My fiance keeps gaining weight !



  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    neffme wrote: »
    Atkins800 wrote: »
    JeriAnne84 wrote: »

    Agreed. You talk more about how he isn't attractive anymore than his health. Seriously break it off with him if you don't find him attractive anymore and are upset that he has gained weight. It will save you both money on a divorce in the future because chances are, he might gain more after getting married because a lot of married couples gain weight.

    Also, he's probably going through some emotional stuff as well and you nagging him about his weight and working out isn't going to help, only piss him off and probably make him eat more. People will change when they want to and no amount of nagging will fix that.

    Thank you for posting very true!

    Umm I don't why you are getting touchy about this. If I am no longer attracted to someone that they gained weight then I cant help it. I clearly stated in my question that he used to be obese when he was younger and it seems like he is heading that way. I am concerned because I care about this person.

    where is this anger coming from? did you eat too many cookies and cant lose weight? Well don't take it all out on me.I work hard to stay in shape and I will dammed if my SO let themselves go to a point were their health are at risk and they are no longer attractive

    HA. You thought people were against you before you posted this. Just wait, my dear. Just wait.


    OP, how old are you? I'm getting a strong <25, possibly (OK, hopefully) <20 vibe here.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    The reality is that neither of you are going to stay young and hot. If it is required that you be with someone hot, I suggest an arrangement other than marriage might be useful to you.

    neffme wrote: »
    Atkins800 wrote: »
    JeriAnne84 wrote: »

    Agreed. You talk more about how he isn't attractive anymore than his health. Seriously break it off with him if you don't find him attractive anymore and are upset that he has gained weight. It will save you both money on a divorce in the future because chances are, he might gain more after getting married because a lot of married couples gain weight.

    Also, he's probably going through some emotional stuff as well and you nagging him about his weight and working out isn't going to help, only piss him off and probably make him eat more. People will change when they want to and no amount of nagging will fix that.

    Thank you for posting very true!

    Umm I don't why you are getting touchy about this. If I am no longer attracted to someone that they gained weight then I cant help it. I clearly stated in my question that he used to be obese when he was younger and it seems like he is heading that way. I am concerned because I care about this person.

    where is this anger coming from? did you eat too many cookies and cant lose weight? Well don't take it all out on me.I work hard to stay in shape and I will dammed if my SO let themselves go to a point were their health are at risk and they are no longer attractive

    HA. You thought people were against you before you posted this. Just wait, my dear. Just wait.

    Also truth.

  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    This seems like a train wreck getting ready to happen... Hmmm, maybe he's trying to make YOU leave? Could be conscious or subconscious. I feel like I'm back in HS. I'm outta here.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Atkins800 wrote: »
    JeriAnne84 wrote: »

    Agreed. You talk more about how he isn't attractive anymore than his health. Seriously break it off with him if you don't find him attractive anymore and are upset that he has gained weight. It will save you both money on a divorce in the future because chances are, he might gain more after getting married because a lot of married couples gain weight.

    Also, he's probably going through some emotional stuff as well and you nagging him about his weight and working out isn't going to help, only piss him off and probably make him eat more. People will change when they want to and no amount of nagging will fix that.

    Thank you for posting very true!

    Umm I don't why you are getting touchy about this. If I am no longer attracted to someone that they gained weight then I cant help it. I clearly stated in my question that he used to be obese when he was younger and it seems like he is heading that way. I am concerned because I care about this person.

    where is this anger coming from? did you eat too many cookies and cant lose weight? Well don't take it all out on me.I work hard to stay in shape and I will dammed if my SO let themselves go to a point were their health are at risk and they are no longer attractive

    Because your main concern is his "health", right? Yeah, c'mon guys, she's just worried about his health...because health.

    And once again, just imagine if this was a guy posting about his girlfriend/fiance and her "health". This thread wouldn't even be here by now.
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    Atkins800 wrote: »
    JeriAnne84 wrote: »

    Agreed. You talk more about how he isn't attractive anymore than his health. Seriously break it off with him if you don't find him attractive anymore and are upset that he has gained weight. It will save you both money on a divorce in the future because chances are, he might gain more after getting married because a lot of married couples gain weight.

    Also, he's probably going through some emotional stuff as well and you nagging him about his weight and working out isn't going to help, only piss him off and probably make him eat more. People will change when they want to and no amount of nagging will fix that.

    Thank you for posting very true!

    Umm I don't why you are getting touchy about this. If I am no longer attracted to someone that they gained weight then I cant help it. I clearly stated in my question that he used to be obese when he was younger and it seems like he is heading that way. I am concerned because I care about this person.

    where is this anger coming from? did you eat too many cookies and cant lose weight? Well don't take it all out on me.I work hard to stay in shape and I will dammed if my SO let themselves go to a point were their health are at risk and they are no longer attractive

    I'm not angry, you're just being kind of a crappy person to someone you supposedly love and I'm pointing that out to you. You're being very selfish. You want him to get in shape so you can like looking at him again.

    And no I didn't eat too many cookies and can't lose weight, as I said before, I'm not angry, I just think you are being super crappy to him and want him to fit your needs instead of just loving him for him.
  • lilmisfit1987
    lilmisfit1987 Posts: 183 Member
    The message should have been "Help! My future husband is going through a rough patch right now and comforting himself himself with food! How can I help him?" and instead it came off as "Help! My fiance has gotten super fat and ugly? How can I make him lose it?" You might want to take a nice long look and evaluate how you communicate.

