Stay-At-Home Moms 11/24-11/30



  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    How fun for Alex! I hope you post some pictures of him on that horse if you can! He is adorable. I can understand why everyone loves him! I'm so happy for you guys and hope that you guys have fun today! Good luck with the driving. :ohwell: That's a looooooooong drive with a little one in the car.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Dana! You're starting to sound like you're doing better! Plus, you got a loss this week! How awsome are you?! Congratulations & keep it up! The first year without your loved one is the most difficult b/c there are a lot of "firsts". Don't despair, time will help & you'll begin to see the joy in things again. My grandpa said it best; grief never goes away, the inital pain heals, but it is a scar that you carry with you forever. Hang in there, girl. :heart:

    Hey, Emma! Welcome to the group! Sounds like you have your hands full!

    MM - Yay for therapy! Be careful on that trip, though. 6 hours in a car just doesn't sound fun to begin with. *gag* Well, those blonde curls on your boy don't help the fact that I could just squeeze him. Plus, the pushup video! Oh! He's a cutie!

    Loki - How are you feeling today? Dealing with the family crap any better? *hugs*

    Lyn - Be careful visiting your family! I'd take TJ with me & make your family do it with you. LOL

    I'm pretty sure that Marla has poofed from cyber world. :sad:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Okay here's the link to Alex's horse video. Not very exciting but he's just cute!!!! :love:

    We're outta here! Happy Thanksgiving! I will try to check in tomorrow!
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    He's so CUTE! I just want to squeeze him! He was such a good boy too! I know Darrell would have been kicking and squealing.

    3BB - I'm handling it better, I guess. I've resigned myself to it at least. What sweetened it was yesterday we got a call from our realtor about a house we had looked at and weren't too sure about, but the sellers want to take a couple thousand off the price and put up a privacy fence for us, so...We're looking at it more seriously. And that's always exciting.

    Is everyone getting geared up for Thanksgiving? I'm making stuffing, so I have a pan of cornbread and a loaf of bread drying out. The cornbread has been out a day and a half, and still won't dry out! What's up with that? I guess I just make delectably moist cornbread. :bigsmile:

    Yeah, where IS Marla? From everything I've read, she's got a lot going on, and I'm sure Thanksgiving is especially hard when you have 9 kids. I'll be thinking about her!
  • jawaria
    Obviously i suck at trying to the quote do u do it?
    3BB Sayf's started at 14 mths...i agree with the pressure on kids and i for one was not in favour of the therapy...But all i can say is i have made an amazing friend in Sayf;'s therpist and i see sooooo much change in Sayf that it makes me want to cry! Sayf did not have a single word in at his 14 mths chk mamma, no dada, nothing..i was not worried coz having pediatrician's in family u stop frreaking out or freak out gtoo much so i choose to not freak out...but once his doctor brought that up i saidf sure i'll try it...but he was a bit behind on social development 14 mths he was at the level of an 8 mthys God forbit some of his symptoms were leading to autism and hence the idea of therapy was born...We meet once a week for an hour and so far i see great progress...But the best part is we learned sign language! Sayf used tp scream and cry and fuss connstantly...part of it his needy personality but the other [part was lack of communication! so we started with sign lanmguage and now he uses words and signs both so it's nice i can understand what he wants... Good Luck to u guys!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    That's fantastic that it has worked so well for you! I couldn't imagine having both my parents be pediatricans. That would make me nutty. I've taught my boys a little sign language starting at 6 months & when my 3yo really wants something, he gets all sweet with his big eyes & signs "more" He's helpless. LOL I love the sign language, though. It really helps kids communicate their simple wants like milk, more, juice, etc... We don't do a TON, but I like the ones we do.
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    This morning, I went upstairs for less than 5 minutes and came down to a HUGE pile of dog puke. Not what I wanted to deal with. Then the other dog pooped on the floor upstairs this evening. (Damn dogs)

    Harley is getting baptized on Saturday and then we are having people over to our house. So I am getting all stressed out as we try to get the house cleaned up and ready. Plus DH decided to make a pecan pie for his parents house and one for my parents house for T-Day. So that is more mess.

    I had to go to the store today to find something to wear for Harley's baptism. I found a shirt (yea!) after trying on about 20 (boo!). I also tried on 2 pairs of size 8 jeans and they fit! I didn't get them though because I didn't like the cut of the jean. (If that makes any sense.)

