My fiance keeps gaining weight !



  • shireeniebeanie
    shireeniebeanie Posts: 293 Member
    365andstillalive: Very well put!
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    edited October 2014
    I don't understand why some are getting bent out of shape about OP thread. Everyone is too sensitive. whats the big deal about encouraging your SO to be active and be healthy? From I understand, OP tried to encourage her SO to come to the gym with her and he gets angry. She didn't come right out and say ``You are getting fat and I no longer find you attractive!. I would have no problem bringing this issue if I was in OP situation because I care about about my partner. We both made agreement that we would tell each other if we are packing on the pounds. I don't understand why some of you are acting as its the worse thing since sliced bread. Calm down people
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    LOL@the flags being thrown in here.

    If only there was a positive flag we could flip too...

    ...and if only the negative flags actually did anything.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    edited October 2014
    If my SO were trying to get healthier and lose the fat but things weren't working out well for them, I'd still stay. The fact that your SO isn't even trying and is defensive probably intensifies the fact that they are becoming unattractive in your eyes. Their attitude doesn't help endear them to you, and that is likely the basis for your relationship problem. Comparing something that is in our power to change, such as weight... with something we have no control over like going bald or wrinkling or getting cancer... really makes no sense.
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    LOL@the flags being thrown in here.

    If only there was a positive flag we could flip too...

    ...and if only the negative flags actually did anything.

    What is the flag button for ?btw

  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    edited October 2014
    canadjineh wrote: »
    If my SO were trying to get healthier and lose the fat but things weren't working out well for them, I'd still stay. The fact that your SO isn't even trying and is defensive probably intensifies the fact that they are becoming unattractive in your eyes. Their attitude doesn't help endear them to you, and that is likely the basis for your relationship problem. Comparing something that is in our power to change, such as weight... with something we have no control over like going bald or wrinkling or getting cancer... really makes no sense.

    Ecxactly,he is not even trying. I would understand if he was at least making effort but from what I understand, he doesn't even care. It would be different if it was something he has no control over like being in accident and he ends up on wheel chair but that's not the case. He is just choosing to be unhealthy .That would be an issue to me

  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Maybe OP should just slush his tires.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    OdesAngel wrote: »
    Maybe OP should just slush his tires.

    :laugh: Thanks for the chuckle today!
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    I'm with the 'just break up' crew
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    You can't force someone to change their habits. They need to do that on their own. If you're no longer attracted to him because of this reason, then you need to be honest with him about it.
    It's not uncommon for people to gain weight when they feel comfortable with their relationship status. It's funny how when people split up, that they become more concerned about their weight and how they look more seriously.

  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    Way to go, awful gf alert.

    Turns out your nagging and disgust for your bf is just an excuse you are putting up to break up with him. Save him the trouble.
  • LotusAsh
    LotusAsh Posts: 294 Member
    Strong troll is strong
  • You are right to be shallow, you work hard for your body. He should too!
  • Sirinya55
    Sirinya55 Posts: 79 Member
    It's gonna get worse after marriage
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Atkins800 wrote: »
    his weight, his eating problems...not yours. Only worry about you.

    since I sleep with the person and going to marry this person then his weight is my business and my concern

    So it's all about the sex?

    I'm so glad my husband still wanted to bang me after I got fat. I'm also glad he respected me enough to wait until *I* was ready to eat better and lose weight. He loved me through all sorts of physical/mental and emotional stuff.

    Unless it's a genuine health concern (like his blood work is bad), I think it's s*itty to place so much value on looks. He's going to get old, his ball sack is going to sag and he's going to get more hair in his ears/nose and butt - are you going to demand he change then, too? And will your defense be that you sleep with him so he needs to be what you want him to be?
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    OdesAngel wrote: »
    Maybe OP should just slush his tires.

    I just snorted in the lobby at my kids school. Thanks for that. :laugh:
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I'm so glad that I can rest secure that my beloved would love me no matter my weight. I love him regardless of whether he gains weight. Being fit is a means to an end: the ability to maintain an active lifestyle, a very active physical relationship, and an excuse to put our hands on each other while soothing sore muscles.

