Stay-At-Home Moms Ringing in the New Year 12/29 to 2009!!!

iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
Good morning beautiful moms!

Too early in my world so I figured I would say HELLO to you all.

Busy week ahead for me. Kids still out of school, so lots of running around. Hardly got to the gym at all last week and got the flu on top of it. My daughter was nice enough to share. So I have it all planned out this week, hoping to at least achieve half of my goals.

Even though I don't celebrate the holidays, I hope everyone had a wonderful time with family and friends last week and got to enjoy their "little cheats" of old time favorite foods (I sipped a little store bought egg nog myself).

Happy Day To You All!!!


  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning beautiful moms!

    Too early in my world so I figured I would say HELLO to you all.

    Busy week ahead for me. Kids still out of school, so lots of running around. Hardly got to the gym at all last week and got the flu on top of it. My daughter was nice enough to share. So I have it all planned out this week, hoping to at least achieve half of my goals.

    Even though I don't celebrate the holidays, I hope everyone had a wonderful time with family and friends last week and got to enjoy their "little cheats" of old time favorite foods (I sipped a little store bought egg nog myself).

    Happy Day To You All!!!
  • Good Morning Ya'll!!!!

    Up early with Ayden, we had a rough night last night, he'd finally pooped after two days with no poo and I think he just wanted to cuddle because I couldnt put him in his bassinet without him waking up so by 130am I gave up trying and just let him sleep on me, which was ok but I feed him a bottle of formula at night and need to pump before I go to bed but I didnt get to so I was sore and in pain until this morning when he woke up to be fed and eveb after feeding him I still feel pretty full and nee to pump, ugh...

    wow I think that was one big run-on sentence :laugh: Sorry Im typing with one hand punctuation isnt really important :wink:

    Anywho hope everyone has a wonderful day and I'll be back on later today I'm sure :smile:
  • lexley
    lexley Posts: 35
    I didn't get as much exercising done last week either :( I just was too busy with the holidays and working. But this week I'm going to get back on track and jump back into my routine :) Hope everyone's week goes well and everyone has a great last few days of 2008! :drinker:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Thanks for starting the new thread up! I was in a rush to get out of the house this morning to transfer the dog from urgent care to a hospital that I forgot to do it when I hopped on. :ohwell:

    Have lovely weeks, ladies!
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    iftcheiaf-Hope that flu has left you and your feeling better now:flowerforyou:
    supermom-Nope, punctuation doesnt count here:wink:
    lexly-Its back to the routine for me today, too:drinker: It seems like the holidays will never end!:noway:
    Sara-I havent seen you here this morning, I sure hope all is well with Floyd and you find a place to give him the care he needs:heart: Gotta love our little furry friends!
    I hope everyone has a great Monday!:flowerforyou:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Thanks for starting the new thread up! I was in a rush to get out of the house this morning to transfer the dog from urgent care to a hospital that I forgot to do it when I hopped on. :ohwell:

    Have lovely weeks, ladies!

    Hey, there you are!:wink: So I take it you got Floyd transferred successfully?
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Good Monday morning, Mommies! I can't believe it's almost 2009 already!

    Dave usually gets fast food for lunch while he's driving. He's starting the Biggest Loser challenge with me. So he wants to eat healthier. We got stuff for him to pack his lunch.

    Last night he was upstairs packing his lunch. He came downstairs with his cell phone open to his calculator. He said, "Okay, so counting my breakfast and lunch, I'll have eaten this many calories." He's all getting into it! This morning when I got up, I saw several measuring cups on the counter. He'd measured his cereal out this morning! I love that he's getting into it this much!

    He said the other day that he's gained some weight since we started dating 3 years ago and he can't make up excuses anymore because I am right around the weight I was when we started dating and that's after having a baby.

    Harley was so tired after the busy Christmas week that yesterday she passed out on the way home from church and slept almost 4 hours. A couple hours later she took a little cat nap. She still fell asleep easily at bedtime but she must have been having bad dreams or something because she kept waking up crying and it sounded like a scared or confused cry. Then she woke up around midnight. I gave her a bottle but she didn't eat much. Then she slept until 7am. So I know she's still gonna be tired today.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Thanks for starting the new thread up! I was in a rush to get out of the house this morning to transfer the dog from urgent care to a hospital that I forgot to do it when I hopped on. :ohwell:

    Have lovely weeks, ladies!