    My MIL watched Harley for me while I went shopping and got my hair cut which was great. Harley does fine if I'm grocery shopping at Walmart* (It's no longer Wal*Mart) but she doesn't like to sit motionless in the stroller when I'm trying clothes on.

    I just get overwhelmed easily by all that is going on. We have to get the house cleaned. Tomorrow we're going to my parents for lunch and the IL's for supper. (Luckily they live about 2 minutes away from each other.) Friday we're going to my IL's because DH's sister will be in. Friday evening we're getting pictures taken of the 3 grandkids for a Christmas present for the grandparents. Saturday morning is the baptism. Then food. Then we're going out to supper with my family. (My brother and SIL will be in.) I don't even know what we're doing on Sunday!

    I just need to stop and be thankful for all the good stuff.

    Thanks for listening to me babble everybody and have a great Turkey Day!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    If you tried to watch the video I posted and it took too long, I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was so big. I'll work on it tomorrow and make it smaller and repost the link.
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Have a good night!
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Just wanted to stop in for a minute and wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!!:flowerforyou:

    Gobble up!! (But try not to gobble til you wobble:wink: )

  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    HAPPY THANKSGIVING ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:happy:
    I''m doin ok in the emotional department for now...I'm down to 193 woo hoo...:drinker: I'm slowly lsoin it n I'm lovin it..Hope u all have a great day...
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    This morning, I went upstairs for less than 5 minutes and came down to a HUGE pile of dog puke. Not what I wanted to deal with. Then the other dog pooped on the floor upstairs this evening. (Damn dogs)

    Harley is getting baptized on Saturday and then we are having people over to our house. So I am getting all stressed out as we try to get the house cleaned up and ready. Plus DH decided to make a pecan pie for his parents house and one for my parents house for T-Day. So that is more mess.

    I had to go to the store today to find something to wear for Harley's baptism. I found a shirt (yea!) after trying on about 20 (boo!). I also tried on 2 pairs of size 8 jeans and they fit! I didn't get them though because I didn't like the cut of the jean. (If that makes any sense.)

    My MIL watched Harley for me while I went shopping and got my hair cut which was great. Harley does fine if I'm grocery shopping at Walmart* (It's no longer Wal*Mart) but she doesn't like to sit motionless in the stroller when I'm trying clothes on.

    I just get overwhelmed easily by all that is going on. We have to get the house cleaned. Tomorrow we're going to my parents for lunch and the IL's for supper. (Luckily they live about 2 minutes away from each other.) Friday we're going to my IL's because DH's sister will be in. Friday evening we're getting pictures taken of the 3 grandkids for a Christmas present for the grandparents. Saturday morning is the baptism. Then food. Then we're going out to supper with my family. (My brother and SIL will be in.) I don't even know what we're doing on Sunday!

    I just need to stop and be thankful for all the good stuff.

    Thanks for listening to me babble everybody and have a great Turkey Day!

    Woo hoo for the size 8, but sorry about the cut. I completely understand that. Stupid jeans. Try not to worry about everything you have to do. It'll happen. You'll be exhausted, but it'll happen & by Sunday you can take a nap! :bigsmile: Have fun with the baptism. Did you buy her a special dress? With Zeke, he was such a big kid at 2 months that none of the baptismal gowns fit him so we got him a little suit & tie. Micah had a cute little unisex thing my mom found that was a woven white thing...considering he was 9#9oz at birth, he just looked funny in the baptismal things b/c he was pure pudge. Tabitha had a gorgeous white dress that just had the most delicate embroidery on it. Pretty. I love baptisms. :happy: btw - i love your babble. LOL But that could be b/c I'm a maniac.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    If you tried to watch the video I posted and it took too long, I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was so big. I'll work on it tomorrow and make it smaller and repost the link.
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Have a good night!

    It was taking about a half hour & my husband needed the computer so of course he closed my window when it was almost done. I'll have to try again tonight. Hope you had a good night!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Just wanted to stop in for a minute and wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!!:flowerforyou:

    Gobble up!! (But try not to gobble til you wobble:wink: )


    HA! I am not wobbling so I guess I succeeded. :bigsmile: But, the night's still young. HA! Hope you had a happy day!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    HAPPY THANKSGIVING ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:happy:
    I''m doin ok in the emotional department for now...I'm down to 193 woo hoo...:drinker: I'm slowly lsoin it n I'm lovin it..Hope u all have a great day...