    My ex was very overweight. He was morbidly obese. But he also had beautiful brown eyes and a great sense of humor and I didn't care about his weight beyond the potential health risks. We talked about it, and I encouraged him to make healthier choices, but it never became an issue for us.

    If you find that this is an issue in your relationship, you need to be upfront. You need to tell him how you feel so that he can make informed choices. You need to be honest but tactful. And you need to do it sooner rather than later, because it's not just your time that you're wasting if this issue is enough to end the relationship.
  • dashaclaire
    dashaclaire Posts: 127 Member

    "He never told me I wasn't attractive anymore, but he's sure as hell done things since I've started losing weight to show me that he appreciates the effort that I'm putting in. And I know that even if I'd chosen to put on another 15 instead, he'd still be here, because he loves me for the person I am, not the pant size I wear. Get it?"

    "What if he develops cancer (with such a high prevalence rate in the population, this is realistic) and loses his hair while going through chemo/radiation? What if he begins to look emaciated? Can't go to the bathroom alone? Would you still love him?"

    "Because the people commenting back would for their SO's. They're in 100%; "in sickness or in health, for richer or for poorer". Seriously, before you take your vows, make sure you mean them."

    So impressed with how many people have great husbands and wives on MFP! It warms my heart, you don't always see it in daily life.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Atkins800 wrote: »
    when I met him he was 175 lbs but now he is up to 250 pounds. He used to be obese when he was younger and I am concerned he might be heading the same path. He eats big potions of food, eating out of boredom and little to no exercise since we moved in together. He now has a big gut and I am no longer attracted to him. I tried suggesting myfitness pal and invite him to the gym but he gets angry when I bring up his weight.

    Anyone ever been in this situation?

    Call him fat. Nothing motivates me like my wife saying I'm starting to "fill out" a little. Seriously, he'll get over it or he won't. Problem solved one way or another... right?
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    edited October 2014
    As someone who had a parent die due to complications of weight and the other parent go into depression due to being overweight there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a significant other stay healthy. If you notice your SO making repeated unhealthy decisions it's perfectly fine to say something.

    As for not being attracted that's perfectly fine to, when I met my ex-wife I was a lot smaller than I was when we got divorced. We didn't separate because of my weight in fact that had nothing to do with it. However looking back at that time period I was a different person because of my weight.

    Peoples behaviors/lifestyle change with their weight. They may not be as outgoing or willing to go to social functions. If someone is morbidly obese they may not be able to do things you used to enjoy including sex.

    To the OP, go have a talk with your boyfriend and just explain that you want to have sex 2-3 times a day for an hour each time. If he stays fat after that...come see me.
  • sparkynazca
    sparkynazca Posts: 169 Member
    Its obvious that no one has a problem with someone that wants their significant other to be healthy or make good choices. And its obvious that no one has a problem with someone that would like to encourage to their significant other to do these things.

    Its rather obvious that what people DO have a problem with is someone that is placing so much value on appearance in regards to their relationship. Its a rather juvenile sentiment coming from someone who obviously doesn't know what a relationship requires to be truly successful.

    To the original poster, I say this: You are not ready for marriage. By all means, encourage your significant other to be more healthful, but please hold back on a wedding date. You truly have some growing up to do. Don't become the next divorce statistic.
  • KittiePerry
    KittiePerry Posts: 133 Member
    Maybe you should start making his meals. Cook for him and only cook what you know you both need to be eating. Ask him to take a dance class with you or a karate class, something you two will have fun doing together so it doesn't feel like exercise to him. Do NOT nag him or be passive aggressive with him. Don't let junk food come into the house. Make sure most things you make for dinner you actually have to get up and make, no just something you can pull out of the fridge and snack on. If you do have things to snack on make it be fruit, vegetables, or low calorie snack foods. You need to sit down and calmly express your concern about him being overweight and that you are worried he is going to get some kind of overweight related disease and that one day in the future you want him to be able to keep up with your future child or children, not lounge on the couch all day eating food. He has to think not only about himself but about his future.

