I don't like veggies or exercise :(

jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
I just don't... I eat veggies because I have to... same with exercise... although I do like exercise more than I like veggies.

It makes loosing weight sooo hard when you know that it is a lifestyle change and this whole eating veggies and exercising thing isn't just temporary. But something I now feel like i HAVE to do for the rest of my life.

Do you guys actually LIKE these healthy foods and exercising or do you just do it because you feel like you have to? Did you learn to like it?

I've been dieting off and on for years... I like the results I get, but nope, still don't actually like doing what I have to do for a healthy lifestyle


  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    I hate vegetables too.

    I'm thinking of taking green vegetable supplements.

    I hated exercise too, but I came to like it after I saw the results I got. It helps a lot with losing weight so I just suck it up when I don't feel like it.
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    I absolutely love love love veggies....:smooched:
    I exercise because it helps me feel better. I suffer from depression and it seems to relieve that somewhat. Plus the perks of toning up.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    It just depends on how you want to feel and look like. If you like skin and bones with no definition, you don't have to exercise, just don't eat much.

    I don't like going to the gym, and even when I'm there I want to quit. I know in order to have those arms I'm looking forward to and that stomach that doesn't have the spare tire attached, I have to do my cardio. Weights are not so bad because it's fast, but the cardio... Trust me, I just do it, and I know it's for life. I don't want to go back to what I was.

    As to veggies, I try my best to get them in. It fills me up and keeps me from grabing other bad things. I don't mind the taste (If you know how to cook them), but I forget. I'm not a good planner.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I can't believe you "don't like veggies". Have you tried all the different types? Tried them with dips? All vegetables don't taste the same. When you say you don't like veggies you sound like a small child (I picture pouting 5 year old).

    I don't like most vegetables cooked, they are mushy and gross. I love raw carrots dipped in hummus. I love grilled asparagus wrapped in bacon. I love chilled cooked asparagus with a miracle whip/horseradish dip.

    Exercise is the same way. You just haven't found what you like yet. I hate getting on an elliptical or treadmill and chugging away for 30 minutes. But I can do an hour long Zumba class or ride my bike to work (10 miles) and not even realize I'm exercising.

    So experiment with cooking, veggies can have flavor. And experiment with group fitness classes (yoga, dance, kickboxing, spinning). You will find things you like that aren't such a chore.
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    I can't believe you "don't like veggies". Have you tried all the different types? Tried them with dips? All vegetables don't taste the same. When you say you don't like veggies you sound like a small child (I picture pouting 5 year old).

    Until vegetables taste like chocolate or cheeseburgers or fried chicken, then no, there is no way vegetables are going on my top 20 things I'd eat given the choice.
  • 130annie
    130annie Posts: 339 Member
    I love food, veggies too.....

    Exercise.....Ug! I on the treadmill, going like the clappers, thinking I don't like this, I'm getting off.....But, I don't because I know what will happen if I do.....Sooo I stick with it!
  • cbevan1229
    cbevan1229 Posts: 326 Member
    I love my veggies.

    I don't love working out. I'm doing the 30 Day Shred right now with a particular goal in mind, but it's a grind. My hope is that once I achieve my goal, I can balance calories with the fitness stuff that I do like (hiking, yoga, playing volleyball, swimming, walking my dog, a few light calisthenics in the AM) to achieve maintenance. But then, I'm not looking to get and keep ripped abs - I just want to be a healthy body weight, have some stamina, and fit in clothes that I like.
  • jumatwins
    jumatwins Posts: 74
    I absolutely LOVE veggies; raw or cooked, any kind, I love it! As for exercise, well not so much :-) I'm just startingand I do my exercise because the way it makes me feel AFTER... I fell the difference in my body and in my mind, and I love that feeling, so that is what keeps me motivated to continue.
    And I agree, you need to find something you like doing, it will be much easier.
  • signgrrrl
    signgrrrl Posts: 74 Member
    LOVE Veggies..Always have! Exercise???? like it better some days than others...mostly the getting up early thing
  • SVallatini
    SVallatini Posts: 49
    I love veggies in all shapes, sizes, and colors. I will eat them raw, mashed, grilled, sauted, steamed well you get the point, I LOVE VEGGIES just about any and all ways!

    As far as exercising goes.... I LOVE THAT TOO:)! I love all types of exercise. I love to run, play basketball, football, do crunches as long as I am active I LOVE IT!
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I can't believe you "don't like veggies". Have you tried all the different types? Tried them with dips? All vegetables don't taste the same. When you say you don't like veggies you sound like a small child (I picture pouting 5 year old).

    Until vegetables taste like chocolate or cheeseburgers or fried chicken, then no, there is no way vegetables are going on my top 20 things I'd eat given the choice.

    Haha I agree with the chocolate veggies thing.

    Nope, don't like them.. there are some I like more than others obviously... some I even don't mind eating... but nothing I really really like and get excited about eating.

    Exercising... Ok there is some exercise I do actually like... Like skating or riding my bike... I don't even mind the elliptical, I don't like that if I make time for exercise it means less time that I have for sleep, or hanging out with friends, or working on one of my 3 jobs etc.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I used to hate all veggies. Now I love certain ones and tolerate others. It all comes down to experimentation to find what you enjoy. There are a few I just cannot and will not attempt to retrain myself to like but as long as I am trying others, that is ok.

    I also used to hate exercise. My very first post here was whining about how much I hated exercise and I am grateful I basically got told to suck it up and do it anyway. Find some way of moving your body that you enjoy - dancing, skating, swimming, hiking, bike riding, surfing, etc. Surprise! It's exercise and it doesn't suck! Plus it helps that I am better at it that I was. lol
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i like vegetables.

    once i cut out carbs, i found it easier to start loving them more.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    While I don't LOVE exercise, I still do it and I always feel better after. As far as vegetables, I honestly like them, preferrably steamed.
  • SuperAmie
    SuperAmie Posts: 307 Member
    I didnt like excercise but Ive ALWAYS looooved veggies!!!! I was a weird kid... and now im addicted and love excercise.. it took a while.. but I did it :)
  • xoxobollywood1991
    Vegetables are not that bad. They have lots of fiber!!! And only healthy benefits! You can either cook them., grill them or steam them...so many ways to make it tasty! As for the exercise - walk, rope jumping, badminton, zumba are all good exercises :D
  • SunshineT83
    SunshineT83 Posts: 158 Member
    I absolutely love love love veggies....:smooched:
    I exercise because it helps me feel better. I suffer from depression and it seems to relieve that somewhat. Plus the perks of toning up.

    I LOVE veggies and fruits and whole grains the whole kit-and-caboodle. I found that I love yoga, but all other forms of exercise and just because I feel better afterwards. But believe me it takes a lot of mental pushing to get up and go.
  • joe7880
    joe7880 Posts: 92 Member
    Vegetables and exercise are an acquired taste. Keep on eating the veggies and working out and your opinion on both of them will change.
  • squirrleydoodle
    squirrleydoodle Posts: 58 Member
    i love veggies, i hate exercise. i only exercise so i can eat back some of the calories so i can have some chicken nuggets lol
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    hmmm. i don't mean for this to sound snarky, i really don't. but i think you might have to make friends with both of them.....