I don't like veggies or exercise :(



  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    Try different things for exercise. Some people LOVE spinning (personally I hate it), some people LOVE swimming (personally I dont know how), some people LOVE Zumba (personally, I love it too!). Some people like a workout buddy - I prefer my Ipod and a treadmill. Different strokes for different folks but I bet there is some form of exercise you can get down with.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    Exercising...I don't like that if I make time for exercise it means less time that I have for hanging out with friends...

    Easy fix: Exercise with your friends.

    Try this: You like skating and it's summertime, so make plans to skate with friends after work three times a week. Then hang out after and go to bed early. You've got three days a week right there of working, exercising, hanging out AND sleeping and you didn't even have to think about it! In the wintertime you can switch to taking a Zumba class together. Or go swing or line dancing or something else that involves both movement and being social and doesn't require late sunsets and nice weather. You could look into taking rock climbing at an indoor rock-climbing gym or joining an indoor volleyball league when the weather sucks -- there are tons of things to do that will allow you to move your body AND have fun with friends at the same time.

    If you can let yourself step away from the "exercise = boredom + pain" equation, you WILL find that you can get in shape without forcing yourself to do a whole bunch of stuff you hate. Honest!

    Now go eat your vegetables!
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    I love veggies and exercise, exercise gives me a huge buzz and it makes me feel good too, and the veggies are delicious try cooking them in different ways x
  • stephieb186
    stephieb186 Posts: 127
    I used to hate vegetables and exercise... now I love vegetables! I could eat a green pepper all by it self... they are my favorite. As far as exercise goes, I like it more now that I do it more (if that makes sense). You have to try and remember that great feeling you get when you have finished a really hard workout. You feel accomplished and great! My theory is that if your going to sweat, then you better make it count. The eventually after so many workouts you start to look and feel so much better! They say you have to try something 8 times for your mind to get rid of prior judgements. I think this especially applies to veggies and exercise! You CAN do this! ;)
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I can't believe you "don't like veggies". Have you tried all the different types? Tried them with dips? All vegetables don't taste the same. When you say you don't like veggies you sound like a small child (I picture pouting 5 year old).

    Until vegetables taste like chocolate or cheeseburgers or fried chicken, then no, there is no way vegetables are going on my top 20 things I'd eat given the choice.

    Then you should've quoted the part where I said I like asparagus wrapped in bacon and grilled.

    Just a little ray of sunshine aren't you!!

    I guess I should've told the OP that it is perfectly okay to eat only junk food and not try expanding her horizons. The fact that she only wants to eat things full of grease and ignore nutrition won't hinder this journey at all. Instead, I was rude to suggest trying to mix the things she doesn't like with things she does to achieve a palatable flavor while still actually getting some nutrition. My mistake. Continue on eating 1200 calories of french fries and not working out.

    I must have missed something...

    Yeah I'm not exactly sure why "Rebekah" decided to be insulting. I thought I'd given decent advice, and the OP chose to ignore it, so I repeated it in the reply.

    If OP only wants to eat cheeseburgers, it doesn't hurt to throw some asparagus ON the cheeseburger. It surely adds nutrients without adding calories.
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    LOVE veggies. HATE exercise. Well, hate is such a strong word. I'm a busy mom with two kids, one beng a busy toddler. It's hard for me to find time for exercise. I love the results, but to be honest, I don't get much exercise in each week. I d what I can and that is enough for me for now! After all, when I plateau, that can just be my secret weapon to change things up! LOL
  • Lkoblara
    Lkoblara Posts: 137 Member
    I love veggies. Seriously.

    I hate "exercise".... but I do love being active (hiking, kayaking, etc.)

    I actually crave veggies now that I've kept a "clean eating" focus for about 2 months. I still eat "crap" every once in a while... but I always fit it into my daily numbers and make up for it by doing extra well for the next few days.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    I hate veggies. And I hate fruit. And I hate exercise. Not just dislike, pure hate. I can eat raw carrots, cooked cauliflower, corn on the cob, and potatoes. That is IT for veggies. For fruits I can eat apples, grapes, and grapefruit, that's it. And I hate any and all exercise. I never feel good after like everyone else says they do, I feel like crap when I am done. So tired and warn out and just yucky. No matter what kind of exercise I just never feel better, so it sure doesn't make me want to do it.

