Couch to 5k success stories?


Really interested in this, who has tried it and completed it? Did you think you'd be able to get to 5k? How hard was it etc......

Any experiences mucho gracias



  • u04kmm5
    u04kmm5 Posts: 46 Member
    I started a 6 week C25k plan. I am currently on week 5 and my 5k race is in 13 days!

    This is going to sound really embarrassing but when I first started, I struggled to run for even a minute. And now, only 4/5 weeks later, I am running for 10minutes straight (at a good pace) and feel great.
    It's amazing how much progression you feel almost within a couple of weeks.

    My advice: stick to your running days!
    I missed mine yesterday (first one I've missed) because I was so hungover I could hardly walk ;) but I am making up for it today.

    I have noticed a definite change in my body shape as well after this short amount of time too!
    (I hate my tummy with a passion and it's definitely helping out there!!!)

    Good luck!
    Are you aiming to run a 5k race btw?
  • u04kmm5
    u04kmm5 Posts: 46 Member
    here is the link to my schedule if you wanna take a look:
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 434 Member
    I started this when I was about 40 pounds heavier than I am now. I was able to run a 5k when I finished it. You shouldn't have a problem. It gradually builds you up in time. If you are having trouble, you can always repeat a week, right?

    Good luck!
  • haileemou
    This is going to sound really embarrassing but when I first started, I struggled to run for even a minute.

    Are you aiming to run a 5k race btw?

    Hahaha i cant run for a minute either! Ive tried walk then jogging! But really dont run for long!

    I fancy doing it as it will be a huge achievement for me not for a race, and it really appeals to me so ill stick to it i hope!
  • missys99
    missys99 Posts: 14 Member
    I haven't completed it yet but I am more than half way through the program and it amazes me every time I run a new day! I have never been able to run minutes in a row and now I am up to two sets of 10! I cheat a little and sometimes repeat a day. I do this for 2 reasons: one is the day might have been a little extra hard or the new day has scared the wits outta me and so I say I need one more day of practice =P I won't lie it hasn't been a cake walk and I suggest finding a buddy to do it with. I have one and she was a bit of a runner already so she can go longer than me. That just makes me work harder! She is also a BIG help in pushing through to the new days. Good luck and happy running trails!
  • u04kmm5
    u04kmm5 Posts: 46 Member
    Definitely go with link above's plan!
    They mix it up with walking/running so that it build you up gradually.
    Never at any point did I feel like it was "too much" but I still thought it was pushing me but more in a manageable way!

    You should definitely sign up for one!
  • haileemou
    Thanks, ive just got the app on my iPhone!

    Question....Did you have lots of hills and downhills, i live on a mountain, it shouldnt matter too much no?
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Its more important to get though the workout than speed. That will come, your building endurance and muscle.

    Don't worry about repeating a day, or a week even.

    Its going to hurt, so cool down is important. have water ready for you when you get home so you can just relax.

    I didn't think I'd be able to run 30 minutes strait by the middle of it. Now, 5k is just a regular workout for me.
  • u04kmm5
    u04kmm5 Posts: 46 Member
    I always do the same route (a path running along the beach), which is pretty much flat, paved the whole way.
    Twice along the way there is a dip, which means running down and then back up steepish, small hill.

    I am sure I read somewhere that you should try to run along a flat track because of the impact on your knees/legs or something, but I am not sure.
    If you are running about the mountain though you are bound to be SUPER fit so maybe it's a good thing? :)
  • haileemou
    Thanks good advice! I was doing it over the winter but didnt have a proper regime i was just going out running and walking what i could! So this is going to be excellent!
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I remember the first time I ran I thought I was going to die. I thought, “Who does this crap & likes it?” Well, I didn’t die & I was in the Warrior Dash earlier this year & finished 15th for my age. I have also signed up for the Indy 500 Mini Marathon.

    I think biggest hurdle people have with running is they give up before they should give up. Don’t! Just stick with it. You got this…, & you’ll be good at it.

    Who does this crap & likes it? I do this crap & like it. You will too.
  • haileemou
    mmmh a path would be better! Would it count running up one road and back down and up etc? Its still runing isnt it! I have one road at the back of my house flat you see!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Thanks, ive just got the app on my iPhone!

    Question....Did you have lots of hills and downhills, i live on a mountain, it shouldnt matter too much no?

    You might want to look at running a second running app, to get your gps going so that you can get some calorie data. I use cardio trainer (on android). running all that stuff sucks my battery, make sure its charged up.
    I think the mountain is going to play a huge role. your just going to be able to blow past those people that live on flat ground.
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    I got app the app thanks to another MFP'er. I was having a real hard time running it seemed like agony but I was skeptical about the app so I download the free version on android app market at first and I really liked it. The first day was hard I am not going to lie I even repeated for few days becuase I could not even jog for one min but now Im not giving up until I finish it and I have been looking for a 5K to join to give me even more motivation. My advice at least try the free version and if you don't like it at least you didnt lose any thing.
  • u04kmm5
    u04kmm5 Posts: 46 Member
    mmmh a path would be better! Would it count running up one road and back down and up etc? Its still runing isnt it! I have one road at the back of my house flat you see!

    Yes that's fine. If I am running say 30 minutes, I do 15 minutes one way then 15 minutes back to where my car is parked (I have my car with me because I stop off at the beach on the way home from work)
    So yeah it still counts.
    I suggest you start on a flat path because uphill will be hell. Maybe uphill could be a great challenge once you master the schedule.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I really liked these podcasts too:

    I did it 2.5 years ago, and now I am training for my second half marathon, and first full marathon! Great program, it works! Stick to the 3 days a week, and when you run,, run (jog) slow to make sure you can get through it. Running is 80% mental, the important thing is to finish, no matter how long it takes you! The bad runs make you stronger.

    Good luck! I hated it for the first 5 weeks, then suddenly something in my head clicked and I began to really enjoy myself. It became relaxing to go for a run, a way for me to clear my head. You will get there too some day!
  • u04kmm5
    u04kmm5 Posts: 46 Member
    I did it 2.5 years ago, and now I am training for my second half marathon, and first full marathon!

    Well done!
    And I agree with the old "something clicks in your head" sentiment. I think I clicked last week :)
  • haileemou
    Wow your all fabulous! I have to pull this off! Just need to wait to get my new specs, or ill be running off the road!!!
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    Oh I forgot to mention there is a open encouragment group for C25K on MFP It dosent matter when you started
  • haileemou
    Thanks mizzladylisa :)