I don't like veggies or exercise :(



  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Hate veggies -- the only thing I will eat is salad with green peppers, onion, and cherry tomatos. I have a big salad twice a day. I make sure I have one apple, one banana, and one other type of fruit every day so hopefully overall getting at least minimum nutrients in.

    I love to exercise tho, definitely turned into a gym rat. I think you have to find something you love and stick with it. The hardest part about any exercise is making the time to do it before "life" interferes, Its so easy to let other things take precedent. I work out first thing in the morning so I have no excuses.
  • CarolineTB
    Have you tried group classes at your local gym? Those can be really fun and motivating because there is usually upbeat club music! Zumba is lots of fun because you're just dancing the whole time. I'd give those a try if you haven't already because those are my fav!

    As for veggies, I'm a vegetarian, so yeah, I like vegetables. I'd suggest picking up a vegetarian cookbook because you'll learn ways to cook the veggies in ways that make them taste even better! Good Housekeeping has a great one. (I love their soups the most!)


    I used to HATE vegetables (before I went veg) but now I'm honestly like broccoli, and I NEVER thought I would say that!
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    You will learn to love exercise when you see the amazing things it will do for your body. I hated going to the gym at first, I didn't want to run either. Now i'm exercising daily and love running because you get this natural high. I don't understand how you can dislike veggies that much. Yes, they don't taste like chocolate, but they are a fresh snack and or meal. They are great for you too. Maybe try preparing them different or adding seasonings or something.
  • Jishmeister
    Jishmeister Posts: 108
    I HATE cauliflower. Broccoli is alright and I manage to tolerate it. As for other veggies, I don't mind eating them raw or steamed. Also, if you don't like vegetables, try eating them with other things. Like scramble broccoli and other veggies into eggs (I personally love scrambling mushrooms, olives, and spinach with my eggs), or eat carrots with nutella or hummus, celery with peanut butter or ranch, zucchini or carrots with artichoke dip, the mixtures and possibilites are endless Those are some of my favorites. I don't like most veggies raw unless if I eat something else with them. You could even steam many deifferent veggies together, my favorite medley is zucchini, yellow squash, onions and mushrooms. Then add a tiny bit of butter, salt, and pepper for added taste. It's a great way to get many different tastes all at once.

    Are you picky with fruits? I love fruits way more and strive to eat them everyday. They taste better anyways, more flavor and juicier.
  • Emar11
    Emar11 Posts: 246 Member
    I never liked vegetables until my dad started grilling them. A little olive oil and fajita seasoning and I could just die! Its still the only way I really eat my vegetables.

    My suggestion is to keep trying new things. Eventually you will find a way you can season them or cook them where you really like them.

    As for excersise I think it is always going to be a love/hate relationship. The more you do though, the more you will like it. If you don't like running, or watching videos, try hiking, or swimming, there are a million different things that qualify. Also, find someone who you can do these things with. Having a friend along for the ride makes everything more enjoyable.
  • Jishmeister
    Jishmeister Posts: 108
    Oh I forgot to mention exercise. I've always loved exercising. It was always fun to me, I'm sure over time you'll love it too especially when you see great results. Sometimes though I get lazy and don't wanna put in the extra work, but it's neccessary for our health.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I can't believe you "don't like veggies". Have you tried all the different types? Tried them with dips? All vegetables don't taste the same. When you say you don't like veggies you sound like a small child (I picture pouting 5 year old).

    Until vegetables taste like chocolate or cheeseburgers or fried chicken, then no, there is no way vegetables are going on my top 20 things I'd eat given the choice.

    Then you should've quoted the part where I said I like asparagus wrapped in bacon and grilled.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I LOVE most vegetables. Such a variety of tastes and textures and delicious dishes to prepare.

    I like exercise, but I don't like that it takes up so much of my precious free time.

    Eating right is easy for me. Exercising is something I make an effort to do regularly, even though I often enjoy it once I'm doing it.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I just don't... I eat veggies because I have to... same with exercise... although I do like exercise more than I like veggies.

    It makes loosing weight sooo hard when you know that it is a lifestyle change and this whole eating veggies and exercising thing isn't just temporary. But something I now feel like i HAVE to do for the rest of my life.

    Do you guys actually LIKE these healthy foods and exercising or do you just do it because you feel like you have to? Did you learn to like it?

    I've been dieting off and on for years... I like the results I get, but nope, still don't actually like doing what I have to do for a healthy lifestyle

    I don't particularly like veg. I eat it for its health benefits. I don't particularly like exercise, but I do it cos I wanna look good! Thems the breaks!
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    Experiment with veggies. You might actually find some you like.
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    I love exercise now.
  • creativeweighs
    I absolutely love vegetables! Roasted broccoli with garlic and a little olive oil, roasted zucchini, steamed green beans, spinach in my breakfast smoothies, carrots and hummus, mushrooms in all forms, fresh tomatoes with a little salt and pepper...my mouth is watering!

    I can't eat junk food anymore, it makes my stomach feel like crap. I also love to exercise.
  • sandrajune72
    sandrajune72 Posts: 550
    I love both!

    I've always loved most veggies. I never thought in my wildest dreams I'd love exercise, but now I really do! I can't wait to get that 30 Day Shred dvd on!!! :love: it's still hard work, but I love the way I feel afterwards!
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    If you are not a fan of raw veggies -- eat soup.

    And salsa.
  • Sahri21
    Sahri21 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm learning to like exercise. I feel good afterwards, and feel accomplished. And guilty when I don't do it.

    As far as veggies, I am pretty picky. Corn. Celery with dip or something, baby carrots. Canned green beans or peas. Salsa. And tomatoes only on a Chicago dog! Lol. But there is so much more to being healthy than veggies! Don't limit yourself because of a pre-conceived idea about what healthy is. You have many other options of good food to eat!
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    From what I've found, once you start exercising (there are thousands of things, try them till you find one you like), and you start feeling better through that, you'll need to eat healthier to see better results, and will feel better from that as well

    That chain of 'feeling better' work s both ways. If you skip a week of working out, or eat like crap (or both) you will feel like it.

    I never 'disliked' vegetables, but I chose to eat other things that had flavor. Since starting the 'new lifestyle' I've found that sneaking veggies into other foods has made veggies by themselves palatable. Your sense of taste will change. I'd rather eat something healthy than a big ball of grease (AKA McDonalds), and I haven't even gotten into this new thing TOO deep yet

    LONG STORY SHORT: Find an exercise that doesn't feel like work to you (give each one a few weeks) and sneak veggies into meals you normally wouldn't. There are tons of ideas on the forums.
  • dancecentral
    dancecentral Posts: 50 Member
    Like veggies and light exercise like walking, yoga, and a little calisthenics,, don't care for heavy weight lifting or high impact aerobics but will do them once or twice a week..
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I love food in general, veggies included. There are some I like much more than others, like asparagus and artichokes. But in general I enjoy eating them as part of my balanced diet.

    As for exercise, there are some I really enjoy and some I just tolerate because I know how they make me feel. Believe me, when I get up at 4AM and head downstairs I am NOT jumping for joy over spending 45 minutes on the elliptical machine. But afterwards I feel great, have tons of energy and am ready to face the day!! On the weekend, when I get up early to head for the mountains, I am excited and ready for that 3 hour hike. :bigsmile:
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Acquire a taste for both, like you said this is a lifestyle change.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I hate vegetables. But I eat them because I am vegetarian and have to. I like exercise, though.