Most People are Doing *it* 5 Times a Week!



  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Once every week or 2 weeks.
  • WOW that is a lot of eating out!

    We used to eat out a couple of times a week with my husband eating out for lunch just about every day. To save money we have stopped doing this. We go out maybe 2-3 times a month and I cook every night for the family.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I miss Princess Laundry :brokenheart:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    We do *it* way too much!

    We use to eat out 4/5 days for lunch and at least 5 nights - Expensive and probably why we got so fat too!

    Now we're down to maybe 2 lunches out a week for my husband - me out to lunch maybe 1/month....suppers - well probably average 3/week--we're working on bringing that # down even more.

    Usually it's because we have to go to a sporting event for one of the kids, basketball practice and games, track meets, tennis matches, baseball tournament or games, baseball workouts....anytime it's the baseball bunch we have great friends that we go out with. Our kids have Sports for all seasons!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    We eat out maybe 3 times a month.
    Not for money concerns, thankfully we make enough not to have that particular problem (we're not rich, we do ok, but we are both very good with money). More because restaurants put really BAD stuff in their food, and when you tell a waiter how you want your food prepared, they give you dirty looks like it's the biggest hassle of their life to use water to stir fry the veggies instead of oil. Or to broil that Haddock WITHOUT adding the 4 tablespoons of butter but instead just use a little lemon. THE TRAVESTY OF IT!
  • Wow, staying away from that gutter.....

    We don't eat out anymore. If we do we grab a hot n ready $5 pizza or two from Little Ceasars. We can get 2 slices a piece that way. We have 3 kids and we started adding up a guestimate of what we was spending a week in eating out. When we ate out we went to O'Charley's, Chili's, Applebees, Outback and stuff, rarely did fast food. So one time cost us 70 bucks,, and sometimes we would go to Golden Corral buffet for 30 bucks. So you figure 100 dollars a week minimum. We done like this for oh... 5 years!!!

    so that is 400 a month, and 4800 a year in eating out!! So in 5 years time 24000!!!!!!!! Doh.gif That isn't counting gas, or stopping to get gas and grabbing stuff.. We could of started building our house just from eat out!! That's nuts and no wonder we are broke and fat! lol So we have put an end to it. Doing pretty good too!!
    BEFORE Posts: 1,291 Member
    I miss Princess Laundry :brokenheart:

    Me to. I am coaxing her out with this thread.
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    I've eaten out or ordered takeout 4 times this week already, and I expect to go out for dinner tomorrow night and probably on Saturday, too. Two of the 4 times, I ordered in from a restaurant that caters to dieters and body-builders, so I knew exactly what I was eating, and it was very healthy.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Wow, staying away from that gutter.....

    We don't eat out anymore. If we do we grab a hot n ready $5 pizza or two from Little Ceasars. We can get 2 slices a piece that way. We have 3 kids and we started adding up a guestimate of what we was spending a week in eating out. When we ate out we went to O'Charley's, Chili's, Applebees, Outback and stuff, rarely did fast food. So one time cost us 70 bucks,, and sometimes we would go to Golden Corral buffet for 30 bucks. So you figure 100 dollars a week minimum. We done like this for oh... 5 years!!!

    so that is 400 a month, and 4800 a year in eating out!! So in 5 years time 24000!!!!!!!! Doh.gif That isn't counting gas, or stopping to get gas and grabbing stuff.. We could of started building our house just from eat out!! That's nuts and no wonder we are broke and fat! lol So we have put an end to it. Doing pretty good too!!

    I dare not even add it up - actually I may it will encourage me to eat at home!
  • My family and I and my boyfriend and I eat out alot. I am trying to cut back now that I am watching it. I feel WAY MORE IN CONTROL if I eat at home and sometimes it is honestly BETTER TASTING! For example, last night I went out to Applebees and got the Italian Chix portabella Sandwich from the weight watchers menu there. It was TERRIBLE!!!!! I could have made something 100X better at home, for half the calories, and half the price. Sometimes its convenient but just not worth it.
  • janebo
    janebo Posts: 16 Member
    Since our children are grown, we eat out less (yes, less) than we did when our family was larger. We ate out at least 2 times a week (I count calling out for pizza and/or bringing Burger King home as "eating out").

    We still eat out once a week or more frequently when we go see our children and grandchildren who live 90 miles away.

    Wow! I see you are close to achieving your goal. GREAT JOB! It's definitely tough to do when you are a busy mom.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I miss Princess Laundry :brokenheart:

    Me to. I am coaxing her out with this thread.

    Aww (((hugs))) Before.
    We may need to add more folks to our search party. :smile:
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    We eat out on Friday and Saturday evenings most weeks, and I pick up Subway for dinner a lot. We used to go out much more about a year ago when we were both involved in a business with several other individuals. We traveled a lot and often got meals on the go or had business meetings are restaurants.

    I like it much better now. Breakfast and lunch are homemade; dinner is sometimes. I love having the option of Subway, though. I like their roasted chicken, although the sodium is a bit high.
  • lexley
    lexley Posts: 35
    Sadly enough we go out to eat maybe 3 times a week. That number is slowly going down. My husband doesn't like to cook (he works in the food industry) when he gets home so its up to me. I am not a chef. I know MAYBE a few recipes and they get old fast. I'm not adventurous in the kitchen so I get bored and just say *bleep* it lets grab some subway!
  • shamm08
    shamm08 Posts: 109
    On the weekend we eat out about three times because we're always out and about. I wish we could cut that back to maybe one or two times.
  • scaredofcoasters
    scaredofcoasters Posts: 90 Member
    Well, I guess I go out most days, but only with friends in the evening for a snack and somewhere to hang out. Tim Horton's is a nice place, and their stuff is moderately healthy (for fast food). It's usually just a hot chocolate or green tea and a donut. For the 3 main meals, though, I rarely go out to eat.
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I did it in the local Subway today. I kept it light (just 6 inches). It was cool to do it with all those people around. Afterward, I left the Subway to get some fresh air and sunshine.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I just returned from vacation, and I will miss *it* very much as we did it a LOT on vacation!!

  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    When money is tight maybe once a week when we have money 2-3 nights a week. It's just my sis and I so sometimes getting a six inch sub of the day from Subway is cheaper than cooking in. We also get coupons from and it makes it very reasonable for us mostly cheaper than cooking at home. We go to places that have fresh light choices unless we just need to fill a craving or it's a birthday or something.

    Created by - Free Food Diary
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    we are on a tight budget, so we don't go out to eat a whole lot, maybe like once a week if even that. I prefer to eat at home, seeing as I know exactly what the calories and fat and all that are when I cook things myself. I love to cook too so I would rather just do it myself. :bigsmile:
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