

  • Hey I know its probably water weight, but I started to cut back on carbs yesterday and ate well(ish) the day before and I woke up to a scale that I wanted to just hug! :laugh: 139.5!!! Omg! I haven't seen the scales dip below 140 in almost 6 years! I double-triple-then double checked again! lol Just wanted to do a little…
    in Woot! Comment by lexley February 2009
  • I don't know about metabolism and whatnot but cold ICE cold water just tastes better! :drinker:
  • Good question! I'm in the same boat!
  • Yeah, I think this meal does require tweaking. Next time I'll use turkey and low fat sour cream, less cheese and more veggies. :) Got lots of new ideas on here! Thanks you guys! :drinker:
  • I guess lol. I do have the seemingly natural ability to take a simple process and muck it up! Thanks! I guess I'll just have to stick with whats on the box because quite frankly I'm lazy.
  • Seems like a majority of you guys all have or suggest the Weight Watchers scales..I was leaning towards that one myself but wanted other suggestions. I hate to be cheap on something like that. My dial scale was like 10 bucks and it shows! :tongue:
  • Dude, I'd totally love to have my craving vanish magically! Tell us how it went and if YOU think it works! I believe things like that are all suggestion though..but if it keeps you from nibbling then woot!
  • How do you accurately count calories with meals you prepare at home. Say for instance, an Old El Paso Soft shell taco kit? I know it says one thing on the box but what if you add something to it? Like the tasty bits..sour cream, cheese and hot sauce? LOL Do I just limit myself to the "add-ins" on the box (meat and the…
  • Thanks for the responses guys! I was looking for a digital one as my dial scale is stupid. lol. I kept stepping on it and thinking "woot I'm doing sooo good" and then find out its about 10lbs off :S not cool! So thank you for the suggestions! :heart:
  • Hi guys! I finally have enough spare cash to invest in a GOOD scale. The dial one I have always tells me I weigh the same..EVERY SINGLE DAY! I know this is NOT the case LOL. So I need some suggestions on good ones. I live near a Target and a Walmart if that helps..oh and a Bed Bath and Beyond. :) I'd like to keep my…
  • Come on all the Bama people don't be shy! :) :drinker:
    in Alabama Comment by lexley January 2009
  • I've jumped on the wagon and fallen off too many times to count. But I'm here reading and learning about how to do it the right way. I'm slowly working exercise into my day and eating within my calorie budget. It's a slow start but I'm hoping this will become habit. It's slow going because of our budget but this is the…
    in Alabama Comment by lexley January 2009
  • I'm in Anniston :flowerforyou: Nice to meet ya :)
    in Alabama Comment by lexley January 2009
  • What part of AL are you from? :)
    in Alabama Comment by lexley January 2009
  • Sadly enough we go out to eat maybe 3 times a week. That number is slowly going down. My husband doesn't like to cook (he works in the food industry) when he gets home so its up to me. I am not a chef. I know MAYBE a few recipes and they get old fast. I'm not adventurous in the kitchen so I get bored and just say *bleep*…
  • This was also my experience with Slimfast. I always was more hungrier AFTER I drank my shake. I was doing the OPTIMA ones too. The sugar in the drinks make you crave more.
  • I didn't get as much exercising done last week either :( I just was too busy with the holidays and working. But this week I'm going to get back on track and jump back into my routine :) Hope everyone's week goes well and everyone has a great last few days of 2008! :drinker:
  • Thanks for posting your link. I will definitely read this! Good luck on your new life plan :) :drinker:
  • :noway: okay so lately I've been exercising more. I have started craving...pickle juice. I am not pregnant or anything like that..is this a normal thing? I mean I know I'm sweating more but pickle juice? What? LOL Does this mean somethings wrong? Is it normal to crave salty stuff like that? * as you can tell I'm a newbie…
  • Hiya there! I'm 28 years old and a stay at home mom/full time student. My son is 4 so the "this baby weight is so stubborn" excuse isn't working any longer. I'm lazy and I'm in love with food! :) I can admit it now why can't I loose the weight? LOL. I'm pretty short for my age and young looking (or so I've been told) I'm…
  • Congrats on the 50! I'm darn excited about my 4lbs! :bigsmile:
  • If I have free time I'm usually spending it playing with my son, doing homework, cleaning, or sleeping! :laugh: I'm not sure if that is what you are meaning. If I am hungry and or bored (since I usually eat when I'm bored) I will take out a piece of gum or drink a bottle of water with a Crystal Light packet in it. If that…
  • OMG that sounds yummy! :tongue:
  • Yup, I'm a binge eater. I eat when I'm bored/tired/sad/depressed. It's part of my disordered eating habits. I've gone down the ED road before and I sometimes have to steer myself back onto the right path. That is why I'm here. So I try my best to keep the "bad" foods out of my kitchen and the good foods in full view. I…
  • I think that Coffee in moderation is fine. I've read about it having antioxidants or something like that. Of course too much of it is a very bad thing. It dehydrates you and I think messes with your blood sugar and makes you hungry. I know if I go beyond my 2 cups in the morning I crave sweets.
  • Thanks you guys! Its just been ingrained into my head that eating after a certain time is bad for the metabolism. Wasn't sure how my metabolism was supposed to tell time but hey..that's what the experts say right? Well I'm glad that its not true and I can eat with my Hunny now without feeling bad! I will take the advice of…
  • Thank you both! Great ideas! :heart:
  • This is my biggest problem. My husband works nights and is usually gone from about 9am-7pm. When he gets home he wants to eat, understandably. BUT he doesn't want to eat alone! He wants family time of course. Everything I've read said its best to avoid eating after 6pm. I usually hold off dinner til he gets home so we're…
  • Thanks for this! :)