    Hey, there you are!:wink: So I take it you got Floyd transferred successfully?

    Here I am! Yep. He's safe & snug at a new clinic & I am blessed with a wonderful friend that helped me out this morning getting him there since I had all the dang kids with me. We're hoping he'll be home tomorrow or Wed. Now, to worry about the $$$ aspect of it. :grumble: The long version of the story is on the proud thread if you're interested. LOL
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Good Monday morning, Mommies! I can't believe it's almost 2009 already!

    Dave usually gets fast food for lunch while he's driving. He's starting the Biggest Loser challenge with me. So he wants to eat healthier. We got stuff for him to pack his lunch.

    Last night he was upstairs packing his lunch. He came downstairs with his cell phone open to his calculator. He said, "Okay, so counting my breakfast and lunch, I'll have eaten this many calories." He's all getting into it! This morning when I got up, I saw several measuring cups on the counter. He'd measured his cereal out this morning! I love that he's getting into it this much!

    He said the other day that he's gained some weight since we started dating 3 years ago and he can't make up excuses anymore because I am right around the weight I was when we started dating and that's after having a baby.

    Harley was so tired after the busy Christmas week that yesterday she passed out on the way home from church and slept almost 4 hours. A couple hours later she took a little cat nap. She still fell asleep easily at bedtime but she must have been having bad dreams or something because she kept waking up crying and it sounded like a scared or confused cry. Then she woke up around midnight. I gave her a bottle but she didn't eat much. Then she slept until 7am. So I know she's still gonna be tired today.

    I mentioned to Doug last night how Dave's doing the challenge & on MFP now & he says, "Oh. Well, I guess you'll have to teach me how to turbo jam." WTH? He's been wanting to start exercising & I guess hearing that someone else's husband is doing it with them was the kick in the pants he needed. LOL Goofball. I'm so excited for you that Dave's doing this! He's come quite aways! YAY!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Good morning beautiful moms!

    Too early in my world so I figured I would say HELLO to you all.

    Busy week ahead for me. Kids still out of school, so lots of running around. Hardly got to the gym at all last week and got the flu on top of it. My daughter was nice enough to share. So I have it all planned out this week, hoping to at least achieve half of my goals.

    Even though I don't celebrate the holidays, I hope everyone had a wonderful time with family and friends last week and got to enjoy their "little cheats" of old time favorite foods (I sipped a little store bought egg nog myself).

    Happy Day To You All!!!

    *barf* I hope the flu leaves your house for good! My 2yo woke up with a fever & a super snotty nose so I'm bracing for a round of ear infections at our house. I can smell them coming. :grumble:
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    Hi ladies! I was MIA last week, so I don't really know everything that's going on, but first, 3BB - I hope everything is okay with your puppy!!!

    I hope everyone had fabulous holidays and had fun with their babies and all the presents!!! Loree - I did see Harley's pictures. My husband was peeking over my shoulder and said, "Dang, that baby made out, didn't she?" Hehe. She's too cute. We got so much loot too. Darrell got a ball pit. Why? I don't know. Where are we going to put it? I don't know. But he does love it. It's in the kitchen right now. :laugh:

    We had a very loooooooooooooong week last week. We had to go to 10 (count 'em 10) family Christmas celebrations. And those are just the ones we went to. We missed 2. It's just been so hectic. We have all subsisted on party food for the past week, and we still have a fridge full of it. My body and weight loss journey have taken a huge hit the past month. I am going back to the gym today because I feel like a big flobbering ball of flab. Ick.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Good Morning Ya'll!!!!

    Up early with Ayden, we had a rough night last night, he'd finally pooped after two days with no poo and I think he just wanted to cuddle because I couldnt put him in his bassinet without him waking up so by 130am I gave up trying and just let him sleep on me, which was ok but I feed him a bottle of formula at night and need to pump before I go to bed but I didnt get to so I was sore and in pain until this morning when he woke up to be fed and eveb after feeding him I still feel pretty full and nee to pump, ugh...

    wow I think that was one big run-on sentence :laugh: Sorry Im typing with one hand punctuation isnt really important :wink:

    Anywho hope everyone has a wonderful day and I'll be back on later today I'm sure :smile:

    Good for you for pumping, though! I pumped SO much with Z that I was sick of it by the time M came along...but turns out I couldn't produce enough TO pump. I had just enough with him. Then T came along & I'm a freakin' milk machine. I have to pump every morning or I'm pretty sure I'd explode...and she's nearly 9 months old! Ouch!