    That's just my opinion though. I hope everything works out for you; but you shouldn't become unattracted to someone so easily. If you love him and have loved him enough to marry him one day what he looks like should not matter. If he got into a car accident and had something happen to his face would you leave him because of that? My boyfriend has gained weight since we have been together as well as I have been losing weight and am ALMOST at his weight now. I haven't become more or less attracted to him in our three years of dating and I never will. Even when he is old, fat, and bald or grey. He is mine and I'm always going to love him, that's how you should feel towards the man you love. Be attracted to his soul/personality/morals not his body.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    When you bring up someone's weight to them, you're not telling them anything they don't already know. Overweight people know they're overweight, even if they try to bury it and ignore it, they still know.

    My husband is 180 lbs and I'm 250 lbs. We're the same height. I used to be 160 before I went to law school, took the bar exam and had two kids in 15 months. Do you think my husband brought up my weight when I was pregnant, or even now? He's seen me at my thinnest and my biggest and has loved me no matter what - that's what truly accepting someone for who he/she is means.

    I agree with the others, it sounds like you have way bigger problems than your fiancé's appearance and maybe you should start by evaluating how you're handling this and what you could and should do differently.
  • **In sickness and in health**

    Before you take those vows, you need to be honest with him and yourself. If you truly aren't attracted to him and he doesn't want to remedy the situation, then you have to do whatever it takes to make you happy.

    However, if you flipped it around, how would you feel if you gained weight and he didn't find you attractive anymore? It's easy to say you would just jump on the weight loss train and fix it....BUT would that really be the case? Or would you be more depressed because you feel like you've failed your future spouse? You need to think hard about this and tread lightly. I'm sure he's already feeling bad about himself and you don't want to make it worse.

    I'm with Mz getskinny. Although some of the society has taken marriage lightly, before making that step- you really do need to be honest and have this discussion with him. If he is not on the same path you are about this and y'all aren't married... now is the time to figure out if you're in a situation that is overall healthy for you. Good luck.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Tanie98 wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    LOL@the flags being thrown in here.

    If only there was a positive flag we could flip too...

    ...and if only the negative flags actually did anything.

    What is the flag button for ?btw

    Currently, I think the flag button is just to give us users the illusion of effectiveness. Perhaps one day it will be an integral part of our forum experience.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JeriAnne84 wrote: »
    Atkins800 wrote: »
    JeriAnne84 wrote: »

    Agreed. You talk more about how he isn't attractive anymore than his health. Seriously break it off with him if you don't find him attractive anymore and are upset that he has gained weight. It will save you both money on a divorce in the future because chances are, he might gain more after getting married because a lot of married couples gain weight.

    Also, he's probably going through some emotional stuff as well and you nagging him about his weight and working out isn't going to help, only piss him off and probably make him eat more. People will change when they want to and no amount of nagging will fix that.

    Thank you for posting very true!

    Umm I don't why you are getting touchy about this. If I am no longer attracted to someone that they gained weight then I cant help it. I clearly stated in my question that he used to be obese when he was younger and it seems like he is heading that way. I am concerned because I care about this person.

    where is this anger coming from? did you eat too many cookies and cant lose weight? Well don't take it all out on me.I work hard to stay in shape and I will dammed if my SO let themselves go to a point were their health are at risk and they are no longer attractive

    I'm not angry, you're just being kind of a crappy person to someone you supposedly love and I'm pointing that out to you. You're being very selfish. You want him to get in shape so you can like looking at him again.

    And no I didn't eat too many cookies and can't lose weight, as I said before, I'm not angry, I just think you are being super crappy to him and want him to fit your needs instead of just loving him for him.

