u04kmm5 Member


  • How would I go about getting my body fat measured? (thanks for the advice)
  • That is a very good point. I would imagine if I got down to the lower weight, I would stay there in blissful happiness for about 5 days and then not maintain it. It's just hard sometimes to look at yourself objectively. I always think I am just losing what I think I can manage, rather than what I should be losing for…
  • I think this the stage I am looking to get to!
  • Yeah I was thinking I would be the same. But actualy even when I'm out eating now (which to be fair, isn't often) I still wouldn't order. It just sucks cos most places have a poor vege choice
  • Never heard of it or seen it... I can imagine though. I seen Gordon Ramsay slaughter a pig once on tv and that was almost enough for me to give up meat forever
  • Oh dear, thats annoying! I actually dread having to eat out these days because even the healthy options are unhealthy! Plus I have ALWAYS preferred my own cooking to going out for food (even before dieting!) -that's not to say that I am a great cook! It's just I can have fussy tastes
  • What a lovely story - I am so happy for you! Well done!!
  • I have been on MFP for the last 3 weeks. In the first two weeks, I was weighing myself at work everyday. But through looking through the message boards and speaking to people on here I have come to BELIEVE that it honestly should only be done once a week (at first, I was like "pfffft! No Way! I am just not losing anything"…
  • Well done! And I agree with the old "something clicks in your head" sentiment. I think I clicked last week :)
  • Yes that's fine. If I am running say 30 minutes, I do 15 minutes one way then 15 minutes back to where my car is parked (I have my car with me because I stop off at the beach on the way home from work) So yeah it still counts. I suggest you start on a flat path because uphill will be hell. Maybe uphill could be a great…
  • I'm glad you asked this as I was going to post a similar question. I drink about 5/6 large glasses of water a day, but diluting with a "no added sugar" diluting juice (overall I make it fairly week). I presume this is the same as just drinking water too?
    in Water? Comment by u04kmm5 September 2011
  • I always do the same route (a path running along the beach), which is pretty much flat, paved the whole way. Twice along the way there is a dip, which means running down and then back up steepish, small hill. I am sure I read somewhere that you should try to run along a flat track because of the impact on your knees/legs…
  • Definitely go with link above's plan! They mix it up with walking/running so that it build you up gradually. Never at any point did I feel like it was "too much" but I still thought it was pushing me but more in a manageable way! You should definitely sign up for one!
  • Oh my god WELL DONE! That's a great time! I have 13 days until mine, eeeep! I am hoping for 35minute time, but then I am ridiculously unfit
  • here is the link to my schedule if you wanna take a look: http://www.runnersworld.co.uk/racing/six-week-beginner-5k-schedule/67.html
  • I started a 6 week C25k plan. I am currently on week 5 and my 5k race is in 13 days! This is going to sound really embarrassing but when I first started, I struggled to run for even a minute. And now, only 4/5 weeks later, I am running for 10minutes straight (at a good pace) and feel great. It's amazing how much…
  • That's a good idea! I forgot to say that added peppers would be nice! Unfortunately peppers disagree with my tummy but it would be a good addition as you say!
  • That's a good idea! I forgot to say that added peppers would be nice! Unfortunately peppers disagree with my tummy but it would be a good addition as you say!
  • This sounds not too bad. Treat yourself every so often or you will go insane! (p.s. I was expecting to see pizza, crisps, loads of chocolate... so as far as pigging goes, I think you have been fairly reserved so well done!! )
  • Haha I have noticed this also Trader Joe's comes up a lot.
  • From yesterday onwards, I am cutting out bread. To dip in soup I am going to have Ryvita crisp bread (at 35 cal a slice) http://www.ryvita.co.uk/products/crispbread/cracked-black-pepper And I also find these good to snack on at only 16 cal a slice:…
  • Good for you! It's good to have someone there to support you! Best of luck, sounds like you are doing a lot. I have never done anything like Weight Watchers before, but I find this site really, really helpful as you can track everything! It's becomes addictive haha! :)
  • I am fairly new as well (been on here for about 20 days) and my goal is to lose about 26.5 lbs. That is my ideal but I think that I would be happy with about 20lbs but I want to try and push myself to get the extra 6.5 off too! What sorts of things will you be doing? I aim to eat about 1200 calories a day while I exercise…
  • That's truely amazing, big congrats to you!! Well done
  • That's great news! I am glad you are getting results because it means your hard work is paying off! Well done!
  • I'm 5"11 and aiming for about 160 at a total minimum At the moment I am 181 and am in no way fat or overweight. I have quite a meduim/athletic build though
  • Hi! I am doing a C25K programme. Mine was a 6 weeks one and I am 2.5 weeks away from the big day (eeep). I actually find that I don't listen to music AT ALL when I run because I don't like earphones. But when I do spinning, they play like proper hard core dance music (which I really hate usually) but it's actually good to…
  • I wasn't exactly thinking about giving it up till I reach my target, but I would like to! I get the feeling though that I won't be able to cut it out completely and retain some kind of social life! Let me know how you get on. I am running a 5k in 3 weeks, so perhaps I could try giving up till after that?