    Oh well, I just eat the few fruits and veggies I can and go for walks because that is the only exercise that doesn't leave me feeling like death when I am done.

    I have been doing this for over a year now, so for me at least it doesn't get any better. I hope it does for you!
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    If you don't like vegetables try making homemade soup. There are so many variations of soup that can be made very healthy that there's bound to be a couple you like. Today I made a huge pot of soup with 15-bean blend, corn, carrots, squash, zucchini, celery, onion, green pepper, fresh basil, and okra (along with low-sodium marinara, shrimp, sea salt, chili powder, and garlic powder). Just throw those babies in there and let simmer for a few hours... bam, 15-20 servings of soup chock full of veggies that is just delicious. The only vegetable I don't like is raw tomato, and even then I can eat them cooked. Experiment.

    As for exercise, I used to hate it but I now love it. My main form of exercise since I started has been running, but some fun ones I do are yoga, pilates, and kickboxing. There's bound to be at least one physical activity you enjoy.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I can't believe you "don't like veggies". Have you tried all the different types? Tried them with dips? All vegetables don't taste the same. When you say you don't like veggies you sound like a small child (I picture pouting 5 year old).

    Until vegetables taste like chocolate or cheeseburgers or fried chicken, then no, there is no way vegetables are going on my top 20 things I'd eat given the choice.

    Then you should've quoted the part where I said I like asparagus wrapped in bacon and grilled.

    Just a little ray of sunshine aren't you!!

    I guess I should've told the OP that it is perfectly okay to eat only junk food and not try expanding her horizons. The fact that she only wants to eat things full of grease and ignore nutrition won't hinder this journey at all. Instead, I was rude to suggest trying to mix the things she doesn't like with things she does to achieve a palatable flavor while still actually getting some nutrition. My mistake. Continue on eating 1200 calories of french fries and not working out.

    I must have missed something...

    Yeah I'm not exactly sure why "Rebekah" decided to be insulting. I thought I'd given decent advice, and the OP chose to ignore it, so I repeated it in the reply.

    If OP only wants to eat cheeseburgers, it doesn't hurt to throw some asparagus ON the cheeseburger. It surely adds nutrients without adding calories.

    To be clear... I never said that I only want to eat cheeseburgers... I do actually like lots of healthy foods... just not so much vegetables... I just eat them because I should I lot of the time
  • apamapandapa
    apamapandapa Posts: 31 Member
    I hate vegies too! And I used to hate exercise as well, but lately I have started to love my daily gym visits :)
    One week I just pushed myself and started to go there every day and did around 400-500 calories on cardio + strenght. In few days I already started to feel much better and SO proud of myself. Now I feel kind of unhappy if i can't do some exercise :) Before I even cheat as much as possible, meaning I went as late as possible so I would have some excuse to not doo too much. Since I am now going with my boyfriend I am already screaming to him that I wont have enough time if gym is closing in 2,5 h :D

    Just push urself to the maximum and maybe you will start to love it as well :) Good luck
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Both are a necessary evil. I have learned to appreciate veggies. LIKE? No way no how never. But they are a fact of life now and I eat them. I agree, until they taste like bacon they won't crack my top 20 favorite foods. And covered in cheese only does so much and I don't always have the extra calories for that.

    Exercise really isn't necessary for weight loss. It is for being fit and healthy. Maybe try to do things with friends? That helps a lot of people. I just like to get in, get done and get out so I don't usually go with anyone.
  • a2902c
    a2902c Posts: 96
    veggie burgers - yumm! and maybe start with some stretching, or parking further away from the store - a little bit counts :)
  • celtsguy81
    celtsguy81 Posts: 37 Member
    I absolutely hated both as well.. although I know there is some form of exercise out there you'll enjoy. You just have to find it. I have also found the more I exercised.. the fitter I got (even though I didn't lose much weight).. and suddenly I REALLY noticed my endurance increase.

    It's awesome when you notice it.. and it makes you want to keep working out. Vary your activities so you can find something you like.

    With veggies? I am still in the same boat.. but you can find ways to mix them into your life without too much trouble. Maybe you won't be getting everything you need.. but some is better than none, yeah?
  • Easywider
    Easywider Posts: 434 Member
    Sometimes in life...You've just got to do things that you simply don't like/agree with/want to do.

    This is because life is hard.

    In order to survive in life we learn to do things we HAVE to do, against our short-term desires but sometimes for better in the long run.

    This is one of those things.

    You still have to pay taxes.
  • I hate exercise as well, but it has to be done. Just like I have to work. After sometime, it becomes second nature.
    Veggies are tricky. My best advice would be to experiment with different seasonings to give them flavor. Figure out a way to sneak them into your meal so you are not just eating veggies.
  • tnqnt
    tnqnt Posts: 397 Member

    Do you guys actually LIKE these healthy foods and exercising or do you just do it because you feel like you have to? Did you learn to like it?

    I actually LOVE vegis.... I think the reason lots of folks don't like them is because they are often served bland or overcooked.

    Try roasting virtually any veg in the oven .... cut into equal size chunks and drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper... also cumin is good .... then roast in the oven at 450 for 15-25 minutes, depending on the vegi... let it caramelize.... delicious! :)
    I recommend: broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, fennel, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, any root vegi, etc etc...
    contact me if you want more recipes. :):)
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    i'd never actually thought about it, but yeah, veggies are usually just the necessary bit on the side of the plate. there are some exceptions - i love tomato, mushrooms, asparagus, olives, eggplant. i don't mind carrot, beans, zucchini, or capsicum if it's in a curry or pasta, but they bore me on their own.

    lol, go vegetarian for a bit. you find ways to enjoy veggies pretty quick that way!

    as for exercise, it annoyed me at the start because i had never needed to do it before. i'd always had active jobs. and when it's hurting at the beginning, i hate it. i'm trying to get fit from zero again now (following injury) and i'm not enjoying it. however, i know that once i am fit i do enjoy it a lot. however, i don't do exercise that i hate. i don't do circuit training or HIIT or aerobics or pilates because i don't like any of those things. stationery bike makes me want to stab things.

    i do like walking, swimming, hiking, running (once i'm past the 'this hurts a lot' phase), and weights so long as i can tell that i'm getting stronger.

    to some extent you've just got to accept that these things have to be part of life, it's the rules, end of story. but in order to maintain it you've got to find ways to enjoy it as much as possible.
  • I do not eat anything I don't like. I love vegetables--some more than others, and some in certain form rather than others. Maybe you just need to experiment with different methods of preparing your vegetables and go out on a limb and try something new from time to time.

    Don't like asparagus because it's stinky? Maybe try breading it in panko and baking it in the oven. It's crisp like a cracker and tastes/smells so much better. Don't like cabbage? Try it as a wrap around taco meat instead of a tortilla. Don't like carrots? Try steaming them with some brown sugar and butter. Sure, it's not the most healthy alternative, but it's better than cobbler or a baked potato.

    The point is... just try different things. Do you have a Pinterest account? Simply search for different vegetables and find new ways to try them. If all else fails, there's always light ranch dressing.
  • pharja4
    pharja4 Posts: 4
    I like vegetables and exercise, but I can understand why you might not. If your taste buds are used to eating food that is high in fat and sugar it can over power your taste buds and make everything else taste as boring as cardboard or saw dust. This may sound extreme, but try cutting out those high sugar/carb and high fat foods for a week or more if you can. You'll be surprised at how much flavor veggies and fruits really have.

    Exercise can be hard to get into... I think for some people it is a self-confidence thing. (It was for me.) Like I can't run that fast, so why run? Or I can't do ten push-ups/pull-ups/whatever so why try? The thing to remember is just getting out there and doing it means you've won!!! I think positive self-talk really does help. If you go for a run and can only get to the first mailbox. Pat yourself on the back "WOO, I ran to the first mailbox... I ROCK!" Walk for five minutes out and then run from that mailbox back home. Try to run to the second mailbox the next day. Adding a little bit at a time makes it not seem so scary. And that rush of success makes it kind of addictive. Plus it means you have more calories on your day plan for the food you really enjoy (MMmm ice cream and chocolate)
    GOOD luck!