

  • I saw this post and got a huge smile...One of my push goals is to get certified in TK! I gave myself a deadline of 1 year in August, so I have until July of next summer to get into shape so that I can start teaching. I just LOVE Chalene Johnson!!!
  • Check out ths YouTube link and you'll see what we are "bringing!"
  • I was also going to suggest Brazil Butt Lift....Here are 2 sites that you can check it out: and Let me know if you have any questions! Cassie
  • I've done Turbo Fire and I'm guessing that the jumps you are referring to are during the HIITs. At first I couldn't do all the jumps either, but I knew if I just bailed on it, I would never be able to do it. Regardless of the jump, whether it was an air jack, tuck jump, or frog jump, I would do as many as I could the right…
  • Check out Brazil Butt has different programs for all different butt "problems"! You can check it out here: and here: Cassie
  • I'm starting week 2 on Saturday! Do you plan on trying out P90X2? I really want to do it before next summer! I'm really much more of a Chalene Johnson fan, so after P90X2 I will be getting the next Turbo Fire! Do you do anything through Cassie
  • I think bottom line, there is someone for everyone, and if you are happy with a defined 6-pack, there will be a man out there that will LOVE that! Some guys like a little "cushion" Everyone is different. Do what makes you happy, don't worry about what others think! Cassie
  • I know what you mean, and for the longest time my I could stick my finger between my abs. Honestly, since I did 90 days of Turbo Fire, it's has gotten so much better! I think that the reasoning is because you do so much work stabilizing your body with your core you are working the exact muscles listed in the previous post.…
  • As long as you change it up you'll be good, after doing the same thing for so long, your body tends to stop responding and you will plateau. Like the other posts said, she has a lot of other good workouts. I personally went from the 30 Day Shred to a 90 day program just because I wanted something that would give me extreme…
  • What are you girls waiting for?! Not like a C-section would cause any pain...J/K!!! So I had 2 C-Sections, the most recent was in May 2010. I started walking as soon as I could, honestly, the more you do the faster you heal! I at the zoo pushing a stroller with my 3 year old at just 2 weeks post partum. So at first, walk,…
  • I prefer DVD's because they keep me on track, I tend to get more accomplished and it's a set amount of time. I know that if I have a 1 hour DVD, then after that hour I know what muscles I will have worked and plan the rest of my day accordingly. If you really don't want to do a DVD, there are a lot of workouts on Shape…
  • I have found that the best way to lose weight is to build muscle along with adding some cardio into the mix. I personally love ChaLEAN Extreme, which is a program that includes both weight training and cardio workouts so you get really good results. I have done it and really like it for a few reasons. First, none of the…
  • Susan, You could so do P90X, honestly you are in control of the number of reps and amount of weight that you use. The main thing is to improve over time. It's all about mind over matter, and you can do SO much more than you think! I've personally done P90X, Turbo Fire, and ChaLEAN Extreme, all of which I LOVE! My favorite…
  • Hi! I had my second and final baby in May of 2010 and after that I tried a lot of different workout DVD's becuase I didn't really have time to get out of the house with the kids and working full time. So far the best thing I've found for getting myself started was ChaLEAN Extreme, it is a workout system that includes…