Stay-At-Home Moms 11/24-11/30



  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    Okay...I have a confession to make.

    I haven't worked out in the past week. Part of it was Thanksgiving *ahem* issues, but mostly it's because I had to make the decision to either put gas in the car or buy a babysitting pass at the Y. I chose to put gas in the car. It's incredibly difficult to make a decision like that, because I really love working out. I like the way it makes me feel, and it has been really hard for me to feel like a big fat slob. Also, I would work out at home to a couple DVDs we have, but we live in a second-story apartment and I always feel like the light fixtures in the apartment below us are wobbling and falling down and I'm scaring them. And I don't want to do that, I LIKE the people downstairs. She always brings us homemade goodies that she has extras of, and they always wave and smile at Darrell, and goshdarnit sometimes they're the only people I see during the day besides Darrell and DH.

    Also, I haven't been tracking my food. I've been working out extra hard to compensate and pretty much giving myself free reign on food (within reason of course). I haven't weighed myself in a month, and I've been a lot nicer now that I eat what I want. And I feel better. My clothes fit just as well (if not better, not that I'm losing the jiggle) and I feel fit.

    It's just that right now I feel like a big lump of lard because I haven't worked out this week, and the way it's looking, I won't be able to work out next week either. I'll go this weekend, but I don't want to be that girl who only goes to the gym on the weekends.

    Okay, well, that's my confession. It feels better to get it off my chest, but I still feel like a big lump.

    And Thanksgiving actually went okay. Darrell had a few minor fits. I think the attention was getting to him and the fact that he hadn't napped properly.

    And good job Lorreb! It's always a good surprise when you lose weight after a holiday!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Hey, hope you all had a good Thursday! I typed a post yesterday and the computer restarted on it's own. I got mad and didn't get back on. lol So this will be a quick post in case it decides to do it again.
    I won't say how I did yesterday. Not so good, but I enjoyed every bite! I am going to try to do better today. My goal is to not have any sweets until Christmas now, but it's going to be hard to pass up leftovers today! I played the wii yesterday and my arms are sore. Guess I need to get back into a good work out routine when I get home. I shouldn't be that sore. I am going to get some push ups in today and I think we are going bowling. We are suppose to go hiking tomorrow so that will help me get back into exercising.
    I don't know how often I'll be in to post but I am thinking about you all! Have a good Friday!

    LOVE the Wii...haven't played it in awhile, though. Maybe Doug & I will bust that out tonight once everyone is asleep. Have fun bowling!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Well it went! LOL Went flying out the window lol...Actually it wasnt as bad as I anticipated. I went about 700 calories over for the day, and like 70 fat grams OVER:cry: But truthfully, I expected it to be much worse...and I logged EVERYTHING that I put in my mouth:blushing: I had about 12 ozs of Lipton Raspberry tea (I LOVE that stuff lol) and that was the first time in 9 weeks that I have had something besides water with my dinner. I had 4 different desserts BUT I only had 2 small bites of each:happy: But I got all my exercise in that morning AND went after dinner and played some basketball with our 2 teenage boys:heart: They KILLED us AGAIN! lol But it was a great time:drinker:

    Today is a new day and back to eating sensible...I sure am glad Thanksgiving is only once a year!:laugh:

    Have a great, healthy day everyone!:flowerforyou:


    Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Roni! I bet if you keep playing ball with the boys, you'll be beating them in no time! I'm sure you'll be back on track today! Good job! :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I don't know if anybody else is weighing themselves today because of Thanksgiving but I figured I'd give it a try. And I'm down another half pound to 137.4! Even though it's not down to an even pound, rounded it is so my ticker still moved. Yea!

    WTG, Loree! You're doing so wonderful! Thanksgiving Schmanksgiving...or something like that. :laugh:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Okay...I have a confession to make.