    I don't think that's crappy. It's a reality. I can tell you right now my BF would get way more tail if he was in shape. I love him- and I'm still with him- and will continue to be with him- but he isn't as sexually appealing to me as he could be- and it's 100% his choice and he knows it- I have done my best to help without nagging- and he finally said stop nagging me (which I totally gawffed at because compared to anyone else- I was absolutely NOT nagging) whatever- he said I don't want your help- so I dropped it.
    - Completely.

    Tough titties for him- he just doesn't get laid that often- which sucks for me- sucks for him- but it's his choice- I'm not going to sit here and pretend it's all about his health- yeah I wish his health was better- I know what his dad looks like-and it aint pretty and I already told him if he got that way I was gone- but reality is-he'd get way more a&& if he wasn't so damn squishy.

    That's on him.

    I don't think it makes you a crappy person wanting to be sexual attracted to your partner- especially at a really young age- I mean come on- that's what 18-25 is all about.
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    edited October 2014
    No its not crappy to want your partner to be sexually appealing to you, but when you go about it the way she has and flat out say, "I work hard to stay in shape and I will dammed if my SO let themselves go to a point were their health are at risk and they are no longer attractive" that's pretty crappy. Expecting someone to look a certain way just because you do is not only crappy to do to the other person, but unrealistic. At least you brought it up and let it go when he asked. He's had weight issues in the past and he has gained a lot and it's probably a sign that he is going through something in his life and coping with food. Instead of nagging him and being self centered that he isn't physically appealing to her anymore, maybe she should ask him if he needs to talk about anything and get anything off his chest then help him through it or be there for him while he deals with things. Be a decent future wife and communicate. She worked hard for her body, good for her, but she can't force him to make changes and she shouldn't and she needs to back off of him and either accept how he is and love him the way he is or move on. He will change when he wants to and nagging him will make things worse for both of them. She also needs to learn that people change in appearance and will over the course of their life and needs to deal with that because even if she dumps this guy, the next one will change too and she can't expect him to stay in tip top shape for his whole life because I bet she doesn't stay the same size her entire life.

    Also I agree with the people who said this thread would have blown up if it was a guy talking about a girl. There's a post somewhere around here where her boyfriend or husband is making remarks about her being overweight and everyone is calling him an @$$hole for saying it, and he is, but people are sticking up for this chick here even though she has said that he, "He now has a big gut and I am no longer attracted to him." Not sure if she has blantanly called him fat to his face, but can you imagine what he would feel like if he did join MFP and saw this post? He would be hurt. And if a guy posted saying he expected his wife/girlfriend to stay a certain size, s*** would hit the fan real fast.
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Hmmm tricky. My husband has supported me and made it clear to me he is still attracted to me despite my weight gain over last few years. That said he has made lots of comments about my weight and since Ive lost some is far more receptive physically so its obviously made a difference to him. But did his comments help me lose weight? Not a damn bit. I did it when *I* was ready and not before.

    My hubby is also overweight though not to the extent I am. I choose not to bring it up too often (once or twice when he pushed the limit of my weight too far but otherwise I keep schtum) as I dont think he will change until he is ready to and will probably never want to join a gym like I have. So I make small changes, keeping fizzy drinks out the house, meal planning for the week and choosing healthy options I prepare for all four of us, encouraging outdoor activities on family days. He's lost a little weight through this and I hope that and what i am doing will motivate him but if not I figure every little bit is better for his health and in the meantime my exercise and weight loss trip is for me to travel not because I am scoring points against my husband
  • I remember reading somewhere that a drop of about 30 pounds approximately = one extra inch "revealed"...uh...where it counts. Maybe you can find that written somewhere in a fitness article or magazine and "accidentally" leave it open on the counter where he'll definitely see it. ;)
  • I remember reading somewhere that a drop of about 30 pounds approximately = one extra inch "revealed"...uh...where it counts. Maybe you can find that written somewhere in a fitness article or magazine and "accidentally" leave it open on the counter where he'll definitely see it. ;)

    wow...feel sorry for you S.O., too

    I feel sorry for anyone who has no sense of humor. Yikes, lady.