celtsguy81 Member


  • Not at all. Overestimating calories burned and then compounding that problem by underestimating calories eaten will do it every time, though.
  • I absolutely hated both as well.. although I know there is some form of exercise out there you'll enjoy. You just have to find it. I have also found the more I exercised.. the fitter I got (even though I didn't lose much weight).. and suddenly I REALLY noticed my endurance increase. It's awesome when you notice it.. and it…
  • Bump! I also hate veggies like nobody's business. I never was coerced or forced into eating them as a kid and never even remotely developed a taste for them. Trust me when I say I am probably the pickiest eater you could imagine in the veggie dept. I have found, though, that steamed carrots (with spices) or steam broccoli…
  • I don't think I'm eating all that excessively. My GF gives me some moderately-disapproving looks occasionally on my second helping of whatever we're having... but if I ever really step over the line she lets me know and I have to put some back. :) My claim that it is just me showing appreciation for her cooking never does…
  • Gonna bump to see if others have advice. Thanks!
  • So... I guess one question I have about form (and I'll check out that book) is when I am doing the leg press machine. Instead of my legs remaining perfectly parallel, knees close together, my knees always bow way out when I let the weight come down. Someone told me that I could just be set up that way (my bones are sort of…
  • I have tried squats and deadlifts before. I have found on the Squats I feel like I'm doing it wrong, or not using enough weight, or I almost fall over. It's not the most confidence-building exercise. The deadlifts are ok except my back is always hurting and my hands feel like the skin is going to rip off. I think I have…
  • Yeah, sorry. I can do elliptical on my off days, and I do try to fit that in as well. I can't do any treadmill, basketball, or bike though. At least not for a few more weeks.
  • So when they talk about "rest days" they mean not to lift, basically?
  • So.. I think I just read some different things here. I understand weight training is good, and I understand adding muscle increases resting metabolism rate. But I think I just read that cardio only REALLY hurts (I.E., - uses up muscle) if I'm doing roughly an hour or more a day, and/or if I am not taking in enough calories…
  • I've got a sore/tight back, sore knees, and a bad ankle. I can put up with basketball because I enjoy it so much, and elliptical doesn't bother any of my "injuries".... but weight training definitely does. Especially stuff like squats. Anyone else have that problem?
  • Anyone have any insight to this? Seems like maybe it would be something for a personal trainer... but I figured there was probably a bunch on the board here.
  • "I've earned it after such a hard week!" is my biggest one.
  • That's friggin horrible. Glad you used it as a teaching point for your kid. We don't need any more DBs in our society.. hopefully he won't grow up like those jerkoffs in the truck. Keep up the good work. Remember.. you may be overweight.. but they're inbred idiots. At least you can lose weight.
  • yeah. bump. good stuff, folks.
  • Elliptical for 15 minutes, exercise bike for 15 minutes (assuming you just want to burn calories)
  • I wouldn't put the cart before the horse. You think your weight plays a part (however large or small it may be) in some of your issues. I would say that, like you said, elliptical would be a good choice. Let's worry about getting exercise in (and elliptical is very good!) before we worry about doing squats, etc. Take one…
  • I know my girlfriend always talks up heart rate monitors, but I've never looked into one myself. When you say it was way off do you mean that MFP was giving a lower number than actual, or a higher number? If it is a lower number, I'm ok with that (will be a nice surprise if I lose more weight than expected). If MFP is…
  • I was reading a success story the other day and the guy was talking about how he had to overcome certain obstacles, but ultimately made it. It got me to thinking that *IF* I am able to get down to my goal weight and be in-shape... that I'm going to have to overcome some as well. At first this kind of made me disappointed…
  • I think thisis awesome. Everyone's answer is really helpful. Thanks. I understand the concept of macros.. I think that may be stage two for me. Right now I'm up at 270. Never been below 235 in my adult life. Hoping to get to 200. I "lift" twice a week, and I play basketball, take a brisk walk, or do elliptical on the other…
  • I will agree that you can create a calorie deficit without exercise. If that is how you want to do it just be wary of becoming "skinny fat" someday.. where you lost a lot of weight but you haven't gotten into shape.. and more likely than not you're going to be losing a lot more muscle than fat. That's not the best way to…