Capt_Inzane Member


  • AA does different things for a lot of people. Just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it's a failed program. There's a reason you're being mandated to go rather you want to realize that or not. If you were bad enough that a doctor felt it medically necessary that you needed help then in my opinion and apparently…
  • Man, ya'll are crazy. So there's a date, guy touches back the next day exclaiming he had a good time and would like to continue seeing her. Then unfortunately something came up, his mom could of died, wife could of came home from vacation, kids could of gotten sick, friend could of gotten arrested, aliens attacked and he…
  • Superman just needs to be re-invented. I like having someone who is in that God like power level because it allows more flexibility to create villains that are on the same power level. My biggest complaint about Superman is the inconsistencies. In some comics, film, etc he'll get hit by a super megaton bomb and not be…
  • Ok first things first Get a food scale if you already don't have one and make sure you're accurately weighing/portioning your food. Most people don't do this and when they start they realize they've been eating more than what they log. Get some measuring cups that you'll actually use as well. Second off, people on MFP are…
  • Who isn't ...they say they're not..filthy liars all of'em lol. I'd murder a small country for a no calorie, fat free, taste amazing, lime cheesecake or white chocolate raspberry cheesecake. In fact I just want to sit down and eat all the cheesecakes in the world and lose weight somehow doing it.
  • You can cook mashed potatoes by mixing in some cooked cauliflower. I've made it in the past and while it's different (I'm not the believer that cauliflower can be manipulated to taste like anything) I actually liked the flavor and texture and have eaten it several times. The recipe was for flank steak w/ balsamic…
  • Holy expletives!!! That's absolutely amazing! I don't know what else to say simply wow.
  • Hey I saw the ATL and would that mean Atlanta? I'm from Atlanta myself and trying to get back into shape. I have my son and he's a handful so I can't imagine four. Good Luck to you and remember it's about the long haul!
  • Check the nutrition forum as there is a TON of recipes and ideas there. Biggest thing at the start is to monitor/log EVERYTHING. Don't eyeball it get a food scale and measuring cups and make sure to weigh all solid food and measure all liquids. You'll be amazed at how much our brain tricks us into thinking we're having…
  • Agree with the fact Diet is around 80% of weight loss or somewhere around there. Make sure you maintain a strict diet and if possible swim or do the elliptical. Things like sit-ups, or arm/chest exercises shouldn't bother your knee. Just remember to take it easy and at the first sign of pain STOP. Depending on your…
  • Carbs are typically fuel used up but if you're doing cardio and not taking in a lot of carbs your body will break down fat to burn for energy. I'm not sure what lowering carbs will do for my body but it's something I'm willing to try. I up'd my protein by eating turkey, fish, chicken and with that increase in protein…
  • Me and you sound about the same. I was around 350 and got done to 270 then back up to 290 something and back and forth. I just recently switched to where I'm eating very low carbs (just corn and what not trying no bread,pasta, rice, etc) for a bit. I recently started lifting a lot heavier at the gym and have increased my…
  • Kale Chips, Marinated/Stuffed Mushrooms, Glazed Carrots, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Pasta Salad, Sliced Tomatoes w/ Olive Oil and seasoning, Onion/Tomato/Cucumber salad (basically but a little sugar and vinegar and let them sit the longer the better), or Chilli. I'm trying to have open face sandwiches or hollow out the bread…
  • Warp Speed, but seriously just as fast as you can go while doing a walking handstand.
  • I watched a few and while funny I saw no salmon or cannons. Ok watched Mr Henderson and that was pretty damn funny... now I don't know what's the best thing on tv ...
  • I've tried,, and So far I haven't met anyone from any of the three that has seriously peaked my interest. I do know a lot of guys (basically every single one minus one) that has said or has been nothing but a *kitten* magnet (excuse my language). I…
  • I did a lot of research on this and I know that incline = more calories burnt per hour than increasing the mph. I forget the exact numbers so please don't crucify me but I think it's a 12% increase per 1% incline maxing out at around 60% or a 5% incline. After that the numbers start to change. I wish I could remember the…
  • Yum Beef Wellington
  • Once for a urine test I drank a gallon and a half of water and 2 12oz diet cokes in less than 45 minutes. I felt nauseous for a bit and mild discomfort for basically the remainder of the day however I lived. I couldn't pee and they were closing so basically it was drink until I popped.
  • I'm a big dude but I've never been with a big girl. I'm not bragging or anything stupid it's just the truth. I'm not attracted to larger women. As I mentioned before I lost my father due to weight complications and now my mother is living with me because of weight and other complications from her rapidly gaining it. I see…
  • Out of protein, carbs, and fat, fat takes the longest to break down. If you're eating carbs the body can burn those up pretty quickly so with that oatmeal you're getting carbs and then sugars from the banana. Both of those will be consumed fairly quick. No real protein or fat to hold you over until snack then lunch time.…
  • Take away her tv .. then she'll be able to come on here and complain ..oh wait I wonder if she already has. It's something she needs to do, you can help out by planning physical activities and making sure she has a healthy lunch. School systems now typically have to meet criteria for nutrition and I'd say she'd be better…
  • Yep, won't go out of my way but if I must pee and I'm there I hit the hole. I typically won't put my toilet paper on the roll. I'll set it on top of the roll and then when I roll out I wrap my hand. Um sit to wipe, I have a young son and we're doing potty training he stands so we can assist with wiping to make sure he's…
  • As someone who had a parent die due to complications of weight and the other parent go into depression due to being overweight there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a significant other stay healthy. If you notice your SO making repeated unhealthy decisions it's perfectly fine to say something. As for not being…
  • Being able to drive 400 miles on 12 dollars. 1992 Honda Civic Hatchback 1.5L ... Was fixed up too, miss the car may buy me another one.
  • At work they were having a baby shower so I passed Doritos, Ruffles, Cake, and Candy. It was 3 ft from my desk the humanity!!!!!!!! I was going to throw a fit and demand it be removed (not really just gotta meet the standard MFP whine) but the smells didn't have calories so I suffered through.
  • According to It states was recently removed and posted in 2005 so I highly doubt that even if you found some of the old stuff it'd be potent anymore but I'm not a doctor so that's just my opinion.
  • When the image is flipped it's still a person jumping in the air... It's happening ...
  • I'm 31 years old and in order for me to date a 21 yr old they would have to be very mature. I have a 12 yr old daughter and to be honest I'd be a little umm protective I suppose when I found out that he's known you since you were so young and then having a relationship. I don't know you but for some reason my "something…