Skinny Fat?



  • evlipford
    evlipford Posts: 29 Member
    I hate the words skinny and fat. I'd rather be healthy than labelled either skinny or fat. Its ridiculous.

    Girl me too...I don't want to be fat or skinny, I love having curves however with those curves I definately have to have a healthy weight and feel good about myself. If I would be the weight that im supposed to be at 5'8 I would look like a skeleton and that definately is not what im wanting soooo I choose to be healthy :)
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member

    Hopefully that will do it!

    To help at home:

    Squats (no weights needed at first)
    Lunges across the room
    Push ups
    Sit ups/crunches/Leg Lifts
    Plyo Jumps

    Buy a Jillian Michaels DVD (or Brazillian Butt Lift, P90X, etc) to help.

    lots of ways to do it at home - no excuses. :wink:
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689

    I fit into this catagory myself, I weight 125.4 lbs (healthy weight for 5'2) last time I had my BF measure but was 26.8% BF (not bad, but not great either you should be under 25% for fitness). Not sure what I am at know this was 3 weeks ago but I am working on it. How does this happen I have only been doing cardo exercises for around 10 years.

    "Cardio only" is part of the reason your BF is higher then you like, you need to add in more resistance training, lifting weights for example, to help build your lean muscle back, to a better ratio.

    Cardio only, especially paired with "dieting" or calorie cutting, to lose weight also eats up muscle tissue, causing you to have a higher bodyfat radio, even if you are thinner, or weight less.

    The body needs nutrients to function, and cannibalizes both muscle and fat when losing weight, unless we are actively using and continually stressing that muscle (along with a good diet with enough protein, carbs, and fats) to show the body we NEED the muscle, and that it is not available as a fuel source option. Muscle contains more available nutrient then fat for the body to utilize, and when body is starved, it starts pulling what it needs from body tissues - all tissues, including muscle, bone, etc. Not only fat.

    See Stacy for example, when doing cardio only for years, she had a higher body fat, when she added in strength training with heavy weights (for her) she begin to rebuild her muscle, and lower her bodyfat. She is heavier scale weight in the after picture - then the before - but looks leaner, tighter and toned, because she has built muscle, and lowered her bodyfat percentage.


    One can do a number of resistance routines at home, using books, DVDs, online sites, you tube, with some dumbbells or resistance bands.

    I only work out at home, and do weight lifting (heavy weights) and cardio. I have changed my body shape dramatically, including lowering my bodyfat levels, and increasing my lean muscle.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I ussed to be skinny fat. All I cared about was the number on the scale. Actually....I wont lie, I still care (too much) about the number on the scale. However, the big however is that I have now incorporated much more weight lifting to my workouts where before I'd only run (and run and run)!
    I actually have a good 4pack, biceps and thigh muscles that were never there before. NSV - I had someone yesterday who hasn't seen me in 3 weeks ask me how much more weight I've lost. I said, none - actually I've gained 2lbs since you last saw me. But he didn't believe me. Although I have not lost the weight I want to - I have lost the inches (and BF (from 27% to 21%)).

    Skinny and healthy can very well be two very different terms!!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I keep seeing people say they are "skinny fat" or used to be "skinny fat" or want to be "skinny fat." What does that even mean? I thought skinny was skinny and fat was fat. LOL.

    I'm new here, so forgive the ignorance.

    Skinny fat is when someone looks overall thin but has either any or all of these: no muscle tone, saggy skin, muffin tops, belly pooch, cellulite, bingo wing arms. Plus their bodies jiggle in a way that isn't normal for a thin person. In short, they are your average thin people.
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    Definition of skinny fat.

    I was always skin and bones growing up. I weighed in my senior year for football at 6', 135 lbs. I could obviously eat whatever I wanted.

    Once I hit my 20s, got married, and got a lot less active, the pounds started creeping on. I'm currently at 180 or so, which at the high end of the healthy BMI range, but I have plenty of weight to lose. Minimal muscle definition and mass, but too much around the gut.

    I actually got down to 159 at one point, but I still had "love handles" that I couldn't get rid of, but I couldn't manage to lose anymore weight (didn't have MFP at the time to get me over the hump). I tried like heck at that point to put on some lean weight, but my genetics apparently aren't condusive to that, so I slowly crept back up to where I am. :grumble:
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member

  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    I agree with this. There are too many labels we stick on both ourselves and others.