    Keep it up, Dana! I'm glad you're doing okay today. *hugs* I'll keep praying for you to have strength & peace through the holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    This morning, I went upstairs for less than 5 minutes and came down to a HUGE pile of dog puke. Not what I wanted to deal with. Then the other dog pooped on the floor upstairs this evening. (Damn dogs)

    Harley is getting baptized on Saturday and then we are having people over to our house. So I am getting all stressed out as we try to get the house cleaned up and ready. Plus DH decided to make a pecan pie for his parents house and one for my parents house for T-Day. So that is more mess.

    I had to go to the store today to find something to wear for Harley's baptism. I found a shirt (yea!) after trying on about 20 (boo!). I also tried on 2 pairs of size 8 jeans and they fit! I didn't get them though because I didn't like the cut of the jean. (If that makes any sense.)

    My MIL watched Harley for me while I went shopping and got my hair cut which was great. Harley does fine if I'm grocery shopping at Walmart* (It's no longer Wal*Mart) but she doesn't like to sit motionless in the stroller when I'm trying clothes on.

    I just get overwhelmed easily by all that is going on. We have to get the house cleaned. Tomorrow we're going to my parents for lunch and the IL's for supper. (Luckily they live about 2 minutes away from each other.) Friday we're going to my IL's because DH's sister will be in. Friday evening we're getting pictures taken of the 3 grandkids for a Christmas present for the grandparents. Saturday morning is the baptism. Then food. Then we're going out to supper with my family. (My brother and SIL will be in.) I don't even know what we're doing on Sunday!

    I just need to stop and be thankful for all the good stuff.

    Thanks for listening to me babble everybody and have a great Turkey Day!

    Woo hoo for the size 8, but sorry about the cut. I completely understand that. Stupid jeans. Try not to worry about everything you have to do. It'll happen. You'll be exhausted, but it'll happen & by Sunday you can take a nap! :bigsmile: Have fun with the baptism. Did you buy her a special dress? With Zeke, he was such a big kid at 2 months that none of the baptismal gowns fit him so we got him a little suit & tie. Micah had a cute little unisex thing my mom found that was a woven white thing...considering he was 9#9oz at birth, he just looked funny in the baptismal things b/c he was pure pudge. Tabitha had a gorgeous white dress that just had the most delicate embroidery on it. Pretty. I love baptisms. :happy: btw - i love your babble. LOL But that could be b/c I'm a maniac.

    I'm feeling less stressed today. We went to my parents for lunch and the IL's for supper. I did so good. I ate a turkey sandwich at my parents and turkey, green beans, and a little mashed potatoes at the IL's. The proud part (drumroll please)...both places had apple pie (which I LOVE) and I didn't eat a piece at either place! Yea me! I was so proud!

    Also tonight both my nephew's mom and DH's cousin commented on my losing the baby weight quickly. So that made me feel good. (That also made it easier to not overeat.)

    My husband's mom made a dress 2 years ago for our niece's baptism since she was the first girl grandbaby. It's white with little pink flowers. It has a little jacket (also with flowers) and a little hat. She made a little suit for our nephew last year since he was the first boy. She offered to make another dress for Harley so she could also have a new dress. But we thought it would be cool for all the girl grandbabies (to come) to wear the dress and all the future boy grandbabies to wear the suit. Then she's going to sew all the names of the babies that wear them into the inside of the outfits. I'll definitely have to post a picture after the baptism.

    So how did everybody's Turkey Day go?
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I love that idea, Loree! What a sweet heirloom. I'm the only child on my side of the family so something like that wouldn't have worked very well...Well, that & the fact that no one can sew. That kind of changes things, too. :laugh: That's so nice that they were talking about your lack of baby weight. Everyone used to look at me & saw, "well, you DID just have a baby." So encouraging. LOL
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    This morning, I went upstairs for less than 5 minutes and came down to a HUGE pile of dog puke. Not what I wanted to deal with. Then the other dog pooped on the floor upstairs this evening. (Damn dogs)

    Harley is getting baptized on Saturday and then we are having people over to our house. So I am getting all stressed out as we try to get the house cleaned up and ready. Plus DH decided to make a pecan pie for his parents house and one for my parents house for T-Day. So that is more mess.

    I had to go to the store today to find something to wear for Harley's baptism. I found a shirt (yea!) after trying on about 20 (boo!). I also tried on 2 pairs of size 8 jeans and they fit! I didn't get them though because I didn't like the cut of the jean. (If that makes any sense.)