    I haven't worked out in the past week. Part of it was Thanksgiving *ahem* issues, but mostly it's because I had to make the decision to either put gas in the car or buy a babysitting pass at the Y. I chose to put gas in the car. It's incredibly difficult to make a decision like that, because I really love working out. I like the way it makes me feel, and it has been really hard for me to feel like a big fat slob. Also, I would work out at home to a couple DVDs we have, but we live in a second-story apartment and I always feel like the light fixtures in the apartment below us are wobbling and falling down and I'm scaring them. And I don't want to do that, I LIKE the people downstairs. She always brings us homemade goodies that she has extras of, and they always wave and smile at Darrell, and goshdarnit sometimes they're the only people I see during the day besides Darrell and DH.

    Also, I haven't been tracking my food. I've been working out extra hard to compensate and pretty much giving myself free reign on food (within reason of course). I haven't weighed myself in a month, and I've been a lot nicer now that I eat what I want. And I feel better. My clothes fit just as well (if not better, not that I'm losing the jiggle) and I feel fit.

    It's just that right now I feel like a big lump of lard because I haven't worked out this week, and the way it's looking, I won't be able to work out next week either. I'll go this weekend, but I don't want to be that girl who only goes to the gym on the weekends.

    Okay, well, that's my confession. It feels better to get it off my chest, but I still feel like a big lump.

    And Thanksgiving actually went okay. Darrell had a few minor fits. I think the attention was getting to him and the fact that he hadn't napped properly.

    And good job Lorreb! It's always a good surprise when you lose weight after a holiday!!!

    I'm sorry you're feeling like a lump today, Loki. :heart: I know you don't want to only go to the gym on weekends, but that's better than nothing! Could you maybe talk to your downstairs neighbor & ask them if it bothers them when you exercise or maybe schedule a time when you could do it that it wouldn't bother them or be a surprise? They sound great so maybe that would work! *hugs* :heart:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I am officially down a FULL 40# today! YAY! I couldn't be happier with this. I still have about 11 to go & then we'll see how I feel once I'm there. I might try for about 5 more after that, but we'll see how 145 looks to me.

    Also, I just wanted to let you know that Marla is indeed alive & well. I got a letter from her today & she sends her best. However, it is in the best interest of her & her family right now to stay away from the addiction that is MFP. So, that's that.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful, healthy & active weekend!
  • Wow, I get such a kick out of reading ya'lls entries. I guess you could say I am of the older set of those trying to shed some pounds.I am closing in on 50. But reading about your youngin's really makes me smile.
    I can remember "butting heads" a lot with my oldest daughter when she was home and being schooled at home. But we are so close now and I miss her so very much. She lives in Oregon and I live in Florida, can't get to much further then that and be in the U.S.
    I hope you all had a wonderful day no matter the situation with your families. For those who it it difficult for, hang in there, some day......... it will get better. Ours were stressful for years but in the last two years there has been a marked improvement and this year was the best and a lot of fun and a lot of giving thanks!!
    Take care, keep smiling and keep losing!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Hey, sneaky woman. :bigsmile:

    The infamous who - how difficult it must be for you to be an entire country away from your daughter! My mom & I are very close & that's one of the things that keeps my husband & I in this area. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member

    See, the search dog that we sent out to find you did his job!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    HA! You're too funny. :laugh:
  • lexley
    lexley Posts: 35
    Hiya there! I'm 28 years old and a stay at home mom/full time student. My son is 4 so the "this baby weight is so stubborn" excuse isn't working any longer. I'm lazy and I'm in love with food! :) I can admit it now why can't I loose the weight? LOL. I'm pretty short for my age and young looking (or so I've been told) I'm 4'11 without shoes and 5' with my sneakers on. Pre-baby weight was 95-100lbs and now I weigh a crazy (last time I checked the scale) 142-145lbs. So here I am! Nice to meet you all :):flowerforyou:
  • Good Morning 3babybeans!
    It is hard sometimes but like you I have my mom close by as well. She is and my dad are 79 but I keep telling them they can't leave me, I need them to much!! I pray the Lord will preserve them for quite a while. I am glad you have your mom near by, it is so special to that good relationship.
    As you can see I am not doing so well in the losing area but am feeling pretty good with being able to walk more.
    Have a good day.
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    On Thanksgiving I went over by less than 100 calories. Yesterday I did well until I got stressed out in the evening and ate a 450 calorie piece of Hershey pie which put me over. But today I did horribly. It was Harley's baptism. (I'll try to get pics up) And we had food at our place afterwards. My MIL makes wonderful garlic bread that I swear she uses a whole stick of butter on each slice. I had 2 slices. I also had a huge piece of Harley's cake.

