Elegra2006 Member


  • Start with the biggest and heaviest hoop you can find, try going forward and back or side to side, it differs for different people. Also experiment with going clockwise and anti-clockwise, see which one feels easier. Don't give up! It will become easier, I promise. You can then progress down to smaller and lighter hoops,…
  • Yep, unfortunately I can easily believe this, girl is short, steps on scale and weighs nearly 10st 6lbs (not 10st as per conversion in article), nurse looks up table, sees girl is off the scale and give corresponding advice from BMI chart. The lass only went to get contraception sorted! Luckily my nurse always uses my…
  • It's not you, the app is screwed up today! Hope it's fixed soon. Works ok on PC only at the moment.
  • Hello! I'm in Scotland, 35 yrs, like to use MFP for logging fitness and trying to control my urge to eat everything in sight! Feel free to add!
  • Echoing what others have said. Make sure you've set-up your HRM right for you age/height/weight etc. Also, is it one where you set your 'working' range - think Polar call it OwnCal? My HRM records cals burnt when heart rate is over 100 (ie. I'm exercising). Your burn does sound rather high. For an average (ish) person,…
  • <My before and after(ish) are in my profile pic - 5'2" - was around 172lbs in 2007, currently around 144lbs. Focusing on lifting heavy and looking to be able to maintain at about 136lbs but not to the detriment of strength or muscle. Love being short and strong!!
  • Did you take measurements before and after? If not, then please, please do so! Take before and after pics too. I think you're getting overly hung up by a number on the scale. I bet you've lost inches and gained more definition. I'm 5'2" and look best at around 140lbs - despite going by various charts etc this means I'm…
  • Lower calorie drinks that are still yummy are: gin with slimline tonic or vodka with slimline tonic - approx 55 cals/drink champagne (yay!) weight watchers wine (you can get it in Asda and few other supermarkets) actually tastes pretty decent if you're going somewhere that you can BYOB
  • Hi Feel free to friend me anyone... 35 from Edinburgh, love exercise mostly body weight stuff, circuits and lifting. Not huge amount to lose (about 8-10lbs) but struggle to keep weight off and prone to bad food days so need to try to keep that under control. x
  • Started with 40kg (88ish lbs) as find pressing quite natural... not sure what max currently is as been focussing more on body weight stuff recently so press ups are now easy! Also do incline presses to target muscle groups from various angles.
  • Using straps are fine for doing deadlifts, rows etc. You aren't do those exercise to increase strength in your forearms/hands, you're doing them to focus on other body parts entirely. If you specifically want to increase grip strength then you can use equipment like Fat Gripz but using lower weights (effectively makes the…
  • I don't think you should discount dresses/skirts as they can be really flattering and don't need to look stuffy. They can also hide a multitude of sins! A knee length A-line skirt with a V-neck jumper would look great, the skirt could be cord to make it less formal. You could wear with boots or flats. A wrap around dress…
  • Library Assistant at age 16, for three hours every Saturday, pay was £2.40/hr which was amazing pay in them days!!!
  • Lots of good advice given. One key thing is get into a routine early on, if you're able go out for a walk every lunchtime, don't get caught in the trap of being expected to be at your desk at lunchtime. Schedule in going to the gym/to exercise classes, after a day at work it can feel like the last thing you want to do but…
  • 'ello! Those scales measure body fat % by sending electric signals round your body and measuring how 'easily' the signal flows (put very simply!). Being dehydrated, or having lower water levels, will definitely have an impact on this, not just how much actual fat there is. Sooooo, if your water reading has gone down then…
  • Honestly, if you eat more and get in lots of protein then you will start to lose fat and gain muscle. You must be burning about 1500-2500 calories some days with all that exercise! I'm a teeny 5'2", do one hour's exercise a day (heavy weights or cardio), eat a minimum of 1400 plus and at the weekends when I exercise more,…
  • Good tip, thanks! Not sure we get those brand in the UK but will look for something similar.
    in Gloves Comment by Elegra2006 June 2013
  • Brilliant with your run! More of the same for me, weights, circuits, PT etc. Need to get a couple of runs in too though.
  • Sounds like you're doing a great job health and training wise! I really wanted a new challenge to keep me motivated with training, done all sorts of things like 10ks, 54 mile Highland walk, 3 day challenges, half-marathons etc - I get bored easily! My friend did a TM last year and raved about it so when another friend said…
    in WHY? Comment by Elegra2006 June 2013
  • Today is a Stronglifts day, only do this 2 or 3 times a week and already noticing a massive differece in strength. Tomorrow will be a 8k run. Keep up the good training peeps!
  • I was just thinking about this on the bus to work this morning! My pals who did it last year say just wear your normal running shoes and chuck 'em in the machine after. My shoes are probably nearing the end of their life anyway so don't mind if they get wrecked.
  • Doing the Edinburgh TM in August too. I can't wait! Done a couple of 10k races these past few weeks and doing another one in July to ensure I keep up my running training. Been doing loads of body weight and strength stuff too! My main concern is that the team I'm doing it with don't seem very keen to get to know each other…
  • There's a couple of girls who go to one of my gyms that freak me (and a few others out). They are twins, very slim, pretty, long blonde hair, hard to tell their age, could be anything between 18-28). The only use the treadmill and the elliptical but they train together doing exactly the same work-out. You see one nod to…
  • Depends what you're looking for: Small Green & Blacks bars are lower cals but there's loads of other 'proper' dark chocolate options. If you want stuff that you find in the corner shop then Maltesers or Teasers Bars are 187. Crunchie is also about 187.
  • This moves so fast! I'm Polish/Scottish.
  • Brittany - german/American?
  • Bananas - makes me sad as they're sooo good for you but give me the most horrendous long lasting digestive pain. If they're cooked in something (ie. banana bread or cake!!) then I'm fine. When I was a teenager, I failed my chemisty exam as I'd had an energy boosting banana at breakfast time then could barely operate to…
  • BP is rubbish only if you don't do it properly! You will see a lot of bad form in BP because people aren't lifting the weights properly or using heavy enough weights. A good instructor will tell you which muscles to squeeze/concentrate on while doing the exercises - listen to what they say. Really squeeze together shoulder…
  • For colds it has to be light ribena made with hot water - soooooo comforting and soothing.
  • Is it the Cauldron brand? If so, then I've been draining it as much as possible then stir frying it. You're supposed to marinade it for ages but I don't have time for that! It takes some getting used to but I love it, you can have loads and it's low cal but high protein. I did try grilling it also but it just stuck to the…