Help getting past the first days..

I just started on this site 3 days ago (including today) and I am having a really hard time! I have broken my caloric goal for the day or anything but the temptation is killing me :(
Does it get any easier?


  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Something sounds off. Need more info. What are your calories set to, what's your age, height, and weight? What is your goal?
  • merrick7871
    I will have to say that I stay a lot hungrier now than I every have before. After 2 1/2 weeks on this plan, I am finally understanding what I can eat and how much. It will get easier.
  • twyrm
    twyrm Posts: 22 Member
    I have found that eating more protein and cutting back starchy carbs makes it a lot easier. I'm just not hungry, but still losing weight. I am basically following the Glycemic load diet, which is pretty much what I just said, more protein, less starch, and also walking about 30 minutes at least every other day. Pretty easy to maintain, and just not starving like I was on past programs. My hubby is doing the same and has lost over 20 lbs. Good luck!
  • swander572
    I set my goal to lose two pounds a week till I'm at 190 pounds. The amount of calories I'm allowed is 2,050 and I'm 6'2 224. I haven't messed up on eating, but it's really difficult to resist sometimes. I wondering if it will get easier as time progresses or no?
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    It shouldn't feel that hard. You have about 35 lbs you want to shed, correct? I'd suggest aiming for a loss of 0.5 lbs/week and make sure you eat back your exercise calories.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    Yes it gets easier. You just need to recognize that you are human and that you have taken the first steps to making yourself healthier. Don't deny yourself anything that you want... just moderate it. I know that seems hard right now, but it will become more important to you as you continue. I used to have a lot of snacks each day and most of them were packaged snacks... now my snacks are apples and a couple of packaged snacks (most days)... I want to eat better to support this lifestyle change that I have embarked on!

    Good luck to you. Get some good supportive friends here. Weigh through the crap that you see on the forums and use your own brain for making decisions that are best for your health. Also, there's a ton of information available on the web about healthy eating... read it and take what you can out of it.
  • swander572
    Btw are all calories the same? Like if I eat a hot pocket that is 280 calories, and I eat some tuna and cottage cheese that is 280 calories. is one better than the other?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    It shouldn't feel that hard. You have about 35 lbs you want to shed, correct? I'd suggest aiming for a loss of 0.5 lbs/week and make sure you eat back your exercise calories.

    Yeah this. 0.5-1lb/week. 2 lbs/week is too aggressive for your current level. When you change your goals to reflect that, things are going to be a lot more comfortable.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Btw are all calories the same? Like if I eat a hot pocket that is 280 calories, and I eat some tuna and cottage cheese that is 280 calories. is one better than the other?

    People will say weight loss comes from amount of calories and quality of weight loss (meaning still with muscle) is based on quality of food. That said, I do my cheats and don't think of them as cheats, but I aim for higher protein, as it makes me more full, and more real food than not real for money, migraine, and weight loss reasons. But, you do what you have to do. You won't be perfect, so don't sweat it when you aren't.

    I'd also kindly suggest snacking during the day. Hitting and exceeding 8 to 10 glasses of water, and eating the exercise calories back. I have exercised in order to be able to eat more and stay within goal. It works for me. Good luck.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    change your goal to 1 lb per week! 2 lbs is too aggressive and is usually only for the obese.
    Also, healthy fats such as peanut butter, almonds, and avocado will help you feel full, as will getting plenty of protein and tons of water.
  • swander572
    Yeah I think I need to change my goal to 1 pound a week. I mean 1 pound a week means 52 pounds lost by next year :)
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Yeah I think I need to change my goal to 1 pound a week. I mean 1 pound a week means 52 pounds lost by next year :)

    PERFECT attitude. This tells me you will be successful.
  • swander572
    Yeah I think I need to change my goal to 1 pound a week. I mean 1 pound a week means 52 pounds lost by next year :)

    PERFECT attitude. This tells me you will be successful.
    Thanks! :)
  • appleseeds
    appleseeds Posts: 212 Member
    Btw are all calories the same?

    Theyŕe not. I can pass on some second hand info from friend who study nutrition at uni - it is second hand knowledge though so i can vouch for 100% accuracy.

    The body processes different food differently and some are more likely to result in storing fat.
    Foods with a hi GI are easier for the body to process - so the body will have this massive influx of energy that it doesnt need and therefore it is more likely to result in stored fat.
    low-gi foods however take longer to break down, and end up with like a slower release of energy that is used up as you need it.

    Also i remember a conversation about types of sugar and the way fat is stored.
    For example if you have gained weight from eating lots of ice-cream, its harder to lose the fat than it is if you have gained weight for just eating waaaay too much of healthier foods.

    P.S. Open invitation for anyone to contradict what I have said here if they know better.
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    It will get easier. Starting is always hard but with time you wont crave the crap as much, you'll find you dont like foods you use to love (eg i use to love drinking full cream milk, now i cant take it, i can only drink lite milk).

    Everyone has some goos suggestions to make things easier for you. Water will def help. and just keep going one day at a time :).

    You CAN do it!

    and with your question about all calories being the same this is my understanding of it : yeah eating 1500 calories of chocolate or 1500 calories of vegatbles will count the same when your counting calories, so technically you can do it. But health wise it will make a difference, and certainly for your daily nutitional break down. Plus eating 1500 calories of veg in a day would almost be impossible it would be SO much food, yet the chocolate wouldnt keep you full. So yes all calories are the same, but what it does change is your health and how full u r, and how easy you make the journey. hope that helps.

    if you want mfp friends feel free to add me