    Then, we went to supper with my family for my brother's birthday at a hibachi (sp?) place. It was really cool watching the guy flip everything around on the grill. (Harley loved all the lights and fire and movement. She just stared!) But there was so much food. Plus we had cake again for his birthday. So I went over by 1430 calories today.

    Oh, well. I guess that makes up for me eating too healthy on Turkey Day. :laugh: I'm not stressing over it though. I enjoyed it and I'll just get back on track tomorrow.

    Everthing went well for her baptism today though. There were 12 babies getting baptized but it was done in an hour. Harley didn't want a bottle at home before we left so she got fussy during the baptism. Luckily we were able to give her a bottle while the priest was reading and we were sitting there. She downed 6 ounces. (She usually only eats 4.) After that she was good to go. She didn't even fuss when she got the water on her. (Father said he has a secret - warm the water.) :laugh:

    Sorry to babble on but I feel like I haven't been on here in forever...It's been about 12 hours. But that's like a lifetime in MFP time! :laugh:
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Unfortunately we didn't get a close up of Harley in the dress to show it off. (My MIL made the dress.) But here is a picture of Dave (DH), Harley, and me.


    And here's one of the yummy cake my MIL made. We still have the entire medium and small cake and some from the big one!


    (Sorry they're so big!)
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    SO SWEET! I love it love it love it! She just looks like a little doll. :heart:

    I took Tabitha to a hibachi grill when she was about that age & she thought it was great, too! If I would have known that fire & clanging knives would make a baby quiet, I would have installed one in my kitchen YEARS ago! LOL

    Thanks for sharing pics!

    Theinfamouswho - try not to worry about lossing. You're taking steps in the right direction & it will start to go away soon. You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hey all,
    We'll be driving home today so probably no exercise. I am anxious to get back to healthy eating and exercise because I feel awful from eating so much. I also miss using my own computer. lol Just wanted to check in since I haven't been here much the last few days. I will check back in tomorrow with my adjusted lifestyle! Have a good Sunday!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Wow I've missed so much!! Good to know that everyone is doing well. Holidays can be tough on healthy lifestyles especially if you are surrounded by people that aren't crazy about it like we are :smile: I ate and ate and ate and ate. Wednesday I did well. We went out to dinner to a pizza buffet place (oh yes I said the b word). I started with a HUGE salad and then had a little fettuccino alfredo (lucky for me it was terrible, I only had a few bites) and then I had a couple pieces of pizza (that I only took a few bites of and then hand to my DH to finish). Thursday was wonderful. I didn't bother counting calories, it would have just been too much work. I did make sure that I drank lots of water though. Friday was a good day. I didn't count cals that day either and I'm pretty sure I went over but I'm not worrying about it. Saturday we traveled and I didn't eat great. I'm standing at the counter in Wendys going "salad, burger, salad, burger, salad, burger...." of course I went with the burger and regretted it, not only cuz I knew it was bad for me but because it tasted bad. It's so weird how your body adjusts to craving and enjoying healthy food and disliking bad food. Today I got my exercise in and feel good even though I had pizza for lunch and I've been eating cookie dough :tongue:

    Tomorrow I will get back to it and be strong. Luckily for me there are no leftovers in the house and I don't have to worry about pies tempting me or anything like that. I need to lose 6 lbs before Christmas to hit my mini goal and I've got less than 30 days to do it.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Welcome to the newbies!
    I am finally back home and feel in control of what I eat and do now. lol I am going to try to get back to counting calories this week. I haven't done it in a long time and I'm not losing. So I am going to TRY! I had a really horrible eating weekend. I honestly don't think I've eaten that bad in at least a year, maybe longer. PMSing was my excuse, then my migraine was an excuse. I did go hiking for a couple of hours so that burned something. Not enough to make up for what damage I did. Kudos to all of you who did so well!
    I may post a couple pictures of Alex tomorrow on the horse.
    I will see you all in the morning!
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