    I type with one hand often. You can always tell b/c everything is lower case & there's barely a comma in sight. LOL
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Thanks for starting the new thread up! I was in a rush to get out of the house this morning to transfer the dog from urgent care to a hospital that I forgot to do it when I hopped on. :ohwell:

    Have lovely weeks, ladies!

    Hey, there you are!:wink: So I take it you got Floyd transferred successfully?

    Here I am! Yep. He's safe & snug at a new clinic & I am blessed with a wonderful friend that helped me out this morning getting him there since I had all the dang kids with me. We're hoping he'll be home tomorrow or Wed. Now, to worry about the $$$ aspect of it. :grumble: The long version of the story is on the proud thread if you're interested. LOL

    I just finished reading it Sara:laugh: I sure hope Floyd learns his lesson and leaves things alone that arent in his food dish. Wow, you said hes only a year old. I was picturing a much older doggy that might be losing his wits perhaps? That happened to one of my cats, he was 17 yrs old and totally lost it. Started doing really CRAZY things:noway: Its soo sad and so hard when theyhave to be put down:cry: Just wanted you to know that Im rooting for Floyd!:flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Hi ladies! I was MIA last week, so I don't really know everything that's going on, but first, 3BB - I hope everything is okay with your puppy!!!

    I hope everyone had fabulous holidays and had fun with their babies and all the presents!!! Loree - I did see Harley's pictures. My husband was peeking over my shoulder and said, "Dang, that baby made out, didn't she?" Hehe. She's too cute. We got so much loot too. Darrell got a ball pit. Why? I don't know. Where are we going to put it? I don't know. But he does love it. It's in the kitchen right now. :laugh:

    We had a very loooooooooooooong week last week. We had to go to 10 (count 'em 10) family Christmas celebrations. And those are just the ones we went to. We missed 2. It's just been so hectic. We have all subsisted on party food for the past week, and we still have a fridge full of it. My body and weight loss journey have taken a huge hit the past month. I am going back to the gym today because I feel like a big flobbering ball of flab. Ick.

    YAY! Loki's back! I'm so glad to see you! TEN parties would be enough to put me in the looney bin....or I'd just be hiding in Darrell's ball pit! LOL I bet he's going to love it for awhile, though! We had to carve a path through our living room Christmas night b/c we just looked around & said, "WHERE is all this going to go?" We got duplicate stuff at my IL's & she said, "oh, well!" and tore the boxes open instead of letting us take the stuff back. She's insane & now I have 4 bowling balls & 20 pins in my living room that my boys are using to punish each other with. Awesome.

    Have fun at the gym! :flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Thanks for starting the new thread up! I was in a rush to get out of the house this morning to transfer the dog from urgent care to a hospital that I forgot to do it when I hopped on. :ohwell:

    Have lovely weeks, ladies!

    Hey, there you are!:wink: So I take it you got Floyd transferred successfully?

    Here I am! Yep. He's safe & snug at a new clinic & I am blessed with a wonderful friend that helped me out this morning getting him there since I had all the dang kids with me. We're hoping he'll be home tomorrow or Wed. Now, to worry about the $$$ aspect of it. :grumble: The long version of the story is on the proud thread if you're interested. LOL

    I just finished reading it Sara:laugh: I sure hope Floyd learns his lesson and leaves things alone that arent in his food dish. Wow, you said hes only a year old. I was picturing a much older doggy that might be losing his wits perhaps? That happened to one of my cats, he was 17 yrs old and totally lost it. Started doing really CRAZY things:noway: Its soo sad and so hard when theyhave to be put down:cry: Just wanted you to know that Im rooting for Floyd!:flowerforyou:

    Noooo...the dippity do is only 1 & we've only had him since Sept. 1! He's cost me more $ in this short period of time than nearly all the kids combined on dr. visits, hospital visits & surgeries. Insanity! I asked the vet if there could be some sort of imbalance somewhere in him that could be causing this & she said, "NOPE! Some dogs are just ornery when it comes to eating stuff." :sick: Thanks. That helps. :tongue:
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    ARGH! I go to the Y. And I knew it was going to move to another facility. But I didn't know they were cancelling the babysitting!!!! I was talking to the CCP today about the move and she said they weren't continuing childcare unless there was a need for it. I told her I come everyday, pay my $2 every day, and I need to have the childcare or I can't use my membership. She said only one child wasn't really enough to constitute a need. :explode: Thank goodness my membership expires on the 4th, so I can figure out something else to do. I'm just so ANGRY!

    On a brighter note, my mom told me today what she's getting me for my birthday (which is also on the 4th). She's paying for me to go to the Hearts at Home conference this year! I guess she went a few times when we were little (she was a SAHM too), and said there were really great workshops and things. Here's the website: I'm really excited about this! They have homeschooling workshops and all kinds of fun stuff to do. Woo-HOOOO!

    One angry and one excited paragraph. I'm all over the place today. :bigsmile:

    P.S. I read the whole story about your dog, 3BB. What a rascal! I hope he gets better soon.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Morning ladies!!!

    Wow what a week. I still haven't got up on everything but I just wanted to let you all know how my travels and christmas went.

    Well the kids got spoiled of course but what I got is more important right??? My SIL and my hubby bought me a HRM...Polar F4 not the one I wanted but it will do. I'm so excited to use it this morning. I'm waiting for my breakfast to settle so that I can get to work. I also got the Hungry Girl cookbook and Eat This Not That. I got a new workout DVD...Not Turbo Jam but Jillian Micheals 30 day Shred (I'm scared :laugh: ). My mom did give me money so that I could order some Turbo Jam workouts so I will get right on that :smile: With that money I'm also going to go get a digital food spring loaded one is a piece of crap. I now feel like I'm armed with the proper weapons to help me lose the last 20 ish lbs.
    I'm so excited that I hit my Christmas goal of 188, even with all the crappy eating I've done. And I was pretty positive that when I got on the scale this morning it was going to say more because of the traveling and lack of water for the past couple days but it still says 188 so I can't wait to see what it says in a couple days :smile:

    I'm glad that everyone had a good holiday.
    Marla-sorry to hear about the accident. So sad.
    Loki-if I had 10 parties to attend I would have murdered someone. To me that is way to much stress.
    Sara-I missed the puppy story but I hope he's getting the care he needs and will get better
    Supermom-isn't diaper watching fun. My DD has gotten to the point where she is going 2-3 days with out a BM. They say it's normal for BFd babies but it sure makes me nervous when we are out and about....blowouts are the worst thing to deal with in a public place :grumble:
    Loree-It looks like Harley had a wonderful first Christmas. I will post pics when my computer is fixed (on hubbys right now).

    gotta go get my TJ in....and test out the new HRM. We are also going bowling this afternoon so I'll get a litte more exercise in :happy:

    Have a great day!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I posted on the wrong one. I just copied this over.

    I hate to be a downer, but we went to have the sonogram done this morning and the baby was gone. The sack and everything. Apparently I passed it on Christmas day. Just when you think things are going to be great... I may be laying low for while. Then again I may be on here more than usual. After all I do have an extra ten pounds to lose now. We are planning to go to San Antonio this weekend. As long as I feel up to it which I should.
    DH took off work today to be with me. Alex has horse therapy so I am going to try to pull myself together long enough to go to that. It will be good for me to get out and do something I enjoy. I have been pretty angry so I will probably come home and take it out on the house. It hasn't been really cleaned in about 6 weeks so I have plenty to do.
    Strangely enough, and I have no idea how since I am angry, I have found praise in my heart to God for sparing me from horrible pain during miscarriage. He really IS good and I will continue to praise Him and serve Him. He is my Rock. Thanks everyone for all of your prayers. I would like to think that things could have been a whole lot worse for me if I hadn't had them. I will check in some time. Love y'all.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Oh, Melissa, I'm so so sorry. *big hugs* My continued prayers are with you, sweetie. :brokenheart:
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    I'm so so sorry to hear that, MM. I'm thinking about you today. :flowerforyou:
This discussion has been closed.