    What else can we use? Sign language? Smoke signals? At some point we need words to discuss ideas.

    I've seen it mean different things. Sometimes "fat" is meant to be "overweight" or "obese".

    Other times, I hear it used far more harshly, in the sense there is some normal healthy fat visible or present. Those people expect you have to be 10-15% BF to not be "fat". There, "fat" means "not ripped".

    Personally, if I ever uttered the term "skinny fat" (which I don't), I would use to mean having a too-high bodyfat counts (around 25 men, 30 women) but still having normal weight. I wouldn't ever apply it to a normal-BF/weight person who simply isn't ripped or toned enough.
  • JoLo27
    JoLo27 Posts: 54 Member

    Hopefully that will do it!

    To help at home:

    Squats (no weights needed at first)
    Lunges across the room
    Push ups
    Sit ups/crunches/Leg Lifts
    Plyo Jumps

    Buy a Jillian Michaels DVD (or Brazillian Butt Lift, P90X, etc) to help.

    lots of ways to do it at home - no excuses. :wink:

    Thank you. I'll see what I can do as I'm going on holiday at the end of August and it would be a shame not to maximise the work I've done losing nearly a stone. I look much better dressed but bikinis are very unforgiving! :ohwell:

    P.S. Sorry the photo is so BIG!
  • ashleyacee
    ashleyacee Posts: 118

    Skinny fat = the lower weight
  • Cazzy34
    Cazzy34 Posts: 159 Member
    WOW some of these pics are amazing!!

    How did you do it? Just strength training? What about cals and diet?

    Did you have to eat consistently clean to achieve this?

    I need to figure out how this can work for me! :) Advice much appreciated. Thanks..
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    WOW some of these pics are amazing!!

    How did you do it? Just strength training? What about cals and diet?

    Did you have to eat consistently clean to achieve this?

    I need to figure out how this can work for me! :) Advice much appreciated. Thanks..

    For me personally: (my pic in my profile images)

    Monitoring calories, and macros, adding in strength training a few days a week , lifting heavy, low reps. I personally also still do some cardio, but thats because I am still working on lowering my bodyfat still. You may or may not need cardio with the resistance trainingg.

    To build muscle (which is what lowers your bodyfat to a better level, and tightens jiggles) you need to eat closer to your maintenance level range, (or possibly above, depending on your body) making sure you have enough protein (.5-1 gram per pound of lean body weight, or your goal weight) Dont cut yourself to short on good fats or carbs, or you will not be able to workout as well as you need to, or build and repair muscle.

    Calorie level sort of depends on where you are at, and what you are doing, what your goals are etc.

    Are your trying to lose fat, and maintain lean mass, or are you trying to mainly build in some muscle, on where you already are?

    I do not eat "clean" I do choose nutrient dense, and healthy foods generally, but if I want a chocolate chip cookie, or two, I have one, If I want some Kraft Mac and Cheese, I have some, If I want some Taco bell I have some. I have chocolate often :) Usually pizza, ice cream or fast food once a week, just depending on whats going on

    -as long as I stay in my calorie goals for the day./week Using common sense, moderation, etc.

    Do I eat Taco Bell or Kraft Mac and Cheese every day? Nope. :) Do I limit these - yes - but I donot ban them

    I do not have any banned foods. I do have calorie ranges to stay in and protein levels to hit - so thats my focus. Then I eat what myself and my family enjoys, aiming for healthy food choices, but also allowing in a wide range of good and so called "bad" foods, to allow us to live and enjoy life.

    This is not a diet for me, just lifestyle adaptations..

    Different people have different diets they prefer, based on their goals, and health needs, and personal preferences. So you can use whatever eating style you like, in reason, as long as you are not so low on calories you are preventing muscle building, and as long as you have enough proteins, carbs and fats for your needs.

    I also personally have a free day once a week, which allows me to go out an eat some fast food, or whatever that I could not incorporate in my daily calorie ranges.

