twyrm Member


  • I'm just getting back on the healthy eating wagon myself. I have had great success with MFP, (45 lbs at my best, but stopped tracking and 10 lbs creeped back on me) but the key, as others have pointed out, is to track everything and be honest. It is amazing what you eat when you are not paying attention. A few tips I would…
  • I did my first 5K run/walk a couple weeks ago. Pretty awesome since I had been telling myself my knees were too bad to run. The key really is to just try. Today I did 2.7 miles in my best time so far. It motivates me to keep working at it and see just how far this old body can take me!
  • As long as you burn more than you take in, you should lose weight. However, I have found that staying away from starchy carbs and eating a bit more protein makes it a whole lot easier. I stay satisfied longer, I have very few cravings, and I don't have that middle of the afternoon psycotic episode where I must eat…
  • Our last vacation like this was when our son was about 10, he's now 19! Make it happen, its so worth it!
  • I agree with this. Learning to eat well and achieve and maintain a healthy weight does not mean depriving yourself of all the foods you enjoy. Find a balance. Eat a poptart once in a while and log it in your diary. I've been married for 34 years. Throwing them out is probably not a good solution. Share your feelings and…
  • We went to the Mayan Riviera, south of Playa del Carmen. It is amazing.
  • Ok, made it back, hating the cold and missing the beach, but otherwise, not bad. Didn't log a thing for 10 days, ate everything I wanted and drank every day. Lots of beer, numerous cocktails and wine for dinner. Several times all in the same day. Whew! I did walk and swim quite a bit. Good news is I only gained 2 pounds.…
  • Leaving for Mexican beach on Tuesday. All inclusive, I know I will probably drink everyday which is not my usual style, but I will also be on a beautiful beach with snorkeling, swimming, walking and a full gym at my disposal. Here's hoping I can balance it out. I made it through the holidays with out gaining anything…
  • This sounds great, but I'm leaving for Mexico for ten days at an all inclusive resort, so it could be quite a challenge. I'll try!
  • They were good. :-)
  • I have found that eating more protein and cutting back starchy carbs makes it a lot easier. I'm just not hungry, but still losing weight. I am basically following the Glycemic load diet, which is pretty much what I just said, more protein, less starch, and also walking about 30 minutes at least every other day. Pretty easy…
  • Really crappy day, three white russians. didn't really help. go figure.
  • I enjoy the dark chocolate kisses too. One or two melted slowly in the mouth is very satisfying. Peanut m&m's are pretty good as far at the glycemic load goes as well, I usually eat about 8. They are pretty filling and satisfying too.
  • Welcome and good luck. This is a great site and lots of support.
  • Take them to his scout meeting!
  • Nice topic! Its hard to watch your weight and still enjoy life sometimes. I went through a couple of months of drinking a bit more than usual this summer, but had already started to cut back before I joined mfp. Now, I'm just enjoying 1, maybe 2 a couple times a week, maybe a couple beers (Corona light tastes exactly the…
  • I actually like putting down healthy veggies. I can eat a plateful of steamed cauliflower, and a tomato, and some carrot sticks for probably less than 100 calories, and its a lot of food! Then I can add some lean protein, feel really full and be satisfied for hours. Enjoy the veggies, and enjoy seeing the low calories you…
  • I have bad feet (bad joints in general) and have stayed away from walking a lot for some time, However, I decided that I needed to really work at it, and actually am starting to feel a little better. I'm sure you have talked to your doctor, and have good shoes, arch supports, heel pads, etc, if you have had chronic foot…
  • If you were completely sedentary before, and you are now exercising daily, you might be building muscle as you are burning fat. Instead of going just by weight, have you tried checking your body measurements? Do your clothes fit better? Your diet seems ok to me. Don't give up, if you are adding a bit of muscle, your weight…
  • I've been here two weeks and am really feeling good about it. I am combining this with the glycemic load diet and I don't feel like I'm starving or that I'm really missing anything, so I really think it could be long term. I know from past experience that logging food and exercise makes all the difference. Hang in there,…
  • I had this problem in the past, even though I was losing weight. I would get almost frantic with how hungry I was in the afternoon. Now I am eating more protein, less bad carbs. Check the glycemic load diet. I am eating much better and not really feeling like I'm missing anything, except that starving feeling.
  • 200 is my "out of bounds" number as well. I really am enjoying this site also. It helps so much to keep me honest about what I eat. And like tonight, I came home, had a snack and logged it in. Instant motivation to go for my walk! I am also watching my carbs, having read about the "glycemic load" diet. It emphasizes…