jhnye85 Member


  • Thank you everyone for the feedback and tips! I'll definitely be adding jerky, tuna, nuts and such to my meal plans.
  • good for you! i just completed my first 5k on 12/4/11 and let me tell you, it feels so awesome! i started exercising at the end of august and signed up for the 5k at the end of october. i was super nervous, but i think the main thing to focus on is your endurance. just start with a goal to complete 3.1 miles, then you can…
  • week 1 - 167 minutes week 2 - 135 minutes week 3 - 208 minutes week 4 - 90 minutes (didnt track this week very well) week 5 - 220 minutes 5 weeks - 820 minutes You kicked major butt this past month! good for you! hope to join you in any other challenges and good luck over the holidays! i will be in need of a serious…
  • great job!! i too never believed i could exercise this much! but you know what, it shows!! calculating my final results now! will post asap
  • day 5 - 45 mins run - 3 miles day 6 - day off!!
  • great job on day 1! and i hope you took full advantage of your days off :o) Day 4 - elliptical 45 mins, 3.79 miles
  • Day 1 - extra lazy! no workout for me Day 2 - 45 min speed interval running - 2.5 miles Day 3 - elliptical 45 mins Day 4 - 40 min speed interval running - 2.8 miles half-way through the week!
  • rest is definitely important, especially if you're feeling tired. i think it also helps with weight loss, i've found that my body gets used to an exact schedule, so either resting or switching exercises up helps trick our bodies. now that i completed my 5k, i am going to be focusing on running at speed intervals. let's see…
  • so bad about posting this week! but you did a great job and worked really hard! day 2 - 45 minute elliptical day 3 - 34 mins 3.1 miles day 4 - 45 mins elliptical day 5 - RACE DAY! 5k in 39 minutes!!
  • SO HARD to find. Anyone in the New England area know where I can grab a pint? It is deeeeeeelish!
  • nice goal! my race is this sunday so i will be alternating between running and the elliptical, don't want to rough my knees up too much. day 1 - 45 mins 3.1 miles
  • great job last week! i definitely fell off the wagon!
  • Glad you are feeling better! Good luck this week! Day 2 - 45 mins 3.1 miles
  • Day 4 - 45 minute run, 3.2 miles
  • Day 3 - 32 minute run, 2.3 miles
  • thanks! you too! Day 2 - 45 minute run - 3.2 miles
  • Day 1 (11/14) - 45 minute run - 3.1 miles
  • A stitch! Ha, who knew it had such a cute little name. Thanks for diagnosing and helpful tips on how to treat them!
  • What a great goal! 25k a week is huge! I would love to manage that much in a week but will probably run closer to 15-20k a week. How about we start a group? It's new to MFP and I think it might work.
  • Have you ever looked into the Couch 2 5K program? It's a 9 week program, but I'm sure you could condense to one month. It would be especially helpful to you if you're starting as a walker. I think the important thing is to build up your endurance first. Is your goal to run or just walk? Just adding one more day onto your…
  • Yes! I just signed up for my first 5k, taking place on December 4th. I don't really have a training program, and I can run 5k I just want to bring my time down to under 30 minutes. What did you have in mind for training?
  • Thank you so much everyone for sharing your stories and support!! I just got back from the gym and experimented, ran 3.1 miles in 40 minutes alternating between 4 and 5 mph. It felt great!! And happy to say I just signed up for my first 5k on December 4th! Thanks again and couldn't have done it with out the support!!!!
  • I just made the decision to become a vegetarian too! It's not easy, as I have grown up on meat and potatoes. I would suggest cutting down first with your family, like meatless Monday's! Also start adding new things like fish, and maybe really lean proteins like turkey. From there you may slowly see everyone's eating habits…
  • Thanks so much for all the feedback! great to know I'm not alone in this. Just an update - I have been strict this week with my exercise and food - and the scale so far has gone down, just 1lb but hey! So maybe a little relaxtion on the weekend won't pack on the pounds. I normally only record my weight on Fridays so I'm…
  • I second this! Buy the green produce bags, they are amazing! They keep your procude fresh for at least an extra week.
  • your days of being sad are over! joining MFP is the first step in the right direction, and EVERY step counts. :smile:
    in So sad Comment by jhnye85 October 2011
  • Amazing feedback - thank you! So maybe this isnt a real plateau yet, and I have no intention of slowing down! Unfortunately, I have to stick to a pretty consistent routine - 30 minutes of cardio on my lunch break, either elliptical or running. I add sit-ups, bench dips and free weights in there too. In an effort to switch…