    I have lost almost 60 pounds, lowered body fat, and pretty tight all over now, with some light muscle definition. Though i am still trying to drop a bit more fat, to get my body shape goal. But I am at my goal size. Will post another link for you in a min, with more pics.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    Heres some pictures that may help you. Women lifting weights, to build some muscle, and lower body fat levels

    My results have been similar, I am 10-15 pounds heavier then my "rough goal weight" but am already AT my goal clothing size, and physically I am about 1-2 times smaller clothing wise, then last time I was at my goal weight (when I had less muscle) - So I look tighter leaner and smaller, then before at my "small" weight. (size 7/8)
    So to everyone else I look like I am already at my goal weight. But I am scale weight heavier, which is fine :) Ignore the scale.
    Less weight - yep you will look good dressed and may fit the smaller clothing size - but, add more muscle and a bit more scale weight - you also fit the smaller clothing size, AND look good dressed AND look good nakkid. Thats a win-win :)

    5 lbs heavier in after pic, but tighter and leaner

    Not same girl, but cute example

    Same weight, after was when she started lifting heavy

    Different girls but both size 4

    Same girl, before and after lifting heavy weights, she lost 5 lbs

    Stacy, read her story here: She is 14 lbs heavier in after

    10 lbs heavier in after

    10 lbs heavier in after

    Different girl, but both size 2

    5 pounds difference - big body change

    Fat vs Muscle
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Same weight. 4 months difference.

  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Skinny-fat is being in the "healthy" weight range or even being underweight, but still having a high body fat percentage. It's called normal-weight obesity.

    I fail to see the humor... it's an actual medical condition. :huh:

    I agree..I have PCOS, Insulin Resistance, and hypothyroidism..I have lost 40 pounds but only 6% body fat. All bodies are different and some cant shed the fat so quickly....
  • Cazzy34
    Cazzy34 Posts: 159 Member
    WOW some of these pics are amazing!!

    How did you do it? Just strength training? What about cals and diet?

    Did you have to eat consistently clean to achieve this?

    I need to figure out how this can work for me! :) Advice much appreciated. Thanks..

    For me personally: (my pic in my profile images)

    Monitoring calories, and macros, adding in strength training a few days a week , lifting heavy, low reps. I personally also still do some cardio, but thats because I am still working on lowering my bodyfat still. You may or may not need cardio with the resistance trainingg.

    To build muscle (which is what lowers your bodyfat to a better level, and tightens jiggles) you need to eat closer to your maintenance level range, (or possibly above, depending on your body) making sure you have enough protein (.5-1 gram per pound of lean body weight, or your goal weight) Dont cut yourself to short on good fats or carbs, or you will not be able to workout as well as you need to, or build and repair muscle.

    Calorie level sort of depends on where you are at, and what you are doing, what your goals are etc.

    Are your trying to lose fat, and maintain lean mass, or are you trying to mainly build in some muscle, on where you already are?

    I do not eat "clean" I do choose nutrient dense, and healthy foods generally, but if I want a chocolate chip cookie, or two, I have one, If I want some Kraft Mac and Cheese, I have some, If I want some Taco bell I have some. I have chocolate often :) Usually pizza, ice cream or fast food once a week, just depending on whats going on

    -as long as I stay in my calorie goals for the day./week Using common sense, moderation, etc.

    Do I eat Taco Bell or Kraft Mac and Cheese every day? Nope. :) Do I limit these - yes - but I donot ban them

    I do not have any banned foods. I do have calorie ranges to stay in and protein levels to hit - so thats my focus. Then I eat what myself and my family enjoys, aiming for healthy food choices, but also allowing in a wide range of good and so called "bad" foods, to allow us to live and enjoy life.

    This is not a diet for me, just lifestyle adaptations..

    Different people have different diets they prefer, based on their goals, and health needs, and personal preferences. So you can use whatever eating style you like, in reason, as long as you are not so low on calories you are preventing muscle building, and as long as you have enough proteins, carbs and fats for your needs.

    I also personally have a free day once a week, which allows me to go out an eat some fast food, or whatever that I could not incorporate in my daily calorie ranges.

    I have lost almost 60 pounds, lowered body fat, and pretty tight all over now, with some light muscle definition. Though i am still trying to drop a bit more fat, to get my body shape goal. But I am at my goal size. Will post another link for you in a min, with more pics.

    Thank you. This is very helpful. I think i will increase my cals to my BMR and make an effort to lift heavier and see what changes there are. It's nice to see that you can still have treats and eat normal food :)
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
  • ndearing0501
    ndearing0501 Posts: 145 Member
    Skinny fat is looking skinny but not having muscle definition. You burn muscle instead of fat. It's from improper eating and lack of weight training. It leaves you with the appearance of having a small figure but you actually look flabby and blubbery because fat is replacing muscle.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    It means they are skinny but still have flab on their bellys or waist area. Also they may be skinny but out of shape not toned at all.