. Well I had always gotten accused of sleeping with another friend in the group(a guy my ex didn't like or get along with); never did just good friends. One night we, the friend, and I got a lil drunk and figured if we're going to be accused of something, might as well do it. We tried at least haha we ended up flipping off the bed and laughing our *kitten*'s off.
    Few month's later a bunch of the guys are hanging out & my ex and the friend start arguing about something stupid with the friend says, "Yea, well I banged your g/f" - full on brawl! :laugh: