I don't like veggies or exercise :(



  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I love SOME veggies. I love CERTAIN exercises.

    I forget about the rest...
  • AliciaNorris81
    AliciaNorris81 Posts: 185 Member
    There are only 2 vegetable I don't like, and technically they are roots. Radish and Horseradish. I actually like more vegetables than fruits.

    I find different ways to cook them. A year ago, there was no way you were getting me to eat a pepper or an onion. Then I realized how much flavor they add to other foods. Now I love them.

    Exercise...whew. I did hate that. With a passion. If it wasn't with my thumbs (Playing video games) I didn't want to do it. Now...I absolutely love the feeling it gives me. I have been slacking these past couple of weeks and it is very evident. I am still losing weight through diet, but my body feels like sludge.

    Edit to add: Broccoli. I love it. I eat it daily. Mushrooms too.
  • jenbridges
    jenbridges Posts: 213 Member
    I am not big on veggies either, but I have found that I prefer them roasted with a little olive oil, salt and pepper. Or on a homemade pizza! There are also certain veggies I refuse to eat cooked (carrots, spinach and celery come to mind), and others that I can't stand raw. Just experiment some, and you will find a few that you can tolerate, if not even like. Do you like salsa? That has veggies in it. If you like ketchup or spaghetti sauce, try starting with tomatoes. As for exercise, I HATE it! I do it because it gets results, and that is my sole motivation! Good luck!
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    I don't love exercise, but I love the "exercise high" I get each and every time I work out. I hate it while I'm doing it...except for biking and hiking. I enjoy those.

    I don't particularly like vegetables -but I do like asparagus tossed in coconut oil and garlic, then baked on a cookie sheet for about 7 minutes. And fresh green beans. And salad with balsamic vinegar and olive oil with walnuts and feta cheese.

    A healthier life-style includes sacrifice. After doing this for 5 months (the exercise for me is the key here, because I've never kept up a training program this long), I can tell the difference in my body now when I eat poorly or don't exercise.

    If it were easy, everyone would do it.
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    Exercising... Ok there is some exercise I do actually like... Like skating or riding my bike... I don't even mind the elliptical, I don't like that if I make time for exercise it means less time that I have for sleep, or hanging out with friends, or working on one of my 3 jobs etc.

    ^^ this is how I feel --- I like exercising - but, I can think of SO many things I would RATHER be doing (sleeping, shopping, being w friends, work even) HAHA.

    on the veggie issue - I do love my veggies. Pretty much all of them (except eggplant & squash - yick)
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    I can't believe you "don't like veggies". Have you tried all the different types? Tried them with dips? All vegetables don't taste the same. When you say you don't like veggies you sound like a small child (I picture pouting 5 year old).

    Until vegetables taste like chocolate or cheeseburgers or fried chicken, then no, there is no way vegetables are going on my top 20 things I'd eat given the choice.

    Then you should've quoted the part where I said I like asparagus wrapped in bacon and grilled.

    Just a little ray of sunshine aren't you!!
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Haha I agree with the chocolate veggies thing.

    Nope, don't like them.. there are some I like more than others obviously... some I even don't mind eating... but nothing I really really like and get excited about eating.

    Exercising... Ok there is some exercise I do actually like... Like skating or riding my bike... I don't even mind the elliptical, I don't like that if I make time for exercise it means less time that I have for sleep, or hanging out with friends, or working on one of my 3 jobs etc.

    Then just eat the ones you like. In the vast world of veggies I only like a few and those are the ones I eat. I never eat anything I dislike. At least not on purpose!
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    I hate vegetables. But I eat them because I am vegetarian and have to. I like exercise, though.

  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    i love all food..thats my problem. I aint picky, I'll eat it all. But i understand how you feel, you just gotta find stuff you like!

    like everyone else said, just find some excerise you like and also, switch it up! I always hated to excercise. But now I enjoy it because I feel great and I try to switch it up so I dont get bored.
  • Schwaineser
    HA! I laughed out loud when I saw the title of this thread. :) I make myself a green juice smoothie every morning...toss and bunch or fruit and a few cups of spinach in a blender...that's usually my "meal" every two hours until noonish. then have a lite lunch (salad!) and yummy dinner. the fruit and veg give you such an energy boost in the morning, you'll feel great! best part: doesn't taste "vegetable-y"!!
  • eig6
    eig6 Posts: 249 Member
    I dont love exercise either, but I love the results. I also love how I feel after; accomplished, strong, healthy. Maybe you can think about that and not focus on how much you dont want to do it. I know If I just think about my goals I always get up and do it! About veggies- I have to say personally, I really like them but if you dont, try "hiding" them in things. Have you tried zucchini or carrot cake/bread for example? How about green smoothies- you just make a fruit smoothie and add a cup of spinach, you cant even taste it, I promise! How about when you make pasta? Add a lot of spinach, mushrooms, carrots, and onions to the sauce, as well as some tasty ground turkey or lean beef and a splash of wine- trust me, the meat/wine/red sauce will cover up the flavor. Hope that helps and good luck!

    Edit; oops sorry for any repeat advice, I took kind of long to post this!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    There's no point in doing any sort of exercise unless it is fun to you.

    Take a martial arts class.

    Go on a hike.

    Try Zumba.


    Ride an ATV or snowmobile (my favorite)

    Life is too short to hate moving your body.

    As for the veggies--the best advice I can give is to grow them yourself. Even in a container. They are so much better when you grow them on your own. I'm a lifelong organic gardener and I can't imagine not having my own veggies!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I can't believe you "don't like veggies". Have you tried all the different types? Tried them with dips? All vegetables don't taste the same. When you say you don't like veggies you sound like a small child (I picture pouting 5 year old).

    Until vegetables taste like chocolate or cheeseburgers or fried chicken, then no, there is no way vegetables are going on my top 20 things I'd eat given the choice.

    Then you should've quoted the part where I said I like asparagus wrapped in bacon and grilled.

    Just a little ray of sunshine aren't you!!

    I guess I should've told the OP that it is perfectly okay to eat only junk food and not try expanding her horizons. The fact that she only wants to eat things full of grease and ignore nutrition won't hinder this journey at all. Instead, I was rude to suggest trying to mix the things she doesn't like with things she does to achieve a palatable flavor while still actually getting some nutrition. My mistake. Continue on eating 1200 calories of french fries and not working out.
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    I have re-trained myself to like them.
  • gypsycoyote
    I have never hated veggies. :D BUT exercise and I have been constant enemies since I was a young girl. In elementary school and up, whenever I would do something strenuous, like CARDIO, I would cough up blood. But then, after finding out I was 200 pounds after our youngest was born, I realized I had to get over my aversion to exercise, and if I take it slow and tell myself I will be fine.

    I started walking on the treadmill, then graduated to the stationary bike on intervals... Now, after doing a week of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, I can get on the elliptical for 15 minutes at a time. I even ran the first week I was doing this, because my body told me to give it a try. I was out of breath, falling over, coughing blood - but for some reason, I felt good about myself. I pushed myself past a boundary that I had erected - I challenged myself.

    This is a journey you need to make for yourself - make a map that you KNOW you can follow, and keep following. We all know the main path of the hike - the Veggies, Fruit and Exercise trail; now, there are so many hidden and obscured trails you can follow that will, in the end, land you at the same destination. The Waterfall of Health and Life. Choose the times to trail blaze - or walk the obscure paths. If you hate veggies, try some suppliments... Or check out some information on what fruits might have the same benefits as the veggies. :D Hope this helps :D
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I love veggies. My plate at dinner is usually 3/4 full with them and lunch just isn't complete without them

    I love working out too. I enjoy sweating while I listen to my ipod and I can't say enough about the euphoric feeling after a great workout. This morning I did an awesome No Limits Circuit class and I felt like Wonder Woman after. Tonight I have a boxing class and that always makes me feel powerful too!
  • tangoa24
    tangoa24 Posts: 27
    I don't love or hate vegetables in general...and it seems a little unrealistic to say you hate all veggies. Have you tried a lot of different kinds? I love broccoli and zucchini and squash, but HATE bell peppers and carrots. Maybe you just need to broaden your horizons a little and try some new foods. I never thought I'd be one to try edamame (steamed soy beans with sea salt) but once I did I loved it! It's a great salty snack packed with protein. And zucchini and yellow squash sautéed with a little olive oil? My favorite! Add in a little caramelized onions and I'm in heaven! All veggies taste different, so find what works for you. I don't really exercise either, and instead of making excuses I admit it's because I'm on the lazy side. Be the change you want to see. Try new foods. It's impossible for you to not like at least some vegetables!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I hate vegetables. But I eat them because I am vegetarian and have to. I like exercise, though.


    I have no idea what that smiley is supposed to mean.

    I don't like most food, actually. I get very little enjoyment from anything other than fruit. I love fruit, and would happily eat nothing else.
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    I love veggies. My plate at dinner is usually 3/4 full with them and lunch just isn't complete without them

    Same here. Can't get enough of them- carrots and celery with hummus, delicious salads, homegrown lucious leaves, grilled peppers, brocolli....it's hard for me to imagine not liking them!
  • NamibianRose
    NamibianRose Posts: 151 Member
    I can't believe you "don't like veggies". Have you tried all the different types? Tried them with dips? All vegetables don't taste the same. When you say you don't like veggies you sound like a small child (I picture pouting 5 year old).

    Until vegetables taste like chocolate or cheeseburgers or fried chicken, then no, there is no way vegetables are going on my top 20 things I'd eat given the choice.

    Then you should've quoted the part where I said I like asparagus wrapped in bacon and grilled.

    Just a little ray of sunshine aren't you!!

    I guess I should've told the OP that it is perfectly okay to eat only junk food and not try expanding her horizons. The fact that she only wants to eat things full of grease and ignore nutrition won't hinder this journey at all. Instead, I was rude to suggest trying to mix the things she doesn't like with things she does to achieve a palatable flavor while still actually getting some nutrition. My mistake. Continue on eating 1200 calories of french fries and not working out.

    I must have missed something...