    My MIL watched Harley for me while I went shopping and got my hair cut which was great. Harley does fine if I'm grocery shopping at Walmart* (It's no longer Wal*Mart) but she doesn't like to sit motionless in the stroller when I'm trying clothes on.

    I just get overwhelmed easily by all that is going on. We have to get the house cleaned. Tomorrow we're going to my parents for lunch and the IL's for supper. (Luckily they live about 2 minutes away from each other.) Friday we're going to my IL's because DH's sister will be in. Friday evening we're getting pictures taken of the 3 grandkids for a Christmas present for the grandparents. Saturday morning is the baptism. Then food. Then we're going out to supper with my family. (My brother and SIL will be in.) I don't even know what we're doing on Sunday!

    I just need to stop and be thankful for all the good stuff.

    Thanks for listening to me babble everybody and have a great Turkey Day!

    Woo hoo for the size 8, but sorry about the cut. I completely understand that. Stupid jeans. Try not to worry about everything you have to do. It'll happen. You'll be exhausted, but it'll happen & by Sunday you can take a nap! :bigsmile: Have fun with the baptism. Did you buy her a special dress? With Zeke, he was such a big kid at 2 months that none of the baptismal gowns fit him so we got him a little suit & tie. Micah had a cute little unisex thing my mom found that was a woven white thing...considering he was 9#9oz at birth, he just looked funny in the baptismal things b/c he was pure pudge. Tabitha had a gorgeous white dress that just had the most delicate embroidery on it. Pretty. I love baptisms. :happy: btw - i love your babble. LOL But that could be b/c I'm a maniac.

    I'm feeling less stressed today. We went to my parents for lunch and the IL's for supper. I did so good. I ate a turkey sandwich at my parents and turkey, green beans, and a little mashed potatoes at the IL's. The proud part (drumroll please)...both places had apple pie (which I LOVE) and I didn't eat a piece at either place! Yea me! I was so proud!

    Also tonight both my nephew's mom and DH's cousin commented on my losing the baby weight quickly. So that made me feel good. (That also made it easier to not overeat.)

    My husband's mom made a dress 2 years ago for our niece's baptism since she was the first girl grandbaby. It's white with little pink flowers. It has a little jacket (also with flowers) and a little hat. She made a little suit for our nephew last year since he was the first boy. She offered to make another dress for Harley so she could also have a new dress. But we thought it would be cool for all the girl grandbabies (to come) to wear the dress and all the future boy grandbabies to wear the suit. Then she's going to sew all the names of the babies that wear them into the inside of the outfits. I'll definitely have to post a picture after the baptism.

    So how did everybody's Turkey Day go?
    Well it went! LOL Went flying out the window lol...Actually it wasnt as bad as I anticipated. I went about 700 calories over for the day, and like 70 fat grams OVER:cry: But truthfully, I expected it to be much worse...and I logged EVERYTHING that I put in my mouth:blushing: I had about 12 ozs of Lipton Raspberry tea (I LOVE that stuff lol) and that was the first time in 9 weeks that I have had something besides water with my dinner. I had 4 different desserts BUT I only had 2 small bites of each:happy: But I got all my exercise in that morning AND went after dinner and played some basketball with our 2 teenage boys:heart: They KILLED us AGAIN! lol But it was a great time:drinker:

    Today is a new day and back to eating sensible...I sure am glad Thanksgiving is only once a year!:laugh:

    Have a great, healthy day everyone!:flowerforyou:

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Hey, hope you all had a good Thursday! I typed a post yesterday and the computer restarted on it's own. I got mad and didn't get back on. lol So this will be a quick post in case it decides to do it again.
    I won't say how I did yesterday. Not so good, but I enjoyed every bite! I am going to try to do better today. My goal is to not have any sweets until Christmas now, but it's going to be hard to pass up leftovers today! I played the wii yesterday and my arms are sore. Guess I need to get back into a good work out routine when I get home. I shouldn't be that sore. I am going to get some push ups in today and I think we are going bowling. We are suppose to go hiking tomorrow so that will help me get back into exercising.
    I don't know how often I'll be in to post but I am thinking about you all! Have a good Friday!
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I don't know if anybody else is weighing themselves today because of Thanksgiving but I figured I'd give it a try. And I'm down another half pound to 137.4! Even though it's not down to an even pound, rounded it is so my ticker still moved. Yea!