    If you think that your fiance is consoling himself with food then I would ask him if anything is bothering him and NOT mention his weight because that will make it worse. Approach the subject with him in a way that doesn't make you sound shallow and you'll have much better results.
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    In for the popcorn


  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    Atkins800 wrote: »
    JeriAnne84 wrote: »

    Agreed. You talk more about how he isn't attractive anymore than his health. Seriously break it off with him if you don't find him attractive anymore and are upset that he has gained weight. It will save you both money on a divorce in the future because chances are, he might gain more after getting married because a lot of married couples gain weight.

    Also, he's probably going through some emotional stuff as well and you nagging him about his weight and working out isn't going to help, only piss him off and probably make him eat more. People will change when they want to and no amount of nagging will fix that.

    Thank you for posting very true!

    Umm I don't why you are getting touchy about this. If I am no longer attracted to someone that they gained weight then I cant help it. I clearly stated in my question that he used to be obese when he was younger and it seems like he is heading that way. I am concerned because I care about this person.

    where is this anger coming from? did you eat too many cookies and cant lose weight? Well don't take it all out on me.I work hard to stay in shape and I will dammed if my SO let themselves go to a point were their health are at risk and they are no longer attractive

    I can tell by your last paragraph what this is really about. This is your opinion of any overweight person, especially your spouse.

    You think he did it to himself. That he has complete control, and that by being "lazy" and "eating cookies" that he's making a mistake and that being FAT is the WORST thing a person can be. Because it is right? It's right up there with having a big nose. Who cares about greed, murder, etc... so long as he's attractive right?

    Here's a reality check for you: do you know when people lose weight successfully? When they want to. If my SO looked at me and said, "hey, drop 15lbs you're getting unattractive," I'd be dropping about 185 instead - him. However, when my SO showed me a picture of us from when we'd started dating 2 years before and I'd put on about 15lbs and said how insanely hot I looked in that photo, I took that to heart (let's be honest, I was just thrilled to be called 'insanely hot'). And because I had been on a nearly 2 year weight loss journey before meeting him, and had never reached my goal, I'm down almost that whole 15lbs, and plan on dropping another 10-15 after. You'll notice something though -- he didn't ultimatum me, and it was my decision to lose. He never told me I wasn't attractive anymore, but he's sure as hell done things since I've started losing weight to show me that he appreciates the effort that I'm putting in. And I know that even if I'd chosen to put on another 15 instead, he'd still be here, because he loves me for the person I am, not the pant size I wear. Get it?

    Weight loss, appearance, what you wear -- these are all person decisions, and when you comment on them in a way that tears people down, they're a hell of a lot less likely to do something about it.

    If you wanted a healthy husband, there isn't a person here who wouldn't want to help you; but you want an attractive husband and if you can't deal with the extra weight, you probably can't deal with the wrinkles, or god forbid something happens to him. What if he develops cancer (with such a high prevalence rate in the population, this is realistic) and loses his hair while going through chemo/radiation? What if he begins to look emaciated? Can't go to the bathroom alone? Would you still love him?

    Because the people commenting back would for their SO's. They're in 100%; "in sickness or in health, for richer or for poorer". Seriously, before you take your vows, make sure you mean them.
  • shireeniebeanie
    shireeniebeanie Posts: 293 Member
    365andstillalive: Very well put!
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    edited October 2014
    I don't understand why some are getting bent out of shape about OP thread. Everyone is too sensitive. whats the big deal about encouraging your SO to be active and be healthy? From I understand, OP tried to encourage her SO to come to the gym with her and he gets angry. She didn't come right out and say ``You are getting fat and I no longer find you attractive!. I would have no problem bringing this issue if I was in OP situation because I care about about my partner. We both made agreement that we would tell each other if we are packing on the pounds. I don't understand why some of you are acting as its the worse thing since sliced bread. Calm down people
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    LOL@the flags being thrown in here.

    If only there was a positive flag we could flip too...

    ...and if only the negative flags actually did anything.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    edited October 2014
    If my SO were trying to get healthier and lose the fat but things weren't working out well for them, I'd still stay. The fact that your SO isn't even trying and is defensive probably intensifies the fact that they are becoming unattractive in your eyes. Their attitude doesn't help endear them to you, and that is likely the basis for your relationship problem. Comparing something that is in our power to change, such as weight... with something we have no control over like going bald or wrinkling or getting cancer... really makes no sense.
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    LOL@the flags being thrown in here.

    If only there was a positive flag we could flip too...

    ...and if only the negative flags actually did anything.

    What is the flag button for ?btw

  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    edited October 2014
    canadjineh wrote: »
    If my SO were trying to get healthier and lose the fat but things weren't working out well for them, I'd still stay. The fact that your SO isn't even trying and is defensive probably intensifies the fact that they are becoming unattractive in your eyes. Their attitude doesn't help endear them to you, and that is likely the basis for your relationship problem. Comparing something that is in our power to change, such as weight... with something we have no control over like going bald or wrinkling or getting cancer... really makes no sense.

    Ecxactly,he is not even trying. I would understand if he was at least making effort but from what I understand, he doesn't even care. It would be different if it was something he has no control over like being in accident and he ends up on wheel chair but that's not the case. He is just choosing to be unhealthy .That would be an issue to me

  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Maybe OP should just slush his tires.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    OdesAngel wrote: »
    Maybe OP should just slush his tires.

    :laugh: Thanks for the chuckle today!
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    I'm with the 'just break up' crew
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    You can't force someone to change their habits. They need to do that on their own. If you're no longer attracted to him because of this reason, then you need to be honest with him about it.
    It's not uncommon for people to gain weight when they feel comfortable with their relationship status. It's funny how when people split up, that they become more concerned about their weight and how they look more seriously.

  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    Way to go, awful gf alert.

    Turns out your nagging and disgust for your bf is just an excuse you are putting up to break up with him. Save him the trouble.