Silly nurse/obese BMI



  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    I believe her 100%. My mum is an NHS nurse yet, still obsessed with low-fat and BMIs etc. she has 0 understanding of why I'm bulking and will listen to no advice regarding hormones/fat, bf% or anything remotely sensible.
  • Elegra2006
    Elegra2006 Posts: 144 Member
    Yep, unfortunately I can easily believe this, girl is short, steps on scale and weighs nearly 10st 6lbs (not 10st as per conversion in article), nurse looks up table, sees girl is off the scale and give corresponding advice from BMI chart. The lass only went to get contraception sorted!

    Luckily my nurse always uses my blood pressure, lifestyle and how I look rather than some out of date chart before giving me any advice.
  • LanceKarcher
    LanceKarcher Posts: 43 Member
    Do not confuse this nurse with the facts of BMI interpretation. Her mind is already made up. She probably spends the majority of her day telling people to lose weight based on the numbers, and most of the time it is correct. This situation probably represents the "Peter Principle" at work. The nurse has risen to her level of incompetence, and until some Doctor tries to explain it to her and tells her to evaluate the PATIENT themselves and not just the numbers she will continue to do this. She may or may not be able to fathom this (see Peter Principle). Unfortunately, it will probably take a lawsuit from someone who has been damaged by the advice to change things.
    NFL football players are most all considered obese based on BMI. If you just stand next to one wearing a baggy shirt, they just look really large. This nurse would be giving all of them the same recommendation.